
Date of birth and time Aug 12, 1924 , 06:40:00

  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
  • Rodden Rating: A



Death:Death of Mate 18 August 1989 (Husband died of heart attack) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Financial : Buy/Sell Property August 1995 (Sold house) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Mental Health : Mental health returned 1997 (Physical and mental healing)

Ai Generated Biography FamilyDistress44979 Biography

Australian wife and mother of two daughters, married for 44 years when her husband, Harold, died of a heart attack. They were sitting in bed having a cup of morning tea when he called her name twice and fell silent, 8/18/1989. It took Rosemary seven years to deal with the grief process. Harolds business affairs were left in a state of disrepair. Three months after being widowed, with the help of her older daughter, she left her rented house to move into a newly purchased home with her younger daughter. She was able to sell the business 18 months later. In August 1995, she sold the house where she had grieved and bought a new place. Three days later she fell and cut the Achilles tendon on the back of her right foot. Unattended, the wound deteriorated and she spent the rest of the year in health difficulties until she had an operation on the leg and physiotherapy to get back into shape. It was 1997 before she got her life back on course, aided by a new grandson. Read less

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