# Abhigya Anand Predicts Trump Victory on Taiwan National TV: August 5, 2024

Astrologer Abhigya Anand predicts Trump victory on Taiwan TV, citing Republican power surge. Known for accurate predictions, including COVID-19 and global events.

Here is the original Interview Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXW1GmOyyCA Three Nations which want to know the most about the Next US President, are Taiwan, Russia and Ukraine. Abhigya Anand was invited to both these countries by the National Television in both Taipei and Moscow to predict the next US president. He answered that ''Republicans are very much likely to come to power'' He also believes that astrologers should avoid making predictions on such sensitive events unless they are really sure about it. Abhigya is known globally to have predicted the COVID-19 Pandemic, 10/7 Hamas Attack on Israel, Israel-Hamas War, Russia-Ukraine War, several Natural Disasters with the Date and Time.
4 months ago
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