Anahita  Rao
Anahita Rao
Jun 6, 20247 Min Read
Discover Your Spouses Traits Using Vedic Astrology and Jamini Char Karka Darakaraka -DKSCORE

Uncover Your Spouse's Traits with Vedic Astrology and Jamini Char Karka


Understanding Your Spouse Through Vedic Astrology


Hello folks, hope everyone is well. Today, lets talk about a lighter subject amidst the ever-changing astrological climate we are experiencing. Lets delve into understanding your spouse, partner, or soulmate through Vedic astrology. Specifically, we will focus on the concept of Darakaraka, a significant element in Jaimini astrology.


Introduction to Darakaraka


Darakaraka refers to the planet with the lowest degree in your birth chart. This planet is significant as it represents the qualities you seek in your partner. The term Dara means movable, indicating that these elements are specific to your birth chart. If you dont know the planet with the lowest degree in your chart, you can use a birth chart calculator available on various astrology websites.


The planet with the lowest degree is the least traveled planet in your chart and therefore embodies the qualities you are drawn to in a partner. Your partner, significant other, or soulmate could be your unmarried partner, girlfriend, or boyfriend. The word Dara literally means spouse but also implies a plowed field, suggesting that marriage can lead you away from your spiritual path. On the other hand, it also indicates that a partner can support you in following your Dharma, becoming a significant supporter in your life path.


Astrological Indicators of Your Spouse


There are many variables to consider when looking at a spouses nature and qualities. You would typically look at the seventh house, the seventh lord, Jupiter (especially for females), Venus (especially for males), and the seventh house of the Navamsa chart. The planets sitting in the seventh house often take precedence over the planet ruling the seventh house.


However, our focus here is on the Darakaraka, also known as the DK planet. Lets explore what each planet signifies when it holds the position of the Darakaraka in your birth chart.


The Sun as Darakaraka


If the Sun holds the lowest degree in your chart, your partner will likely be popular and well-known but will have only a few close friends. They will be charismatic if the Sun is well-placed in your chart. However, they can be boastful and domineering. They may have a bigger-than-life quality about them, be confident, inspirational, and have good leadership roles. They could be self-employed, ambitious, and achievement-oriented. Even if it’s a woman, they may exhibit masculine traits.


If the Sun is afflicted, the results will be modified. For instance, if the Sun is sitting with Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, or Mars, they may be directionless, egotistical, lost, involved in unethical practices, or simply lazy.


The Moon as Darakaraka


If the Moon is your DK planet, your spouse will be emotional, sensitive, and nurturing. The Moon’s influence makes the spouse sensual and possibly sexual in nature. They provide nourishment and care and will be good providers. They could be younger than you, especially if the Moon is in the seventh house. However, they can be unpredictable and unstable at times. They may have a high sex drive and relish food, drink, clothes, luxuries, and sweets, especially those made from milk.


If the Moon is afflicted, the person may suffer from anxiety, depression, mood swings, be clingy, manipulative, and cause ups and downs in the marriage.


Mercury as Darakaraka


If Mercury is your DK planet, your spouse will be younger in age with a childlike quality. They may appear immature but will be very chatty and curious about various subjects. They might speak several languages, have lived in different cultures, and be intelligent, loving to exchange knowledge and ideas. This can cultivate a great friendship within the marriage. They may have a big appetite for sex, love luxury, and have had many relationships.


If Mercury is afflicted, the person may be childish, unreliable, inconsistent, cunning, and impulsive in spending money.


Venus as Darakaraka


If Venus is your DK planet, your spouse will have expressive eyes, a feminine silhouette, and beautiful hair. They will be sexual and sensual in nature, into grooming, appearance, music, art, clothes, and luxury items. A well-placed Venus indicates a physically attractive partner who is charming, well-liked, diplomatic, and has good taste. They may spoil you with gifts and words, be good at relationships, and balance the relationship by spending quality time with you. They might have a knack for making money and becoming spiritual later in life.


If Venus is afflicted, the person can be judgmental, critical, unrefined, unclean, materialistic, overly indulgent, and possibly inclined to extramarital affairs.


Mars as Darakaraka


If Mars is your DK planet, your spouse will be action-oriented, taking initiative and possibly being impatient and impulsive. They will be driven, ambitious, and achievement-oriented with strong willpower. They can be devotees of Hanuman, transparent about their emotions, technical, logical, possibly into engineering or mathematics, sports, and fitness. They might have a big appetite for food and sex and exhibit masculine energy.


If Mars is afflicted, the person can be aggressive, arrogant, dogmatic, argumentative, childish, have anger issues, and be resistant to criticism.


Jupiter as Darakaraka


If Jupiter is your DK planet, your spouse will be wise, intuitive, moralistic, and proud in a preachy way. They will be an advisor, teacher, motivator, good at giving advice, and investing money. They might be into banking, stocks, trading, biology, chemistry, or physical sciences. They will be religious, possibly following a guru, orthodox, ritualistic, and interested in foreign travel. A dignified Jupiter indicates someone who is forgiving, generous, wealthy, and knowledgeable.


If Jupiter is afflicted, the person can be preachy, not care about feedback, orthodox, fixed in viewpoints, indulgent, excessive, blindly optimistic, immoral, unethical, and prone to weight gain.


Saturn as Darakaraka


If Saturn is your DK planet, your spouse will be mature, responsible, possibly older than you, practical, realistic, with a darker complexion. They will be nature lovers, focused, stable, consistent, but not very expressive. If Saturn is afflicted, they might have knee, bone, or teeth problems. They can be long-lived, slow in mannerisms, not spontaneous, dislike being controlled, prefer to control others, orderly, organized, sober, and interested in the occult, astrology, old things, antiques, and classics.


If Saturn is afflicted, the person can be controlling, critical, cold, inflexible, slow in doing things, and averse to change.


Rahu as Darakaraka


Rahu can be the Darakaraka if you are considering eight Charakaras instead of seven. If Rahu is your DK planet, the person will be rebellious, unorthodox, and possibly an outcast in some way due to their lifestyle or thinking. They will be unusual, possibly from a different background, and might be emotionally unavailable, already married, or live in a different country. You might be attracted to their outlandish qualities.


If Rahu is afflicted, the person can be deceptive, putting on an image that is not real, and you might embody similar qualities after marriage. Obsessive feelings about the partner and working together in a business are also possible.


Embodiment of Spouses Characteristics


Its important to note that whether a person has a good or bad placement, you will start to embody those character traits after marriage. If the DK planet is debilitated, it may affect you negatively, like causing you to lie or affecting your health. If the planet is well-placed, you will embody positive qualities, like becoming more communicative or improving your ability to make money. Other planets sitting with your DK planet will also modify the situation.


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Anahita  Rao

Anahita Rao

Anahita Rao was born in New Delhi, India and has lived and travelled across the globe.Influenced by her father’s deep interest and aptitude in vedic astrol ...Read More

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