Death:Death by Suicide 5 October 1994 (Age 70) chart Placidus Equal_H. Crime : Homicide Perpetration 5 October 1994 (Led mass homicide and suicide) chart Placidus Equal_H.
French cult leader known as "the dictator," a colleague of Luc Jouret in founding The Solar Temple Order, a cult of an estimated 300 members. They preached a mix of Catholicism, New Age psychobabel and apocalypse. On 5 October 1994, police found a mass cult suicide in Switzerland, 23 bodies in half-burned out ruins of a farm in Cheiry, 45 miles northeast of Geneva. Another 25 bodies were found in three chalets at Granges-Sur-Salvan in the Swiss Alps, and five more in a villa in Morin Heights, about 50 miles northwest on Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Many of the deaths were found to be murders. Three of the Quebec victims, including a three-month baby, were stabbed to death. On 15 December 1995, 15 more were found dead, another slaughter. Di Mambro was known as the financial mastermind of the cult. It was believed that rising tensions between the two leaders over cult control and vast sums of money invested in properties may have been the trigger to the disaster. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less
Born: Tue Aug 19 1924 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Birthplace: Pont-Saint-Esprit , France