Death:Death, Cause unspecified 29 December 2013 (Age 92) chart Placidus Equal_H.
French researcher in neurobiology, a member of the Académie des Sciences (France) since 1988, and of the Observatoire National de la Lecture. Pierre Buser was Professor Emeritus at the University of Pierre-et-Marie-Curie. He led the CNRS Institute of Neurosciences1 in Jussieu. He died on 29 December 2013, aged 92, in Paris. Link to Wikipedia biography (French)
Birth Date: August 19, 1921
Birth Place: Strasbourg, France
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There are no recent projects associated with Buser Pierre. If you have any specific inquiries or require detailed information, further research or direct contact with relevant sources may be necessary.
Additional details about Buser Pierre's life, career, and achievements are currently not available. For a more comprehensive profile, further investigation into historical records, academic publications, or other resources might be required.
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