Ebertin Reinhold

Date of birth and time Feb 16, 1901 , 04:45:00

  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
  • Rodden Rating: A



Family : Parents divorced 1906 (Parents divorced, put in foster home)

Work : New Career 1923 (Began his practice)

Work : Start Business 28 October 1928 (Founded Publishing House) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Relationship : Marriage 12 December 1929 (Louise) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Family : Change in family responsibilities 21 July 1933 (Son Baldur born) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1938 (Developed Cosmobiology)

Death:Death of Mate 1983 (Wife died)

Death:Death, Cause unspecified 14 March 1988 (Age 87) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Ebertin Reinhold Biography

German astrologer, exponent and developer of Cosmobiology from 1938. He wrote over 60 astrological textbooks, including "The Contact Cosmogram" "Applied Cosmobiology" and "Influence of Pluto on Love Life." His work included 21 volumes translated into other languages, 50 annuals of Cosmobiology and 40 annuals of Cosmobiology Yearbooks. He developed many interesting methods such as midpoint-structure, psychograms and the 90 degree-wheel, and was also interested in distance values, heliocentric, mundane and prognostic astrology, primary directions and Pluto research. When he was five, Reinholds parents divorced and he was placed in a foster home. During childhood and adolescence, his contacts with his mother, Elsbeth, were sporadic, made more difficult by interference from his father and paternal grandfather. When he was 16, Elsbeth introduced him to his chart and to astrology, which proved to be a turning point in his life. At 21, he and his mother were finally reunited and he began his extensive studies of astrology. He worked at the time as a schoolteacher. In 1923, he began his practice and on 10/28/1928, he founded the Ebertin Publishing House in Erfurt with the assistance and encouragement of his mother. He turned to Cosmobiology in 1938, based on the endeavors of Dr. Ferrhow from Vienna, 1914. Reinhold met his future wife, Luise Engbert, at the Astrologers Convention at Nuremberg in 1929 and they married on 12/12/1929. Their only son, Baldur, was born 7/21/1933. He and Luise had a close and supportive marriage. Reinhold was widowed in 1983 after 53 years. Totally dedicated to a vegetarian diet, he also practiced yoga. He finished a new book after his 85th birthday. Ebertin died in the early morning of 3/14/1988, Mirschlanden, Germany. Link to Astrowiki (German) Read less

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Profile: Reinhold Ebertin

Profile: Reinhold Ebertin

Basic Information

  • Name: Reinhold Ebertin
  • Date of Birth: Saturday, February 16, 1901
  • Place of Birth: Niesky, Germany

Recent News

As of now, there are no recent news articles or updates regarding Reinhold Ebertin. He is best known for his contributions to the field of astrology.

Social Media

Reinhold Ebertin does not have any social media profiles, as he lived in a period before the advent of social media platforms.

Recent Projects

There are no recent projects associated with Reinhold Ebertin as he passed away in 1988. However, his work in cosmobiology and astrology continues to influence practitioners in the field.

Other Information

Reinhold Ebertin was a notable German astrologer and the founder of the field of cosmobiology, which combines statistical analysis with astrological data. His most famous work is "The Combination of Stellar Influences," which remains an influential text in astrology.

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