Vedic Astrology and Relationship Capacity
When it comes to relationship matching, the traditional points-based system is often used. While it can provide some clues, it is far from sufficient, especially in the modern era where our ways of relating to each other have changed dramatically over the past two decades.
To address this, a 10-factor analysis can be used to assess relationship compatibility, offering more in-depth insights. These factors should always be considered. Every astrologer has their own views and focuses on various parameters when it comes to relationships, but an issue that is often overlooked is relationship capacity. Before even approaching compatibility or the timing of a relationship, one must understand relationship capacity.
What is Relationship Capacity?
Essentially, relationship capacity is about how much value you place on relationships. Are you relationship-driven, or are you more individualistic? For those that are more relationship-oriented, they tend not to throw in the towel so quickly when things aren't going their way or the person is not responding as they would like. For those that are not, they seem to think that the next person will be more ideal, more suitable, more compatible, and so on. Of course, this can also be a result of timing, which plays a very big role.
Basics of a Relationship
Now, just some basics before getting to the astrology. A relationship must be useful, practical, and have a path or a purpose of its own to thrive in the long term. Traditionally, this purpose was having a child together, but this no longer guarantees that a relationship will survive or last long term. If you are in your relationship only for the purpose of eating and sleeping together, it may not have lasting power. Essentially, you need to have a purpose that stretches outside of the relationship, and this can evolve over time.
We also want an element of joy, excitement, and a feeling of belonging in the relationship because this creates a bond and attachment. This can be seen by Venus-Mars connections in the chart. There must be a feeling of belonging, sort of an affinity that you feel with each other. The Sun-Moon connection and the nodes connecting with the Moon or even the other person's Sun can show this.
It's very easy to break relationships, but to maintain one, you have to constantly remind yourself of the good bits. Sometimes it could be just one factor that keeps it together, and perhaps that's good enough. On the other hand, you will be confronted with many reasons to break a relationship throughout its duration. Sometimes it is appropriate and necessary to move on. Only you can tell.
Astrological Factors
Relationship Capacity
Today, I'm going to focus on two things. First, of course, is relationship capacity, which is fairly simple. It's based on the dignity of the Sun and Moon in your own chart. The second is that basic biological impulse to connect with that specific person.
Are you relationship-oriented, or are you fiercely independent? Are you quick to make compromises in relationships, or do you not think it's worth the sacrifice? Do you prefer to be in the company of others, or do you prefer to be alone? For this, we look at the dignity of the Sun and Moon in your chart. It all comes back to those.
If you have the Sun or the Moon in the nodal axis, this will lead to difficulties in relationships. It could be the Sun with Rahu, the Sun with Ketu, the Moon with Rahu, or the Moon with Ketu. I would also look at the D9 chart for these placements.
The Sun and Moon in Astrology
The Sun embodies the masculine principle. The Sun has a fixed nature; every single day, the Sun will rise and set. It is thus regarded as positive and optimistic because it spreads warmth and light. The Moon, on the other hand, embodies the feminine principle. It has a variable nature; it waxes and wanes all month long. It is regarded as negative, dark, changeable, and at times unpredictable. Feminine energy, which the Moon symbolizes, is negative; it is aware of what it does not have and thus yearns for union with something positive, something definitive, something secure.
If the Sun is caught in the nodal axis, there will be a lack of clarity with life path, life purpose, or career direction. This is especially impactful for a man. If he does not feel confident in his career or life path, he may feel inadequate in a relationship, and this will impact how he relates to a woman. If the Sun gets obscured by the shadow of the nodes, the negative qualities of the Sun will emerge. The Sun will not be able to shine its light, and therefore, the Moon will not be able to reflect this light, this confidence, this positivity back to the Sun.
Impact of Sun and Moon Placement
If the Moon is caught in the nodal axis, it becomes difficult to express your thoughts and feelings and ask for what you need in a relationship. This is especially impactful for a woman. If a woman has trouble with her emotions, expressing them, and feeling good about them, then this can lead to problems in a relationship. This is especially the case if the Moon is with Ketu or even in an angle to Ketu, like the Moon in Libra and Ketu in Capricorn.
