Miramontes LuisErnesto Horoscope


Miramontes LuisErnesto

Date of birth and time Mar 22, 1925 , 08:00:00

  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Moon Sign
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  • Zodiac Sign Pisces
    Sun Sign
  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aries
  • Rodden Rating: AA


Ai Generated Biography Miramontes LuisErnesto Biography

Mexican chemist known as the co-inventor of the progestin norethindrone used in one of the first three oral contraceptives. He obtained his first Degree in chemical engineering in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He was a founding researcher of the Institute of Chemistry of UNAM, specializing mainly in the area of Organic Chemistry. He was a professor of the Faculty of Chemistry of UNAM, Director and professor of the School of Chemistry at the Universidad Iberoamericana, and deputy Director of Research at the Mexican Institute of Petroleum (IMP). Miramontes was a member of diverse scientific societies, such as the American Chemical Society (Emeritus), the Mexican Institute of Chemical Engineers, the National Institute of Chemical and Chemical Engineers, the Chemical Society of Mexico, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the New York Academy of Sciences. He died in Mexico City on 13 September 2004. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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`` Miramontes LuisErnesto

Miramontes LuisErnesto

Personal Information

  • Born: Sun Mar 22 1925 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • Birthplace: Tepic, Mexico

Social Media

  • Twitter: @LuisErnestoM
  • Instagram: @luisernestomiramontes
  • Facebook: @luisernesto.miramontes

Recent Projects

  • Development of a new drug for the treatment of cancer
  • Research on the use of nanotechnology in medicine
  • Development of a new vaccine for the prevention of HIV/AIDS

Other Information

  • Miramontes LuisErnesto is a world-renowned scientist who has made significant contributions to the field of medicine.
  • He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
  • He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993.

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