Hartmut Lange

Date of birth and time Mar 31, 1937 , 11:45:00

  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Pisces
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
  • Rodden Rating: AA


Ai Generated Biography Hartmut Lange Biography

German writer. Lange studied 1957-1959 dramaturgy at the German Film Academy in Potsdam-Babelsberg. 1961-1964 he was dramaturg at the Deutsches Theater in East Berlin. 1965 Hartmut Lange left the GDR over Yugoslavia. Lange wrote dramas, essays and prose, worked at various theaters as a director. Since 1982, he wrote mainly short stories and novellas. Link to Wikipedia biography (German)

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Hartmut Lange - Public Profile

Hartmut Lange - Public Profile


Hartmut Lange was born on Wednesday, March 31, 1937, in Spandau, Germany. He is a renowned German author and playwright known for his significant contributions to contemporary literature. Lange's works often explore themes of existentialism, human nature, and the complexities of modern society.


As of the latest updates, there have been no major news articles specifically focusing on Hartmut Lange in the mainstream media. However, his past works continue to be discussed and analyzed in literary circles.

Social Media

Hartmut Lange does not have an active presence on mainstream social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. His works and public engagements are primarily followed through literary publications and academic discussions.

Recent Projects

Hartmut Lange's recent projects have included the publication of new short stories and essays. His recent works continue to delve into the philosophical and existential themes that characterize his earlier writings. Specific titles and publication dates would be found in specialized literary journals and book releases.

Additional Information

Hartmut Lange's contributions to literature have been recognized with several awards and honors throughout his career. His works are often studied in German literature courses and remain influential in contemporary literary studies. For more detailed information on his works and influence, academic databases and literary critiques are recommended sources.

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