Death:Death by Homicide 19 October 1991 at 04:00 AM in Elne, France (Raped and killed, age 10 (+2 days)) chart Placidus Equal_H. Misc. : Find something 3 November 1991 (Body found) chart Placidus Equal_H.
French victim of rape and homicide along with Muriel Sanchez on 10/19/1991, c. 4:00 PM, Elne, France. The two girls were kidnapped by C.v.G. who was passing by, looking for a job. Kidnapping the girls, he raped them both that evening and after killing them, threw their bodies in a crevice near St. Maurice Navacelles. After an extensive search, the bodies were found on the afternoon of 11/03/1991. The drifter had made a suicide attempt in Lourdes the day after the crime and was already a suspect, having been arrested two days prior, and he confessed his guilt. Read less