Rocky Jamwal
Rocky Jamwal
Dec 27, 202219 Min Read
The Catastrophic Nepal Earthquake: A Celestial Analysis -DKSCORE

Unveiling the Mysteries: The Celestial Analysis of the Catastrophic Nepal Earthquake

“Thinking! Thinking! The process should no longer be merely this feeble flurry of hailstones that raises a little dust. It should be something quite different. Thinking should be a terrifying process. When the earth thinks, whole towns crumble to the ground and thousands of people die.

Thinking: raising boulders, hollowing out valleys, preparing tidal waves at sea. Thinking like a town: that’s to say: eight million inhabitants, twelve million rats, nine million pints of carbon dioxide, two billion tons. Grey light. Cathedral of light. Din. Sudden flashes. Low-lying blanket of black cloud. Flat roofs. Fire alarms. Elevators. Streets. Eighteen thousand miles of streets. 145 million electric light bulbs.”

By Jean-Marie G. Le Clezio, The Book of Flights, Good reads

It was the day of 25th of April 2015 when dreams of millions of people shattered in dusts, millions of people lost their homes, loved ones, those who were sleeping deep in the seat of lord Buddha in kathumandu day before never thought, there won’t be same night again come in next day and day will become a nightmare of crying’s and deaths of their loved ones. It was a history saddest days for people of Nepal when mother earth took a slight bend and the land of Lord Shiva shivered with 100’s of shocks and the day became a land of deaths and unspoken memories.

(Image Source — Internet)

As per the latest official news at least 9,000 people were killed and more than 23,000 people got injured and nearly 3 million people got homeless almost destroyed 600,000 homes in Himalayan country in the history most massive earthquake of 7.9 that struck outside Kathmandu on 25th April 2015 approximately around 11:25:00 to 11:56:00 AM, near Pokhara (Kathmandu, Nepal). As per latest wiki reports, Its epicenter was around east of the district of Lamjung, and its hypocentre was at a depth of approximately 8.2 km (5.1 mi) and it is considered as one of worst natural disaster to strike over Nepal since the 1934 Nepal–Bihar earthquake.

(Pictorial representation and modelling of Planetary conjunctions and alignments during Nepal Earthquake based on Nakashtras Mapping in Koorma Chakara, Drawn for India (Center of Reference taken as Vidisha,Latitude : 23.5251102,Longitude : 77.8081363, MP)

If we look at pictorial representation on Modelling of planetary conjugation done on Koorma Chakara drawn for 25th of April 2015 over India Map, It is clearly seen majority of planets were in the eastern states of India and close to eastern Himalayan ranges i.e. Nepal, Meerut, and UP etc. Under close influence of Aries Sign and most of the planetary alignment were are in “Agni “and “Vayu” Mandala Nakashtras. Both the nakashtras Zones are much prone to give deadly earthquakes in lands and Hilly areas.

As per Acharya Varahmihira observations on earthquakes termer effects, which occurs on “Vayu” and “Agini” Mandalas prone to give tremor effect up to 200 and 110 Yojanas of distance, which in actual reality is around about 2574.95 KM wide (1 Yojana = 8 Miles, and 200 Yojana = 1600 Miles) from the epic point and this was quiet true on 25th April based on ancients observations and calculations. Recent earthquake was so powerful that the shivering of earth bending and strong Electromagnetic energies felt across whole India. As noted by seismologist, Termer effect felt up to Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi/NCR, Assam, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat, Sikkim, Karnataka, Kochi, Kerala. Again shows our ancient sages work on earthquake activities was so true and even they had noted how long earthquakes activities can be felt and further confirms many of these earthquakes were keeping shaking since the beginning of mother earth from “ages of sage”. Earthquake which shatters dreams of many people in Nepal effects felt up to 2400 kilometres in many parts of India including northern parts of India, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

(Image Source — Maps of India)

Earthquake was so powerful that as many as approximately 100 Subsequent aftershocks observed in east of main shock zone. It was quiet Confirmed from the last two eclipses occurred on March and April month something notorious activity might be going to trigger around 30th of march and 4th of April around those areas, where last Lunar and solar eclipses occurred, near to “Revati” Nakashtras zone ( Ruling Hilly areas, Eastern Directions and mostly places falling in Himalayan Ranges ). In India death toll reached around 78 and many were injured too in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, MP, Lakhnow etc. Astrologically, Earthquake Epic centre was triggered in India 12th (Aries Sign) house from lagan of Indian Independence Political Chart and Moon was present with Jupiter in the 3rd house at the time of earthquake (indicates day of the event), 3rd from India chart signifies adjoining places of North and North east of India and mainly signifies Neighboring Countries might be under strong alignment with Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury and Mars during the event.

