Relationship compatibility is a very popular topic and it’s much more complex than just looking at the moon placement. However, the moon placement, and more importantly, the nakshatra placement of the moon, is key to understanding compatibility.
What is a Nakshatra?
First, let’s talk a little bit about what a nakshatra is for those who are new to Vedic Astrology. The heart of Vedic Astrology is, in fact, nakshatras. Originally, jyotish was focused on nakshatras only, which is the movement of the moon through the constellations rather than the sign, which is the movement of the Sun. A nakshatra is basically a fixed star constellation in the sky where the planets are transiting. I would describe nakshatras as passive but potent forces which need the planets to activate them. So, it’s vital to note the nakshatra placement as this will reveal the inner motivation and attributes of the planets that reside there or transit there.
In fact, the calculations and predictions in Vedic Astrology are made from the vantage point of the moon transiting a specific nakshatra at the time of your birth. The controlling planet of the nakshatra must be seen for its impact, as well as the deity that rules it, to assess the entire situation and to see what’s going on.
Nakshatra Compatibility
Okay, back to the topic at hand. We’re going to look at nakshatra compatibility and see your best match from your moon sign. If you don’t know where your moon was situated when you were born, you can go to the chart calculator on my website, which is free. You just plug in your details and it should pop up with your moon’s nakshatra. Remember, this is the sidereal system, so it may place your moon in a different sign altogether from the tropical or the Western placement.
One final thing I wanted to say about compatibility is that when it comes to looking for a match, it’s very important to see goodness where it lies, rather than hoping for goodness where it does not exist. We’re all guilty of being with people that are not good to us or for us in the hopes that they will be someday. So, just don’t get caught up in that notion. Astrology can guide us, but we make the final call.
Compatibility Analysis for Jyestha Nakshatra
Now, let’s get started with the nakshatra compatibility videos. Today, we are focusing on Jyestha. Your ideal partner is Moola, and your most challenging partner is Ashlesha.
Jyestha and Ashwini
In a relationship with Ashwini, you are caught up in a spiritually complex relationship. Ashwini has a cavalier attitude to your passions which is exciting to begin with, but then you also express yourself negatively, leaving them emotionally messed up. You need to love them on a spiritual level and let them into your spiritual search if you want the relationship to work.
Jyestha and Bharani
Your relationship with Bharani can bring excessive sensuality as you try to fulfill your greatest desires. You are hypnotized by their perennial allure, but you soon start to feel guilty about ignoring your spirituality. Let them know of your spiritual needs; they may not understand them, but will appreciate your openness.
Jyestha and Krittika
You will feel invigorated by Krittika’s warmth, their love, and their straightforward approach to life. They are strong so you can never really manipulate them, but they try to adjust to your needs and your demands. You feel secure and loved, and their love is a balm to your restless spirit. This is a good match.
Jyestha and Rohini
Rohini stretches you mentally and emotionally. They are exciting, romantic, and sensuous. You satisfy their love for luxury and their need to wallow in pleasures. Mentally exhilarating and emotionally satisfying, this relationship makes you feel complete. Another good one.
Jyestha and Mrigashira
This one maybe not so much. You constantly challenge Mrigashira as they usually rise to your provocation, making this a passionate relationship. You find their criticism and ability to rationalize everything very irritating though. This usually stands in the way. They don’t always understand your spiritual path. You can get along in the practical areas though.
Jyestha and Ardra
Not at all a good match. You bring out the worst in each other. You become dominant and aggressive, thinking you can deal with the aftermath, and they can act ferociously towards you. You can both easily press the self-destruct button, so be very careful. Keep your extreme behavior tightly under control.
Jyestha and Punarvasu
The attraction you feel for Punarvasu is on the surface. They are not into complicated relationships, but you enjoy them. You find their inability to love you exclusively difficult to handle. You try to control them, to manipulate them. Punarvasu may then leave you without any consideration for your feelings.
Jyestha and Pushya
Pushya is too disciplined and rigid in their views. They are not into mind games and they appear too ascetic to be totally comfortable in your sensuous world. But give them a chance and they may be your best friend. For this relationship to work, you need to make some compromises.
Jyestha and Ashlesha
You both have to learn to look beyond the intellectual restrictions of your ruler Mercury and connect with a higher way of thinking. You understand each other’s life path. Love and friendship hold you together. Ashlesha is not into complicated relationships, but with you, they may take a risk.
Jyestha and Magha
Your best partner. They are everything you want: confident, dynamic, sexy, passionate, soulful, and loving. They envelop you in their warmth and bring security to your restless mind. You have often both suffered some poor relationships and that becomes an added bond. Best of friends and happy lovers. This is a good one.
