
Pivot Bernard

Date of birth and time May 5, 1935 , 17:00:00

  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
    Moon Sign
  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Aries
    Sun Sign
  • dashaimage
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Rodden Rating: AA


Events Events

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1985 (Host of "Aspostrophes", five years)

Work : Retired June 1990 chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Pivot Bernard Biography

French writer, a journalist for a dozen years writing columns that reviewed cultural events, restaurants and media productions. Known as incorruptible, Pivot refused gifts or favors in exchange for endorsements. In 1985 he began to host a popular discussion TV show, "Aspostrophes," until his retirement in June 1990. With two grown daughters, he lived with his wife and their cat in a Paris apartment. His hobbies leaned toward visits to the Beaujolais country of his youth and indulging his passion for soccer. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

bio Latest Info with AI

`` Pivot Bernard

Pivot Bernard

  • Born: Sun May 05 1935 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • Birth Place: Lyon , France

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