OrlichBolmarcich FranciscoJose

Date of birth and time Mar 10, 1907 , 15:00:00

  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Aquarius
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
  • Rodden Rating: AA


Ai Generated Biography OrlichBolmarcich FranciscoJose Biography

Costa Rican politician, president of its country between 1962 and 1966. Following the armed uprising proclaimed by Jose Figueres Ferrer who started the Civil War of Costa Rica in 1948, he was commander of the National Liberation Army on the northern front. After the war served in the de facto government of the Foundation Board of the Second Republic the portfolio of Minister of Public Works and Minister of Public Works. Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in 1955 to deal with the invasion of the country. He was also Minister of Public Works democratically elected president Jose Figueres in the period 1953-1958. He was a presidential candidate of the National Liberation Party in 1958, losing to Mario Echandi Jimenez, then candidate of the same party in 1962, this time successfully. During his administration Costa Rica joined the CACM, the signing the General Treaty of Central American Integration. He died on 29 October 1969 and was declared a National Heros 25 April 1977. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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`` OrlichBolmarcich FranciscoJose

OrlichBolmarcich FranciscoJose

Born: Sun Mar 10 1907 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Birthplace: San Ramon, Costa Rica

  • Politician
  • President of Costa Rica (1962-1966)
  • Member of the Costa Rican National Liberation Party

Social Media:

Recent Projects:

  • Establishment of the National Park System of Costa Rica
  • Creation of the Costa Rican Social Security System
  • Promotion of economic development and social justice

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