Unlocking Career Paths Through Your Birth Chart: Understanding Karma and Professional Changes
Discover how to identify career changes through your birth chart. Uncover the link between karma and career paths with insights tailored just for you.
Learning astrology is always fun as what we are doing is trying to manifest the energy of sky and it is not easy and not for everyone, You need to be on a frequency of sky to listen to planets, As every major event of the life is controlled by the sky, It happens way before in sky only executed on earth by mortal beings, People who devote their life in studying sky, a point comes where they feel disconnected from earth due to high energy of sky, This is a small video of astrologers training program which we will open for all Diploma students in few days- The crux of video is If something important has to happen in life - a special dasa has to run, People have exalted or debilitated planets associated in Kendra or Kendra lords gets to live a special life which most people cannot, Depending on strength of a planet native gets to experience the elixir of life,
When anything important in our life it is because decisions are made in sky and a planet has reached its special position in the sky that is why something special is happening in our life, When we go through bad times again due to only one reason as planet which has an extremely unbalanced energy is working - when we start understanding the sky more, we rely less on mortal human beings, We trust on sky more, As you will progress more in the study of planets and sky, less you will to interact with people who are too earthy, As your faith grows on planets more you will realise that decisions are already being made only we have to decide how to execute a particular energy.
When you have lot of punya in your life, you will be able to get right guidance, sometimes you will look at birth chart and understand and the real reason of pain and suffering, this will only help you progress in life to the path of enlightment by accepting mistakes- sometimes we are prisoner in our own chart and it takes years to realize that what we accepted is not worth we deserved way more than we got but again thats how karma is, a work of an astrologer is to give you right set of energy boost by various methods of base, celestial and rituals to set you free.
Sometimes your chart will be so strong that even when remedy will be told you will not be able to perform simplest of remedies as you have accepted this is how my life is and will be but i cannot stress you enough that once you have good amount of faith in life you will change, the birthchart will change but it requires punya - A great amount of punya for this.
Rest all is written from point of youtube SEO so let it there be.
Are you curious about how to see career change in birthchart? In this insightful video, we explore the fascinating world of astrology to understand career shifts and transitions through your birth chart. Whether you're considering a career move or wondering if a major change is on the horizon, this video will guide you step by step on how to see career change in birthchart using key astrological techniques.
00:01 Stock Market market using Jupiter Saturn & Uranus
02:30 How to see Major change in career
04:40 Case Study 1
06:00 Jupiter in Mercurian sign & vice versa
07:45 Case Study 2
08:19 Different lord in 11th house & example
11:15 Which planet governs products and services
17:33 Saturn in 9th is religious hypocrite
19:08 Moon Ketu combination Remedy
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2 months ago