Unleashing the Potential of Rahu & Ketu with Prashant Trivedi on Self Discovery Channel

Unlock the power of Rahu & Ketu with Prashant Trivedi as he speaks with Self Discovery Channel. Explore Vedic astrology with Prash Nakshatra app and P’s giTa book for self-discovery. #RVAF #rahuketu #astrology

PT sPeaks with Self Discovery Channel about how to unlock the power of Rahu & Ketu.
Prash Nakshatra Vedic Astrology app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.astrology.prashnakshatra&hl=en_US&gl=US
P’s giTa - PT’s new book - an essential read - https://www.lotus-ocean.net/PgiTa.html
After all the waking upto Real Reality in all the little ways that EVERYTHING YOU ARE TAUGHT AT SCHOOL IS FALSE and so many speaking all around the world about why people are stuck here & suffer and not getting to the PoinT... PT clears it all up from the Primary Basic Root Core ...
https://www.youtube.com/lotusocean https://www.youtube.com/ptspeaks https://www.instagram.com/prashant_th... https://www.facebook.com/PTavatar/
*** #RVAF #rahuketu #vedicastrology #rahu #ketu #unlockthepower #astrology #realvedicastrologyforum #vedic #nakshatras #northnode #southnode
3 years ago
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