
Date of birth and time Aug 14, 1952 , 00:03:00

  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
  • Rodden Rating: A



Mental Health : Anxiety attack August 1952 (House research by a priest) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Death:Death by Accident October 1952 in Runcorn (After Mrs Wittles death the poltergeist disappeared) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography PhenomenaTheRuncornpoltergeistbegin Biography

English poltergeist case of 1952 lasting ten weeks.It happened in the house of Samuel Jones and his grandchildren, John Glynn,16,Lucy (sister-in-law),Eileen (sister of John,8).There was also a person who didnt belong to the family,Miss Wittle,who died in october 1952. From this moment on the poltergeist was no more to see or to hear.Another person had the whole life lived in that house and had come from the army for four days - he was a good eyewitness of some phenomena.The chart shows the beginning in the middle of august by a OGL (octilogram-lunar).That is the moon stands at the same place place like at the beginning of the cycle,february 4 (1952).One night when all four wanted to sleep the dressing-table made noises still getting louder,followed by strange movements.If light was on all stopped instantly.Everyone had to leave the bedroom,so it got quiet,but not for long:it began again when they tried to sleep.Levitations could be observed,books flew through the room,a puzzle on the dressing-table was flying in a height of two meters.Nobody had manipulated or was near the table where the things were.Many of them had begun to fly around.Even the box where the puzzle had been before was high over the bed nearly taken with a special sense of consciousness,attracted of a direction,but by no means to declare.The report of Thomas Barrow:As a friend of the late John Glynn I was 18 at the time and was serving in the army but had lived in Byron Street all my life.I came home on leave in August 1952 and John and his and my friend John Berry, of the adjoining Picow Street,asked me to stay in the bedroom concerned to which I agreed.I went down on four nights during that week and witnessed the destruction of the furniture, and the police sitting on a single bed and being lifted a couple of feet up in the air and being dropped down after which they promptly departed.While staying with the two Johns,we asked the spirit to give his name by tapping twice as went through the alphabet and it tapped out the name JUJU and said he was an African With Doctor.I noticed each night I was there that Miss Whittle,the spinster,slept in the adjoining room,but it never seemed to disturb her.Miss Wittle died in October 1952, falling of a cliff known as Frogs Mouth,at the local Runcorn Hill.The spirit did not appear again afterwards."Mysterious were also the death of 53 pigs - John Glynn was responsable for them - and a shadow accompanying the poltergeist. Read less

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