Jyestha and Purva Phalguni
They endeavor to satisfy your senses in every way. They are creative, sophisticated, and exciting. They cannot support you when you start moving away from sensual pleasures to spiritual ones, though. With Purva Phalguni, you have to stop playing mind games with them. You can make them feel emotionally unsettled by loving them passionately one moment and transferring your interests elsewhere the next. You’re also unable to appreciate their good qualities.
Jyestha and Hasta
The sophisticated Hasta fascinates you, but you react instinctively to their animal sign, which is the Buffalo, which can be seen as wrathful and ugly. You may overlook all their good points and concentrate on their negative ones. You don’t always understand emotions and with Hasta, you don’t try. You can be too critical, reinforcing their poor self-image.
Jyestha and Chitra
You can take an instant dislike to Chitra and argue incessantly, but there’s a strong underlying attraction. You overcome your initial reaction to find passion and love. You will have to agree to disagree. Both of you have unresolved complex spiritual issues, but this gives you an instinctive understanding of each other.
Jyestha and Swati
Swati has a way with words which can be very exhilarating and you feel you have found your true partner. Their ambitions take precedence over you. If you try to play mind games with them, they can give as good as they get. You can be too possessive. Avoid creating turmoil within them. They can hurt you back regardless of the cost to your relationship.
Jyestha and Vishakha
Love, sex, desire, philosophy, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge are all the things that interest you and Vishakha as well. You both share the ability to enjoy sensuality but know when to control your senses. Your relationship can be sensual heaven until the spiritual self calls. You both aspire towards spirituality and adjust your needs accordingly, so this is a good one.
Jyestha and Anuradha
Anuradha loves you unconditionally and you flourish under their love. They are also your best lovers and your best friends. They are supportive when you want to explore your spiritual self. They understand pain and asceticism, so they empathize with your inner turmoil and care for you emotionally, loving and soothing you. So, this is a good one.
Jyestha and Jyestha
You are both at the same direction in life. You share a sort of subtle understanding of love. However, two Jyesthas together can create some painful turmoil despite the great compatibility. Jyestha has a complex spiritual remit, and together they can create some painful turmoil with each other despite the great compatibility.
Jyestha and Moola
Moola can teach you about rejection and love, and you feel this rejection acutely as you usually want to be in charge of your relationships. When the tables are turned, it creates huge emotional distress for you, so maybe not a good one here.
Jyestha and Purva Ashadha
Poorva Ashadha’s flexibility is hard for you to handle. You want them to concentrate fully on you, but their outside interests keep interfering. Your paths may be different, but appreciating them is a better basis for a relationship than forever fighting. Try to be friends first.
Jyestha and Uttara Ashadha
Your spiritual side relates to the austere and cool Uttara Ashadha, but your sensuous side remains unfulfilled by their diffident approach to love. This is not a relationship with which you should experiment. If they lose trust in you, you will never be able to win them back.
Jyestha and Shravana
Shravana appears to be like you, thinking and philosophizing about life, love, and the universe. But as you get closer, you realize that there is a very important difference between you. You think, and they feel. They can get very emotional and very sentimental, and you may not be able to understand this side of them.
Jyestha and Dhanishta
You admire their calm and forbearance in dealing with life’s challenges. This appreciation translates into a strong and loving relationship. You will bask in their warmth. They teach you to face life’s harsh realities with poise and grace.
Jyestha and Shatabhisha
Shatabhisha tries to control their energy and inner demons. You may not be willing to stand by them. You understand their spiritual struggle more than they understand it themselves. This relationship works if you celebrate the compatible aspects but try not to worry about the incompatible ones. Don’t try to control them and allow them to have their own space.
Jyestha and Purva Bhadrapada
With Purva Bhadrapada, you show them a new world where they can become bewitched and enchanted, and you use the words of love without meaning to, weaving a web of illusions. You can feel disdainful when they give in to you so easily. Be careful, it is not just Purva Bhadrapada that is getting hurt; you can pay a heavy price emotionally and spiritually as well.
Jyestha and Uttara Bhadrapada
They can teach you about discipline. The bonds between you are not those on which a relationship develops initially. They have no time for sensuality and are good at controlling their senses. You can learn from them. Their ascetic nature does not always please you, but their ability to love you for who you are does.
Jyestha and Revati
You are similar but with different agendas. You want to explore sensuality and Revati wants to explore love. You can get along, you can love each other, but both of you have the tendency to be supercritical. When you put your relationship under the microscope, many things are perfect, many things are less perfect, and then you can tend to blame the other. So be watchful for that.