
Dubs Serge

Date of birth and time Feb 14, 1953 , 17:45:00

  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Moon Sign
  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Sun Sign
  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Leo
  • Rodden Rating: AA


Events Events

Work : Prize 1989 (Meilleur sommelier du monde)

Ai Generated Biography Dubs Serge Biography

French sommelier, awarded the title of "Worlds Best Sommelier" in 1989. In 2004, he became the President of the UDSF (Union of French Sommeliers) and Vice President of the Continental European ASI (International Sommellerie Association). Link to Wikipedia biography (French)

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`` Dubs Serge

Dubs Serge

Dubs Serge was born on Saturday, February 14, 1953, at 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) in Strasbourg, France.

He is a public figure, but no further information is available about him.


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