When the Sun and Moon, the masculine and feminine energies, get distorted or are stressed, it shows up in the way you relate to one another. For instance, when a man gets angry, it is actually his feminine side that is surfacing in a negative way as a result of his masculine side not being confident enough to handle the situation. When a woman gets angry, it's actually her masculine side that is surfacing in a negative way as a result of her feminine side feeling hurt or perhaps dishonored.
Here, I'm not just referring to gender differences but rather how much you identify with the masculine or feminine principle within you. Depending on how much in touch with that side of yourself you are, this is expressed in different ways, whether you're male or female. If the masculine and feminine energies are operating in a healthy way, this also shows.
Healthy Expression of Masculine and Feminine Energies
For example, when a man tries to heal a relationship, he will approach a woman with positive offerings, ideas, or suggestions about their future together. This is essentially that solar energy working in a healthy way; it is positive, optimistic, and focused on solving the problem. When a woman tries to heal a relationship, she will approach a man with all the reasons that the relationship is not working and why they don't belong together. This is the manifestation of lunar energy; it is changeable, negative, and constantly needs reassurance.
If the masculine energy is working in a healthy way, the man will easily offer these reassurances. Unfortunately, people have lost touch with this basic biological impulse, and the masculine and feminine expressions have gone completely out of balance, negatively impacting how we relate to each other.
Partly, this is because in the pursuit of being equal, biological differences are no longer respected or honored. I'm not suggesting to go back 30 years ago and that’s the solution. Rather, I'm saying that don't entirely dismiss those biological differences. Be respectful and mindful of how the feminine and masculine principles work.
Sun with Saturn or Mars
If the Sun is with Saturn or Mars, it can make someone too critical and temperamental in a relationship. This can be more impactful for a man. If the Moon is with Saturn or Mars, it can make a person negative, pessimistic, rash, and impulsive. This can be more damaging for a woman.
If your relationship capacity is challenged, and for many people, you will have one of the above combinations, whether it’s the D1 or D9 chart. If you do have a challenge in relating that stems from this, then it becomes even more important to see whether you are compatible with the other person. If you are not aware that your relationship capacity is challenged, you may continuously replace one person with another with the same or similar outcomes.
If the relationship capacity is more or less good, you will be able to forge healthy, positive relationships with most people, depending on timing. Because if you do have balanced and dignified planetary placements with the Sun and Moon and yet are still experiencing problems finding or keeping someone suitable, then check the dasha sequence you're going through. It’s down to timing.
You could have the most dignified placements, but if you're in a Mars antardasha and they’re impacting relationship angles, it will be very difficult to find or keep a good relationship during that dasha phase. Also, if you're going through the sixth house or tenth house dashas, relationships could simply be less of a priority for you.
Moon Placement in Relation to Partner’s Moon
The other thing to speak about, which is related to this, is the placement of the Moon in relation to your partner’s Moon placement. This relates to that biological impulse to connect with that specific person and perhaps even stay connected. The Moon is the mind, in which resides the self, the ego. The Moon’s condition and placement are, therefore, most important for compatibility. That’s what Vedic astrology focuses on when it comes to compatibility. The Moon is also the social planet and the conditioned consciousness, symbolizing the water element.
As a woman, it is ideal if your partner’s Moon placement falls before yours. For example, you are Taurus Moon, and he’s Aquarius, or you are Taurus, and he is Scorpio. Taurus is four signs from Aquarius, Aquarius being behind Taurus. This is an excellent connection and binding too because it’s the 4-10 connection. Or if it’s Scorpio and you’re Taurus, it’s also good because they’re across from each other, creating a 1-7 connection.
This means he can see you and understand your thoughts and feelings instinctively. If his Moon placement is in Cancer and yours is in Virgo, this is good because it is three places before yours. If his Moon placement is in Cancer and yours is in Aries, yours is ten places away, and this may mean he cannot read you as well as you can read him.
