Understanding relationships through Vedic astrology involves more than just the traditional compatibility score. Often, astrologers rely heavily on a points-based system, but this alone may not provide a comprehensive view of the relationship dynamics. By looking deeper into various factors in the astrological charts, one can uncover the underlying reasons why some relationships thrive while others falter.
In this article, we will explore a detailed analysis using the charts of the famous couple Lisa Bonet, an actress, and her ex-husband Lenny Kravitz, a musician. By examining ten key factors, we can gain insights into why their relationship ultimately did not work out. This approach moves beyond the traditional points system, offering a more nuanced understanding of compatibility.
The Ten Factors of Compatibility
The analysis will focus on ten critical factors that influence relationship compatibility in Vedic astrology. These factors are:
Lagna Lord of both individuals
Darakaraka (planet of the lowest degree representing the spouse)
Position of Venus
Tithi Lord for both individuals
Gender Lord
Seventh Lord and Seventh House
Placement in the Navamsa (D9) chart
Kuja Dosha (Mars affliction)
Upapada Lagna
Mahadasha (planetary period) at the time of relationship initiation
Lagna Lord Analysis
The Lagna Lord represents the ruling planet of the ascendant, which is crucial in determining a persons core nature and compatibility with their partner.
For Lenny Kravitz, his Lagna (ascendant) is in Sagittarius, making Jupiter his Lagna Lord. For Lisa Bonet, her ascendant is Gemini, making Mercury her Lagna Lord. Both Jupiter and Mercury are not friendly to each other, creating a fundamental difference in values and thought processes.
Darakaraka: The Spouse Indicator
The Darakaraka is the planet with the lowest degree in ones chart and signifies the spouse on a karmic and soul level.
For Lisa Bonet, the Darakaraka is the Moon, exalted in Taurus and positioned in the 12th house. This suggests she seeks someone nurturing, caring, and perhaps mysterious. For Lenny Kravitz, the Darakaraka is Saturn, placed in the 3rd house in Aquarius, indicating he seeks someone simple, earthy, yet unconventional.
Position of Venus
Venus is the Karaka (significator) for marriage and the spouse. Its position in the chart reveals much about the romantic and marital aspects of ones life.
In Lisas chart, Venus is debilitated but positioned in the 4th house, suggesting potential for domestic bliss. However, the aspect of a strong retrograde Saturn complicates this, indicating delayed fulfillment. In her Navamsa (D9) chart, Venus is in Taurus but afflicted by Rahu, indicating deception in relationships.
In Lennys chart, Venus is also with Rahu in the 7th house, highlighting a predisposition to extramarital affairs. This affliction is a significant factor in their relationship breakdown.
Tithi Lord
The Tithi Lord is derived from the lunar day of ones birth and offers insights into relationship dynamics.
For Lenny, the Tithi Lord is the Sun, located in the 6th house, suggesting challenges and potential loss in relationships. For Lisa, the Tithi Lord is Saturn, retrograde and placed in the 10th house. Both Saturn and the Sun are inimical to each other, creating further complications.
Gender Lord
The Gender Lord is Venus for women and Mars for men, indicating their inherent relationship nature.
For Lisa, Venus is her Gender Lord, and for Lenny, it is Mars. These two planets also have an inimical relationship, adding another layer of discord.
Seventh Lord and Seventh House
The Seventh Lord and the condition of the Seventh House provide crucial information about ones marriage and partnership.
For Lisa, the Seventh Lord is Jupiter, affected by Rahu, indicating potential deception. Mars, positioned in the Seventh House, further complicates the marital outlook. For Lenny, the Seventh Lord is Mercury, in an enemy space with Mars, suggesting a breakdown in relationships. The Seventh House itself is afflicted by the presence of Rahu and Venus, pointing to multiple relationships.
Navamsa (D9) Chart
The Navamsa chart is a divisional chart specifically focused on marriage and partnership.
In Lisas Navamsa chart, Jupiter is exalted in the second house, indicating a promising second relationship. However, her Darakaraka (Moon) in the eighth house suggests challenges. Lennys Navamsa chart shows Mercury in the fourth house, but his Darakaraka (Saturn) in the eighth house indicates difficulties.
Kuja Dosha
Kuja Dosha, caused by the placement of Mars in certain houses, affects marital harmony.
Lisa has a prominent Kuja Dosha, which was strong during her Mars Mahadasha (planetary period) when she married Lenny. This Dosha can lead to conflicts and is especially potent under 30 years of age.
Upapada Lagna
The Upapada Lagna represents the actual spouse and offers insights into marital karma.
For Lisa, the Upapada Lagna is Capricorn, with its lord Saturn retrograde, indicating past-life marital issues. For Lenny, it is Virgo, with its lord Mercury in a challenging conjunction with Mars, suggesting conflicts.
Mahadasha at the Time of Relationship
The Mahadasha running at the time of relationship initiation can significantly influence its outcome.
Lisa was in Mars Mahadasha during her marriage, while Lenny was in Venus Mahadasha, both indicating a passionate love marriage. However, the presence of Mars energy led to conflicts.
This ten-factor analysis provides a comprehensive view of relationship compatibility beyond the traditional points system. By examining various aspects of the astrological charts, we can understand the deeper reasons for relationship dynamics and outcomes.
The charts of Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz reveal multiple layers of complexity, from inimical Lagna Lords to afflicted Venus positions and challenging Mahadashas. This holistic approach offers valuable insights for anyone seeking to understand the astrological factors influencing their relationships.
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