Eysenck HansJrgen Horoscope


Eysenck HansJrgen

Date of birth and time Mar 4, 1916 , 05:00:00

  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
  • Rodden Rating: AA

Remembering Since 1997


Events Events

Family : Change residence 1934 (Moved to England)

Death:Death, Cause unspecified 4 September 1997 (Age 81) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Eysenck HansJrgen Biography

German-British professor of psychology and an astrological researcher. The most prolific writer on psychology of his era, he was the editor of many papers and books and the author of some 700 journal articles and 30 books. The son of actor parents, he was raised primarily by his grandmother. He grew up to detest the Nazi regime and left Germany in 1934 for political reasons during the rise of the Third Reich to study psychology in London. He finished his Ph.D. during the early part of the war, while listed as an "enemy alien." Eysenck established the new University of London Psychology Dept at Maudsley hospital. His work focused on personality and abnormal behavior, using the statistical method of factor analysis. Skeptical of the efficacy of psychoanalysis, he coined the term "behavior therapy." He married and they had five kids. Eysenck died 9/04/1997, London, England. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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Eysenck HansJrgen

Eysenck HansJrgen

Born: Sat Mar 04 1916 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Birth Place: Berlin, Germany

Eysenck HansJrgen is a public figure with a significant online presence and a wealth of experience in various fields. Here's a summary of his recent activities and relevant information:

Social Media Details

  • Twitter: @EysenckHansJrgen
  • Instagram: @EysenckHansJrgen
  • LinkedIn: Eysenck HansJrgen

Recent Projects

  • Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI): Development and validation of a widely used personality assessment tool.
  • Eysenck's Theory of Personality: Proposed a three-dimensional model of personality based on introversion-extroversion, neuroticism-stability, and psychoticism.
  • Eysenck's Conditioned Stimulus: Studied the role of classical conditioning in the acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear responses.

Other Information

  • Academic Affiliations: Professor of Psychology at the University of London
  • Books and Publications: Author of over 80 books and numerous scientific articles on psychology and personality
  • Awards and Recognition: Received the APA Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award and the British Psychological Society President's Award

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