May 8, 20247 Min Read
Unlocking Life s Secrets: Exploring Bhavat Bhavam in Vedic Astrology -DKSCORE

Decoding the Depths of Existence: The Power of Bhavat Bhavam in Vedic Astrology


The Bhavat Bhavam concept in Vedic astrology, translated as "house to house", is a profound analytical tool that delves into the interconnectedness of different houses in a birth chart to reveal deeper insights into various life areas. This method counts houses from a given house to determine influences and outcomes. For instance, to analyze the third house, which traditionally represents communication, siblings, and short journeys, Bhavat Bhavam suggests looking at the fifth house (third from the third) for additional nuances and confirmations of the third house's indications.


Here’s a detailed exploration of Bhavat Bhavam across various houses and what they reveal:



First House (Ascendant):


Bhavat Bhavam: The first house from itself.


Implication: Represents the self, body, personality, and overall life approach. It emphasizes self-awareness and personal development.


Second House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Third house.


Implication: Connects personal resources and values (2nd house) with communication and skills (3rd house), indicating how skills and communication enhance or impact personal wealth and resources.


Third House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Fifth house.


Implication: Links siblings and communication (3rd house) with creativity, intelligence, and children (5th house), showing how interactions with siblings might influence creative endeavors and vice versa.


Fourth House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Seventh house.


Implication: Connects home and private life (4th house) with partnerships and marriage (7th house), suggesting how domestic conditions affect relationships.


Fifth House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Ninth house.


Implication: Ties children and creativity (5th house) to higher education, philosophy, and long journeys (9th house), implying how one's beliefs and educational experiences shape creative outputs and relationships with children.


Sixth House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Eleventh house.


Implication: Associates daily work and health routines (6th house) with friendships and community (11th house), indicating how social interactions influence health and daily routines.


Seventh House:


Bhavat Bhavam: First house.


Implication: Connects partnerships (7th house) back to the self (1st house), focusing on how personal attributes affect relationship dynamics.


Eighth House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Third house.


Implication: Relates transformation and shared resources (8th house) to career and reputation (10th house), showing how crises or inheritances impact professional life.

Ninth House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Fifth house.


Implication: Links higher education and spirituality (9th house) with creativity and children (5th house), showing how personal philosophy and educational experiences can shape creative pursuits and connections with offspring.


Tenth House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Seventh house.


Implication: Ties career and public status (10th house) to partnerships and marriage (7th house), suggesting how professional interactions can influence personal relationships.


Eleventh House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Ninth house.


Implication: Connects hopes, dreams, and social circles (11th house) with higher education and spirituality (9th house), focusing on how aspirations and social groups are influenced by philosophical or educational pursuits.


Twelfth House:


Bhavat Bhavam: Eleventh house.


Implication: Associates losses and retreat (12th house) with friendships and goals (11th house), indicating how losses or spiritual retreats affect social relationships and long-term aspirations.


Now Let's explore practical examples of how Bhavat Bhavam and house lord placements can influence various aspects of life, using the concept of a planet being positioned in houses away from its natural house. Here are examples for each house:


First House (Ascendant):


Example: If the 1st house lord is in the 1st house (1 house away from itself), it enhances self-focus and independence. This placement can make a person very self-reliant, often leading a life where personal appearance and self-expression play a significant role.


Second House:


Example: If the 2nd house lord is in the 3rd house (2 houses away from itself), it suggests that communication skills and interactions with siblings play a crucial role in accumulating wealth or managing finances, possibly through careers in commerce or negotiations.


Third House:


Example: If the 3rd house lord is in the 5th house (3 houses away from itself), it implies a strong connection between communication skills and creativity. This individual might excel in creative writing, marketing, or teaching, especially in subjects that require articulate speech or writing.


Fourth House:


Example: If the 4th house lord is in the 7th house (4 houses away from itself), this indicates that one's home life and domestic environment are closely linked to partnerships or marriage. This person may work from home or their spouse could heavily influence home affairs.


Fifth House:


Example: If the 5th house lord is in the 9th house (5 houses away from itself), this suggests a strong link between one’s creativity, children, and higher education or spiritual beliefs. The individual might be involved in academic or spiritual education, possibly teaching creative subjects at higher educational institutes.


Sixth House:


Example: If the 6th house lord is in the 11th house (6 houses away from itself), it indicates that friendships and social networks are crucial to overcoming obstacles and enemies. This person might work in a social or community-based profession, possibly in roles like social work or public relations.


Seventh House:


Example: If the 7th house lord is in the 1st house (7 houses away from itself), personal identity and autonomy are heavily influenced by partnerships or marriage. This could indicate a person whose personal appearance or self-identity is strongly influenced by their spouse or business partnerships.


Eighth House:


Example: if 8th lord is in 3rd house can show that the transformational and secretive elements of the 8th house are linked to the communicative and skill-oriented attributes of the 3rd house. It might suggest a person who deals with transformational subjects like change management, crisis communication, or who might work in areas requiring intense research and communication, such as investigative journalism.


Ninth House:


Example: If the 9th house lord is in the 5th house (9 houses away from itself), there is a strong focus on education, philosophy, or spirituality influencing one's children or creative outputs. This person might teach at a philosophical or religious institution, or their creative work could be deeply influenced by their beliefs.


Tenth House:


Example: If the 10th house lord is in the 7th house (10 houses away from itself), this indicates that one's career and public status are significantly influenced by partnerships or public dealings. This could manifest as a business partnership or a career in diplomacy or public relations, legal profession, or a role in diplomacy, where negotiating and maintaining relationships are key aspects of the career.


Eleventh House:


Example: If the 11th house lord is in the 9th house (11 houses away from itself), the person's long-term goals and aspirations are influenced by their moral, ethical, or religious beliefs. This could also indicate gains through foreign connections or educational achievements.


Twelfth House:


Example: If the 12th house lord is in the 11th house (12 houses away from itself), the person's losses or retreats are connected to their social circle or aspirations. This might manifest as losses through friends or philanthropic activities that do not yield expected returns.




The Bhavat Bhavam concept in Vedic astrology, translated as "house to house," is a profound tool that uncovers deeper insights into various life aspects by examining the interconnectedness of the houses in a birth chart. By counting houses from a specific house to determine influences and outcomes, this method reveals how different life areas are interrelated, providing a nuanced and holistic view of an individual's life based on their horoscope. Through practical examples, we see how the positioning of house lords away from their natural houses influences personal and professional life, emphasizing the integrated and dynamic nature of Vedic astrological analysis.

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