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Jyotish Medium
Kundali Matching
Kundali Matching
Deepanshu Giri
Vedic Astrology
Genetics in Vedas & Matchmaking
I asked a couple of girls who are married within a radius of 10 km & I was expecting to find out how happy they are in married life, but what I could gather was most of them have problems related to kids when they marry a person in the same town or city. It will suffer from deficiency as both parents. The range given is 33 kos to 50 kos- which is around 100kms- 150 Kms.
2 years ago
2 min read
Anahita Rao
Marriage and Relationships
Unlocking the Secrets of Relationships and Marriage
The article discusses the prevailing factors contributing to delays in marriage, particularly from an astrological perspective. It highlights changing perspectives on marriage in modern society, where people have more freedom to choose their relationship dynamics. Factors such as self-created blocks, including societal norms and personal preferences, can hinder marriage. The importance of karmic connections and dasha sequences in determining relationship success is emphasized. Timing plays a crucial role in marriage, with the 7th house being the main focus for analyzing delays. Ultimately, the article suggests that marriage is no longer a mandatory societal norm and individuals have the freedom to choose when and if they want to get married, regardless of age.
12 months ago
9 min read
Dkscore Team
Marriage and Relationships
Celestial Harmony: The Role of the Moon and Nakshatras in Marital Success
In the article "Celestial Harmony: The Role of the Moon and Nakshatras in Marital Success," Vedic astrology is explored to understand its influence on marriage through the moon s positioning and nakshatras (lunar mansions). The moon is central in astrological studies for marriage, significantly affecting emotional dynamics and daily interactions between partners. Its placement in specific houses and signs, along with its aspects with other planets, dictates emotional responses and compatibility in relationships. For instance, a Moon in Aries indicates an enthusiastic emotional nature, while aspects from Mars could lead to conflicts due to fiery reactions. The article also details how each nakshatra affects relational dynamics and emotional compatibility, with examples such as Rohini promoting stability and Revati indicating a nurturing disposition. The compatibility between partners nakshatras is crucial and assessed using traditional techniques like Dina Kuta and Gana Kuta, which evaluate daily interaction flow and temperament compatibility, respectively. Overall, understanding these celestial influences can help couples enhance marital harmony and navigate challenges effectively, leading to more fulfilling partnerships.
11 months ago
3 min read
Dkscore Team
Marriage and Relationships
Astrological Foundations for Marital Success: Analyzing the 7th House and Beyond
The article titled "Astrological Foundations for Marital Success: Analyzing the 7th House and Beyond" delves into the crucial role of the 7th house in Vedic astrology as a primary indicator of marriage and partnerships. It discusses how the presence of malefic planets like Mars or Saturn in the 7th house can lead to marriage challenges, while benefic planets such as Venus or Jupiter suggest a harmonious relationship. The analysis extends to the lord of the 7th house, whose favorable positioning indicates good marital prospects. Additionally, the article explores the influence of other houses related to family life and emotional security (2nd and 4th Houses), longevity and profound changes (8th House), and romance and progeny (5th House), and how their interplay with the 7th house affects marital stability. In Nadi astrology, the positions of Jupiter and Ketu are examined for their ethical and karmic impacts on relationships. Bhakoot dosh, involving the comparison of Moon signs, is highlighted as critical in assessing emotional and life stability between partners, with different configurations (2/12, 5/9, 6/8, 7/7) indicating various potential outcomes ranging from financial instability to challenges in mutual understanding. The article underscores Vedic astrology's philosophical view that celestial forces shape marriage quality, supported by case studies demonstrating how specific astrological remedies can address marital delays, compatibility issues, and even brink-of-divorce situations, thereby enhancing marital success and harmony.
11 months ago
4 min read
Nipun Joshi
Marriage and Relationships
Ultimate Guide to Matchmaking Kundali: Vedic Astrology Insights for 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Matchmaking Kundali: Vedic Astrology Insights for 2024 explores the intricate tradition of Vedic astrology in assessing compatibility for harmonious unions. It covers traditional methods like Ashtakoot Milan and modern factors such as Mangalik Dosha and Navamsa charts, offering a comprehensive approach to matchmaking.
6 months ago
3 min read
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Deepanshu Giri
Genetics in Vedas & Matchmaking
Anahita Rao
Unlocking the Secrets of Relationships and Marriage
Celestial Harmony: The Role of the Moon and Nakshatras in Marital Success
Astrological Foundations for Marital Success: Analyzing the 7th House and Beyond
Nipun Joshi
Ultimate Guide to Matchmaking Kundali: Vedic Astrology Insights for 2024
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