Crime : Arrest 23 January 2006 chart Placidus Equal_H.
Crime : Trial dates 4 September 2008 (Sentenced to 128 years in prison) chart Placidus Equal_H.
Mexican serial killer, known as "El Sádico," who confessed to luring gay men from bars in order to kill them. He tortured his four victims by hanging or choking them, but in two cases it is said that he released men he had kidnapped once he had received a ransom. The dead bodies were later put inside suitcases and abandoned in different locations around Mexico City. The crimes were committed from 21 January to 2005 to 22 December 2005. He was captured on 23 January 2006, found guilty of the murder of four victims and is currently serving his sentence of 128 years in prison. An accomplice, Juan Enrique Madrid, was arrested in 2013. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less
Marroqun RalOsiel is a public figure who was born on Mon Sep 01 1980 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) at Tampico , Mexico.