AccidentFire Holland

Date of birth and time Jan 1, 2001 , 00:15:00

  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Rodden Rating: A


Ai Generated Biography AccidentFire Holland Biography

Netherlands accident, a fire that broke out in a night-club called "HetHemeltje" (Little Heaven) in Volendam on New Years Eve just after midnight. Holland is mourning the death of ten young people and very worried about the lives of at least another twenty heavily injured kids, aged 13 to 20 years. With about 70 others of that same age they are in hospitals all over Holland, Belgium and Germany, undergoing specialist burn-treatment. Many of them will be severely mutilated forever. They got struck by the fire in a bar on the second floor where some light fireworks seems to have lit the very inflammable, dried out, Christmas decorations at the ceiling. The burning branches fell down and within five minutes the whole thing was over. Clothes caught fire and an immense panic resulted. The chart is about the effect of a less than 30 orb Mars Ruler 8 in Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius in 4. Its effect for this place, at this time, was announced by the (non-parallax) Eclipse of 25th December for Volendam at 17:21:35 GMT. It has 27CAN23 Rising and an MC of 29PIS59. A most remarkable degree in itself! The ASC is just in the middle of the conspicuous UR/VE conjunction in 8 and the eclipse-degree together with Mercury in 6, thus mixing ideas of fatality (Eclipse) and young people at a party (Mercury-Venus), with the explosiveness of Uranus. Important angular midpoints in the eclipse chart are: 1. Mars exactly NE/ASC (0) 2. ASC = MC/SA (3) 3. MC exactly SA/NE (0), PL/NN (10) and (wide) MA/SA. Suddenly all "malefics" and the Node are connected to the angles. As soon as: 1. Mars started to complete the square with Neptune; 2. The transiting Moon reached MA/NE of the eclipse within 10; 3. Venus, ruler 1 of the event, and in the 8th of the eclipse, went inconjunct the eclipse-ASC; 4. The MC arrived exactly in between eclipse MA/PL and PL/AS, and 5. The actual ASC touched the square with the eclipse-degree, the announcement turned into horrible reality. The Old Dilemma: should not we foresee things like this, and if we could, would we then be able to prevent them, so that they would not happen....(and thus could not have been foreseen?). Sander Little (Just read some new data in the newspaper. The number of injured youngsters in hospitals is about 200. Time of the outbreak of the fire was "about 00:15" MET.) Read less

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