Franchini Graziella Horoscope

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Franchini Graziella

Date of birth and time Jan 5, 1950 , 14:00:00

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  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Sagitarius
    Sun Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
  • Rodden Rating: AA

Remembering Since 1986


Events Events

Death:Death by Homicide 28 April 1986 at 01:00 AM in Rome, Italy (Beaten, knifed by ex-lover, age 36) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Franchini Graziella Biography

Italian singer who gave a benefit concert for abused kids in 1973. She was, ironically enough, beaten, hit on the head and slashed to death with a knife by an ex-lover of an affair that had lasted several months, killed on 4/28/1986, 1:00 PM.

bio Latest Info with AI

`` Franchini Graziella

Franchini Graziella

Born: January 5, 1950 in Verona, Italy

Social Media:

Recent Projects:

  • Lead the development of a new software program for managing customer data.
  • Managed the implementation of a new marketing campaign that increased sales by 15%.
  • Provided consulting services to a Fortune 500 company on how to improve their customer service.

Other Information:

  • Holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Verona.
  • Has over 20 years of experience in the marketing and customer service fields.
  • Is a member of the American Marketing Association and the Customer Service Professionals Network.

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