Whenever we see a man’s Moon placement before a woman’s, it is effortless for him to get her and understand her. So you will not need to chase him or constantly wait for him to respond. The relationship will flow in such a way that the man will be respected for his thoughts and actions, and the woman for her feelings. In this way, a man can feel that the woman appreciates what he does for her, and the woman can feel like the man cares for her.
Ideally, this means the couple can be more inclined to respect each other, and from that respect, love grows. This is not the only way this dynamic can manifest. There are other ways to get to this same outcome.
Sun Opposite Moon
The other way this can work out is if his Sun is opposite your Moon. For example, he is Scorpio Sun, and you are Taurus Moon. The Sun is illuminating that Moon. Here, the Sun’s condition should be good in order for it to give light because this is Purnima, a full moon where the Sun’s light comes back from the Moon. The sunlight doesn’t go anywhere else; it goes from the Sun to the Moon and then back to the Sun.
Alternatively, it could be Sun conjunct the Moon. His Sun is in Aries, and your Moon is in Aries. This is a new moon, Amavasya, where the Sun’s light doesn’t leave in the first place. There’s a feeling of being at one with each other because the sunlight didn’t go anywhere.
Rahu and Venus Connection
Now, what if you don’t have these connections, the Moon’s position, and the Sun-Moon contact in the chart? How else can we feel that biological impulse to connect? Then you need to see how Rahu and Venus are connecting in each other’s chart. Rahu and Venus are the agents of desire. In fact, this connection is very important in the era that we live in because it not only creates attraction, a spark, a longing, but it can keep the relationship interesting enough so that you don’t have to look elsewhere.
Do you have a Venus and Mars connection, for example? The classics don’t really speak about this, but I have seen that in the era that we live in, it is helpful to have this connection as it can sustain a relationship. Yes, it can also create excessive passion and therefore fights, but if you don’t have this, the person may look outside of the relationship to get their needs fulfilled. Again, when I say Rahu and Venus connection, I’m talking about conjunction or opposition.
Notwithstanding Venus and Mars, you look to see where Rahu is, and Rahu is a very potent connection, even more so than Mars. Is Rahu connecting either with the Moon or Venus by conjunction? If so, this will create longing, excitement, and positive growth in the relationship. Initially, you may be reluctant to get involved with each other because Rahu can bring fear, but the longer you’re together, the better the relationship will evolve, provided that there are dignified placements of Rahu, Venus, and the Moon.
Rahu energizes the planet it connects with, creating the desire to connect and sometimes fear, but that dissolves in time, and the connection gets better with time. Rahu is initially just that spark, that thirst for experience. But again, you have to see other things, like how the dashas are lining up. It can be a very positive connection. The Moon, I think, is even more important. Moon and Rahu, if you want to establish intimacy and a close bond.
Anytime you have the nodes connecting with the other person’s luminaries, this creates a strong impulse to connect. When one person’s Rahu or Ketu connects with another person’s Sun or Moon, this can lead to a compelling attraction and can certainly last a lifetime. This is the power of the nodes with the luminary conjunctions.
That covers the basics when it comes to the impulse to connect.
Relationship Capacity and Nakshatras
Some final words about relationship capacity. Irrespective of whether you are a man or a woman, there are certain birth nakshatras that are more relationship-oriented. Even in the face of incompatibility, there is a feeling of wanting to work things out. Some of these relationship-oriented nakshatras include Rohini. If you have your Moon here, your inclination will be to make the relationship work irrespective of compatibility or timing issues because you will have better relationship capacity.
It may not be as simple as that. You may have your Moon in Revati, but Rahu or Mars are very close by in Revati as well. That modifies the situation. I’m generalizing here.
There are certain nakshatras that are less relationship-oriented and tend to be more individualistic. They can be quite intense and unpredictable at times, and for those reasons, are less relationship-oriented. These are Swati. If I didn’t mention your birth nakshatra, you’re somewhere in the middle, not too individualistic but perhaps not willing to do whatever it takes to make things work.