
Date of birth and time Dec 6, 1989 , 17:10:00

  • Zodiac Sign Pisces
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
  • Rodden Rating: A

Remembering Since 1989



Death:Death by Suicide 6 December 1989 at 5:30 PM in Montréal (Perpetrator shot himself dead) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Mortality1989colePolytechniquemassacre Biography

Canadian mass shooting in Montreal at an engineering school affiliated with the Université de Montréal, the event is also known as the Montreal massacre. At the time, the incident was the deadliest mass shooting in Canadian history. Fourteen women were murdered and ten women and four men were injured. In addition, at least two students left notes confirming that they committed suicide due to distress caused by the massacre. Sometime after 4 PM on 6 December 1989, Marc Lépine (born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi) went to the École Polytechnique, armed with a semi-automatic rifle and a hunting knife. After about an hour, he entered a mechanical engineering class and ordered the women and men to opposite sides of the classroom. He separated nine women, instructing the men to leave. He stated that he was "fighting feminism" and at about 5:10 PM he opened fire. He shot at all nine women in the room, killing six. Lépine then moved through corridors, the cafeteria, and another classroom, targeting women for just under 20 minutes. He killed a further eight and then committed suicide by shooting himself in the head at about 5:30 PM. In a search for a rationale since the attack, there have been debates over various interpretations of the events, their significance, and Lépines motives. Many characterize the massacre as an anti-feminist attack representative of wider societal violence against women. The anniversary of the massacre has been commemorated as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. The incident led to more stringent gun control laws in Canada. It also introduced changes in the tactical response of police to shootings, changes which were later credited with minimizing casualties during the Dawson College shooting. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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