As per Koorma chakara mapping on India chart, “Revti”, “Ashwani” and “Bharni” nakashtras were close toward North-Eastern regions of India.

(Koorama Chakara — Based on 9 Directions, including central india and 27 Nakashtra Divisions on Indian Map)

Earlier, U.S. Geological Survey revised the magnitude from 7.5 to 7.9 but then lowered it to 7.8 and as per China Seismic department magnitude of the earthquake was felt up to 8.1. and according to the sources, quake hit at 11–56 a.m. exactly, in local time it would be around (0611 GMT) at Lamjung. As per Magnitude count since 2014, it was the largest shallow quake since the 8.2 temblor off the coast of Chile on April 1, 2014.

(Above Image of geographical view, clearly shows series of earthquakes triggered around Nepal since 25th of April to May 2015 and how much area it had covered across the epic center as per noticed in earthquake Software)

In My Recent article on Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude strikes in Papua New earthquake posted in my blog on 1st April 2015, since the series of tetra Blood lunar eclipses was keep telling as soon as earth move toward two major total eclipses; total solar eclipse on 20th of march 2015 with upcoming total blood lunar eclipse on 4th of April 2015, we might see larger seismic activity from march 2015 to may 2015, which was quite true and series of activities had been noticed since last two eclipses. These are some of my observations which I had posted in my research blog on 1st of April 2015:

“ Eclipses have major reasons in bringing earthquakes, cyclones and tsunamis reason being, during eclipses earth Magnetic field is Majorly Under gravitational pull of Moon, Sun and Mercury as they are very closer to earth. Elemental composition of both Moon and Mercury are majorly responsible for changing weather conditions in earth during eclipses. Both are acting like two Strong Magnetic celestial bodies having solid rocky composition and beneath core is Solid iron core having strong impact on earth magnetic field and weather conditions. Core Structure of Both Moon and Mercury act like two magnetic bodies are attracting and pulling earth from both the sides. Now Mercury already Joined Pisces with Sun and Uranus — So Pull will be much stronger after Vernal equinox. On 4th of April 2015 — Moon will oppose Earth from one side from Virgo and Mercury will be in other side from Pisces. So, Much bigger earthquake can be expected after 4th of April 2015 within week or 15 days or might be near next full moon day or new moon day “

After last total eclipse occurred on 20th and 4th of April further explained a phenomenon of planetary alignments posted on 23rd of April 2015, 2 day before the Nepal earthquake in my “Facebook research Group

“. As per observation noted on alignments based on last earthquake, it was explained as; “Troops and Military people gone suffer from this major celestial changes occurring in Aries Sign”, which was again true to some extent, as per the reports, Most of the troops were stuck near Himalayan ranges after the earthquake and rest of the military people were working on rescue mission in Bihar, Nepal and other places. Point of explanation on this planetary alignment was focused toward major alignment going to happen in Eastern regions of India, East Asian region after 19th of April 2015. It was observed that “Bihar” and other eastern states can suffer from this badly. As said in Post, exactly on 25th of April 2015 from 11:25 to 11:56 AM in Nepal, massive event triggered (Near 12 am (Nadir) to 12 Noon (Zenith), usually been observed for Notorious time for earthquake)”

Below is the short article posted in my research group in Facebook on 23rd of April 2015 regarding planetary alignment occurred after 19th of April?

(Pictorial Alignment and arrangements of 4 Planets in Solar System around Aries Sign on 21st of April 2015, as explained on 23rd of April 2015)

“ Mercury is approaching closer to in between Sun & Venus, Jupiterian Gravitational pull be will be high in coming months and will help in forming close angle of strong unconventional aspects to earth (3 coordinates of planets will form an Angle of 80 -90 and 120 degree). (Retrograde) Saturn is also approaching near to Earth in few months — Two Sides strong Gravitational will be experience from Jupiter and Saturn. Although both the major planets are in these days in Watery Signs — large Seas, oceans and continental areas gone much effected by this. Jupiter is More Prone to give drought and earthquakes in Fixed Fiery and Earthy Signs (Aries, Taurus Leo and Sagittarius, where Taurus, Leo are more notorious to drought and earthquakes).”

It seems Celestial activities gone increase soon in few months and we can see many frequent changes in weather and environmental conditions, Crops gone dry, there will be High price of food products in few months — i.e. wheat products, Pulses etc., Hike in rare metals and gold price can be seen, Some of places may be under doughty atmosphere, Dryness will be high in atmosphere, there will be sudden rise in temperature, and sudden instability in atmosphere can be experience. Might be we may see sudden rise in temperature, Increase in storms — Dust Storms, Sand Storms etc., increase of heat waves in Eastern and Northern India.

