# Abhigya Anand's Keynote at the Asia Blockchain Summit 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan
Watch Abhigya Anand's keynote at the Asia Blockchain Summit 2024 in Taipei, attended by 4,000+ Blockchain and AI enthusiasts. A must-watch for tech visionaries!
https://abs.io/ | https://abhigyaanand.com
Namaste Everyone,
Here is a video of Abhigya''s address to the Asia Blockchain Summit in Taipei which was attended by over 4,000 Blockchain and AI enthusiasts, with some of the brightest and brilliant minds in the field speaking.
Abhigya was one of the 5 keynote speakers, amongst Hester M. Peirce, Commissioner of the US SEC, Vitalik Buterin, the Creator of Ethereum, Audrey Tang, the First Digital Minister of Taiwan, Glen Weyl, senior Microsoft Researcher, Lily Liu, the president of the Solana Foundation, Stan Shih, the Founder of ACER and several other entrepreneurs and World Leaders participated.
The Summit was followed by several other press conferences and meetings with leaders in the Venture Capital Industry. There was also a Vedic Astrology Conference in Taipei!
In early April, 2024 - Abhigya was invited by the folks at ABS to address the Summit, following his highly popular predictions in Taiwan. It is estimated that over 90% of the Taiwanese population have discovered the accuracy of his predictions, specifically the 2024 Hualien Earthquake, 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, 2023 Israel-Hamas War etc.
He became well-known in the Blockchain and Venture Capital industry following 3 accurate predictions made about the industry and other important market and economic events.
7 months ago