7 Causes of Depression and 1 Powerful Lifestyle Change for Healing | #AbhigyaAnand

"Discover the 7 causes of depression and 1 lifestyle change to cure it in this enlightening video by #AbhigyaAnand. Learn about astrological reasoning and Ayurvedic remedies for healing. Jaya Shree Krishna! #VedicAstrology"

#AbhigyaAnand Jaya Shree Krishna, this video aims at understanding the very root cause of depression, as well as curing it with a lifestyle, as mentioned in the video. Also, there is Astrological reasoning backed by perusal of hundreds of horoscopes by Abhigya Anand, and Ayurvedic remedies are appended in the video too! We will be adding a little link so you can understand your depression more easier.
3 years ago
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