Currently Mars and Mercury are closely conjugated In Aries in Bharani Star (Star of transformation) — Eastern states gone see major changes in weather conditions , Military Units or troops gone effected by sudden climatic changes. Jupiter and Venus are almost aligning in same degree at 18 degree Opposite to Sun — Weather changes will be serious concern in most of countries, in India (Bihar, Tamil Naidu and states which are close to Magha Nakashtra in Leo Sign gone suffer). There will be quiet much possibility of Earthquake in eastern Asia region (where Sun rises first — Japan, China) i.e. close to Yellow Sea and also near to Indonesian Region (Currently Jupiter is effecting this region).Soon Mercury is also gone join the league of Alignment with Sun — Weather will be Sudden and frequent.” Matter of fact was from march, i was continuously telling my group members as soon as Sun Ingresses into Aries after 19th of April 2015 — we may see a larger earthquake which i had already explained in my last post in my research blog regarding the reason — why we can expect massive earthquake after two eclipses within 1 month or 15 days after eclipses. As we had already seen Major earth strikes of 7.7 Magnitude on 29th of March 2015 in Papua New Guinea — exactly after solar eclipse on 20th of March 2015. Next event was the full Moon eclipse which was going to happen on 4th of April 2015. I was quiet Sure about that, as soon as Next full moon will come and after Sun ingresses in Aries we can experience a major catastrophe in Earthquake form or might be in solar storms form.

The Last quake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.9 struck before noon (Around 11:25:00 AM) and was most severely felt in the capital as well as the densely populated Kathmandu Valley and again with magnitude-6.6 aftershock hit about an hour later, and smaller aftershocks continued to ripple through the region for hours and up to months shocks were felt. The earthquake also shook several cities across northern India, and felt as far away as Lahore in Pakistan, Lakhnow, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand , Lhasa in Tibet, and in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

In my last article on earth quake on Papua new guinea, I had already explained why we can face another much massive and huge earthquake after 4th of April 2015, Members can read that post on my research blog on ( for further understanding on impacts of earthquake after 5 blood moon eclipses. Current catastrophic earthquake event was part of much related to my research on eclipses and their impact on earth which I was keep explaining from articles on celestial activities regarding 5 blood moon lunar Eclipses and two eclipses within 15 days in my research blog.

My Observation was based on sudden climatic, environmental and weather changes can be seen in Eastern States of India after close Alignment of Sun, Venus, Mercury, mars around Aries Sign in “Bharni Nakashtra — nakashtra which rules eastern region of India ” and Jupiter and Moon were also acting like catalytic agent in promoting these events. Before this Bihar had already experienced massive Dust storm before 25th of April approximately 2 -3 days back which further justifies that solar pattern was much stronger toward eastern regions.

25th of April Earthquake triggered when Moon and Jupiter was in close Conjunction in the sign of Cancer in Star of Mercury (Ashlesha) and at the same time Venus, Mars, Sun, Mercury were in Star of Bharni (Star Closed to East of India) and Rohini (Star Closed to Central India) and Jupiter were in Close alignment with all — it was quiet assured major gravitational pull can be experienced soon after these alignments.

Last Papua New Guine earthquake also triggered when Moon was closely conjugated with Jupiter in cancer sign and this again fall true for Nepal earthquake. Below is the list of Earthquakes which occurred when moon was in close conjugation with Jupiter in year 2014 to 2015.


(Image Source — SolarWatcher@2015, Moon and Jupiter symmetry)

( 25th of April, 11:25 Am, Pokhara, Nepal, tithi — Shukala Sapthami, ruling Nakashtra — Punurvasu, last Amavasya occurred on 18th of April 2015 on Saturday and exactly after 1 week on Saturday Pokhara earthquake triggered )


On 25th of April, Mars was in (23’55’’ — in Bharni — Star of Yama — destruction) , Mercury was in (26' 31'’ — Bharni Star of Yama ) and Sun was in (10'41'’ — in Ashwani ) and all were closely conjugated in Aries. During the time of earthquake it was Star of “ Punuravsu” (A Holy Star — Lord Jupiter Nakashtra and its Lord Jupiter Was ruling the orbit of Nepal and the other eastern States, reference — “ NarapatiJaicharya” ) which was arising in the earth orbit/atmosphere when moon transited in cancer.

Nakashtra Lord Jupiter was already with the Moon in cancer — in Square to Mars, Mercury and Sun from 4th-10th house axis. Clearly indicating there will be Major Loss and damage to Lands, Properties, buildings and earth surfaces — Not Oceans and water regions. As, majority of clustering was present in Zenith Point during earthquake, opposite to 4th house — Karka of home, lands and properties.

