Uplifting Your Astrological Chart: Remedies and Practices
Hello folks, hi there! Here on a lovely Sunday afternoon, I want to speak to you about what you could call remedies or uplifting your chart. These are some thoughts that I had, and I want to share them with you now.
When looking at an astrological chart, we always look for ways to remedy the challenges presented there. It's one thing to pinpoint the problem, but of course, we also need a solution. We need a way to transcend that issue. This could mean uplifting a particular planetary placement so it can function with full capacity, or it could mean empowering a benefic planet to be able to receive its grace, its power so that this planet can overcome the difficulties in the chart.
The most important planets are, of course, the Sun and the Moon, exemplifying the soul and the mind. Whatever we attempt in life, we need sound judgment, confidence, and clarity, which the Sun personifies. The Moon, of course, represents our thoughts. Our life is created through our thoughts, and these thoughts lead us to our destiny.
Today, I want to spend just a few minutes talking about certain practices that you can integrate into your daily life to help you navigate challenging times. I've tried some of these, and they can really make a world of difference.
Seven Practices to Overcome Planetary Challenges
I've only outlined seven practices here, so feel free to comment on what works for you if you've tried some of them, or if you have suggestions of other practices you can incorporate as much as possible in your daily routine. It's not always possible to do everything. One thing I want to point out before I speak about these practices, there is a concept in yogic philosophy which is quite simple and it's known as 'according to one's ability'. Therefore, a balanced life should not be a rigid prescription but rather should happen in a state of flow. If it disturbs your flow, drop the practice. It's as simple as that. You may not be ready for it now, or it just doesn't suit you. And on the same lines, don't impose anything you are not ready for on yourself or even on others.
Practice 1: Waking Up Early
The hours between 4:30 and 5:30 A.M. are known as Brahma Muhurat. This is believed to be the best time to take advantage of the theta brain wave patterns. Therefore, it's called 'the creator's time' and it's a good time to tap into the subconscious mind to self-reflect or even alter brain chemistry which you can do through contemplation and meditation. It's also easiest to connect with divinity at this time. This is the time when the Vata element dominates the body, which is air and ether, and this is the reason it is the best time for spiritual pursuits as you are at your most receptive then.
Practice 2: Morning Routines
Set aside time for routines in the morning. Whenever you do manage to get up, certain rituals, certain routines, can be very grounding. This can be a massage of the feet, the head, or even the body. Other rituals could be using a marma mat, walking your dog, having a shower, writing in your journal, or doing a mantra.
Practice 3: Physical Exercise
Some kind of physical exercise, like Yoga or Pranayama, is very helpful and can be merely for 20 to 30 minutes. It regulates the organs, soothes the nervous system, stimulates the endocrine glands, and changes the body's electromagnetic field. When you connect with the breath, you get out of your head, and there should be some sort of physical exercise that you can incorporate in your daily life if possible.
Practice 4: Eat Well and Healthy
The body is always changing, so rather than having a rigid diet, it's actually best to eat a balanced diet. Pay attention to the seasons, go with local food that is in season, and change your diet according to the seasons. Vegetarian food is ideal, but the best is food that is fresh, of course, warm, and also well-spiced.
Practice 5: Drink Water
Drink lots of water, if you can, drink water in copper or silver. This helps to regulate the body's environment, fight disease, enhance the memory, and protect the life force, Prana. Copper also purifies and changes the composition of water to make it lighter.
Practice 6: Do Seva
Take opportunities to help those in need. Giving your time or even knowledge selflessly is the best remedy for any challenge in the chart, especially if you're helping those who have suffered more than you.
Practice 7: Practice Self-Sufficiency
See where you can help yourself. Tasks such as cooking, cleaning are not just assigned to one gender. A person's self-worth depends on how self-sufficient they can be because when you become overly dependent on others, you lose confidence in yourself, and then the aging process also speeds up.
That's all for now, folks. Cheers!