Mula Nakshatra
Mula Nakshatra is a Gandanta Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. Gandanta Nakshatras, which include those ruled by Ketu and Mercury, indicate heavy karma from past lives. Mula Nakshatra, in particular, signifies a soul entrapment with past karma. The first pada of Mula is considered harmful for the father, the second for the mother, and the third for wealth. The fourth pada is very auspicious, especially for the father-in-law. Generally, fortune awakens for Mula natives around the 27th or 31st year of life.
Mula natives have a tendency to delve into the roots of matters, showing interest in Ayurveda, herbs, and rejuvenating practices. They often excel in professions connected to medicine, herbs, and knowledge dissemination. If a Mula natives moon is strengthened by factors such as favorable Tithi, War, Yog, and Karan, and Jupiter is conjunct or in Kendra from it, the native may gain fame due to extraordinary achievements. However, if the moon is afflicted, the native may exhibit whimsical behavior and flaws.
Mula Nakshatra carries significant afflictions, but proper pacifying rituals at birth can transform these into blessings, bringing wealth, fame, and influence. Negative traits like aggressiveness, pretentiousness, imbalance, and cruelty are more pronounced if the moon is afflicted.
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
Ruled by Venus, Purva Ashadha Nakshatra falls within the fiery signs but has a strong water influence. Natives of this Nakshatra are strong-willed and act according to their wishes. They can be difficult to handle if influenced by malefic planets, becoming dominating and unrelenting. However, if they are happy, they will go to great lengths to please others. These natives are content in their own world and often have a sociable spouse. They take pride in their achievements and are known to compliment their friends and spouse frequently.
Purva Ashadha natives make deep bonds with the few friends they have, work efficiently at their own pace, and dislike being bossed around. They do not take rejections well. Water plays a significant role in their lives, and they often drink a lot of water or beverages. If they have a habit of drinking alcohol, there is a tendency to overdrink. They may also sweat a lot and prefer living near water bodies. They often travel nationally and internationally, working in fields connected to water, bridges, ships, or marine animals.
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is known for its truthfulness and accountability. Natives are highly alert to societal judgments and fear insults, making them tread carefully in life. This Nakshatra is positive for progeny and bestows respectful, well-mannered, and sociable traits. They are often multi-talented and versatile.
Uttara Ashadha natives are helpful and take an interest in community welfare. They enjoy travel and nature, often aspiring to live in mountain or ocean-facing houses. They are commonly found working in fields like engineering, design, architecture, and art. The traits of this Nakshatra are derived from the deity Vishwadeva, symbolizing glitter and shine, making these natives influential and respected in society.
Shravana Nakshatra
Shravana Nakshatra natives generally see their fortune awaken early in life but may face an unfortunate event around the 24th year. They are excellent listeners and speakers, often impressing others with poetic expressions and quotes. They are recognized in their community, virtuous, and show premature signs of maturity.
Shravana natives prefer diplomacy and strategy to solve problems and function well in groups. They have a special skill in entangling opponents in their traps and are obsessed with proving critics wrong. They have a tendency towards eyeing others wealth and may face mental health challenges. Meditation, religious austerities, and divine surrender are essential for their well-being.
Dhanishta Nakshatra
Dhanishta Nakshatra is associated with wealth, glitter, and glamor. Natives are sweet but prefer not to show off their wealth. They may exhibit traits of greed and miserliness and have a tendency towards addiction. They are fond of music, dancing, and singing and can be controlled through love rather than force.
Dhanishta natives are respected in society and obsessed with accumulating wealth. They have an interest in stars, astronomy, and astrology. They are generally soft-spoken but can suddenly burst into anger. They have strong possibilities of being honored by the government and usually do not face major crises.
Shatabhisha Nakshatra
Shatabhisha Nakshatra is influenced by a higher power, making natives prone to suffering or success depending on their karmic alignment. They tend to build an impenetrable fortress around themselves and prefer diplomacy to solve problems. They have a special skill in entangling opponents and are obsessed with defeating them.
Shatabhisha natives are vulnerable to mental health issues and addictions. They feel excessive cold and are the first to take out warm clothes. They may skip daily baths in winter and are clear and straightforward talkers. They are often found accumulating jewelry, clothes, and utility items. They may not frequently change their habits or positions and have a strong interest in medicine and therapeutic sciences.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra natives often exhibit dual personalities and are always stressed. They may spend too much money on the opposite sex and spoil their mood without substantial reasons. They may also exhibit traits of miserliness and addiction. They have a tendency to wake up late and stay up late at night.
Purva Bhadrapada natives are attracted to crime or criminals and may have a habit of eating or drinking excessively hot or cold items. They are difficult to judge and may take revenge slowly. They are found of gossiping and throwing tantrums and may have a habit of deriving pleasure from bad-mouthing others.
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is supportive of childbirth and progeny. Natives may have a fear of water and often increase the honor of social gatherings with their presence. They carry strong facial features and personality traits of their father and are generally well-mannered and popular in their family.
Uttara Bhadrapada natives may have attractive legs and a distinct thumb shape. They are kind-hearted but moody and have many changeable thoughts. They have a strong spiritual potential and interest in meditation and Kundalini practices.
Revati Nakshatra
Revati Nakshatra is described as one who nourishes and uplifts. However, it is also a Gandanta Nakshatra, with the first two padas carrying positive qualities and the last two mostly negative. Natives may exhibit traits of false flattery, exaggeration, and a tendency to go astray despite being born into noble families.
Revati natives have a strong sexual desire and are easily tempted by beauty. They may crave many children, especially male ones, and are slightly illness-prone. They may also be less dutiful towards their parents and dominated by their spouse in marriage. They are fond of travel and may spend money impulsively, leading to financial crunches later on. However, luck often supports them in amassing assets. They may feel challenged by the success of others and blame fate for lost opportunities.