(Nakashtra Details of Planets on 25th of April)

Interesting point was Clustering of Planets were majorly in “Agni Mandala Nakashtras” ( Mars & Mercury were in Bharni Nakashtra — Aries — “Fiery Sign” — Signifies massive amount of EM energy will radiate after this from earth ) in 10th house (Signifies -The Epic Point of Earthquake), Sun and Moon were in “Windy Nakashtra” (Ashwani and Punurvasu — signifies as soon as earthquake will triggered there will be dust and winds everywhere ) , Jupiter was in Ashlesha (“Varuna Mandla”- signifies before earthquake heavy Air and Heavy Clouds will be seen in the atmosphere or might be till Moon is in orbit — dense cloud will be seen) and Venus was in “ Indra Nakashtra” (Rohini — cause of thundering and Heavy Rains after earthquakes or during earthquakes)

During the earthquake it was cancer Sign which was rising during “11:25 am to 11:56 Am” and “Moon and Jupiter” were in close conjugation in Lagana (signifies Country or State will be impacted by this) aspect-ed by Mars from 10th house and Saturn was in angle (Trine) to Both Moon and Jupiter in 5th house getting aspect from Jupiter too.

Venus (Taurus) and Saturn(Scorpio) were in exactly opposite (5–11 Axis -Trines) to each other in between earth and Mutually aspecting to each other from Taurus-Scorpio axis, clearly indicating major portion of India also going to effect by these alignments. Both the signs have old history of giving major earthquakes in India and history of India has observed many earthquake since these alignment occurred. As per Sir K.N Rao both these signs are most notorious signs for Seismic activity in India.

In Navamasa(D9) Chart –Two of major Planets were active in the Eastern region atmosphere in “Agni Mandala” (Mars and Mercury) conjugated in Amsa of Scorpio (Sign of transformation, Suffering, death and destruction’s — Secret places) Majorly Under Nodal Influence of Rahu and Ketu (Sudden Loss and Damage to Life) & Trine to Cancer having Venus, Sun and Moon in it.

D4 Chart ( Chaturmasa Chart — Drawn on 11:56 when Earthquake was 7.9 in Richter Scale

In Chaturasma chart (D4), around when Earthquakes increased up-to 7.9 around 11:56 AM — 4th and 10th house was majorly targeted by the cluster of 5 planets — Jupiter, Mercury and Mars were in 4th house exactly opposite to Moon and Sun in 10th house. From all it is confirming there will be Major loss to earth surfaces, lands, Properties and buildings gone destroy and people living over there will suffer from them. In D1 Tithi Lord of death (8th lord — Saturn in Scorpio) was in retrograde in 5th house (trine to Jupiter and Moon) aspcted from Venus in taurus and Mars from 10th house (8th aspect) — The notorious signs of Earthquakes Ruling Avantika, Kalinga, Gujraat , Rajasthan and Maharashtra. If we Look at Pictorial representation based on “ Kurma Chakara “ as drawn for India — It is clearly Seen Bharni Nakashtra and Aries signs were rising in the Eastern States of India, where Major Planets were closely conjugated and impacting the epic point area (Kathmandu)- the seat of Himalayan Ranges. Mercury, Sun and Mars were in the eastern direction of India and followed by the Venus in Rohini Nakashtra close to centre of India — also the most notorious Nakahshtra for Earthquake, exactly opposite was Saturn there too in Scorpio in Western Region of India where Earthquakes Shakes also felt in Rajasthan too. At the time of earthquake Jupiter was in Ashlesha Nakashtra Moving toward Magha Nakashtra — Nakahstra which have Strong impact on South -Eastern states of India too — i.e. Bihar, Avantika, Kalinga, MP, West-Bengal etc.

So, overall I can Say from all Observations, which i was keep telling from since January month — There could be major and Massive earthquake gone strike in Eastern Regions (where Sun rises), if we take it from India point of view — Nepal, Bihar, West Bengal, MP, Sikkim etc. were lying close to eastern states of India and if we take it from World — It could be Japan, china and probably other Eastern Asia regions

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal

Facebook official Group and official Page
References, Source and Links: [1]. April 2015 Nepal Earthquake | Link — [2]. Nepal Earthquake 2nd Deadly Earthquake | Link — [3]. Maps of India | 25th April and May Earthquake | Link — [4]. Nepal Earthquake Magnitude details | Link- [5]. Brihat Samhita by Varahmihira, Chapter 32, and Signs of Earthquake translated by Ramakrishna Bhat, Quote number 31. [6]. Saptanadi Chakara , By Narapati Jaya charasarvadoyo by Dr Sataynder Mishra [7]. IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) [8]. Weathers and Earthquakes by Dr B.V Raman [9]. Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology by K.N Rao, MS Mehta and A Radhika [10]. Planets influence on Human affairs by Dr B.V Raman [11]. Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Ramakrishna bhat

[12]. Image Sources — Google, BBC and other web resources

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