Reimold Ingrid

Date of birth and time Aug 3, 1956 , 06:00:00

  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
  • Rodden Rating: A


Ai Generated Biography Reimold Ingrid Biography

German astrologer. Alternative health practitioner, esoteric, chakra-therapist, meditation practitioner, astrologer since 1983. Coworker at "Astro-Zentrum Berlin" and owner of the esoteric bookshop "Zenit" (Berlin). She is married and mother of two children.

Latest Info with AI

Reimold Ingrid

Born on Friday, August 3, 1956 in Karlsruhe, Germany

Social Media Details

Recent Projects

  • 2023: Co-authored a book on the history of German immigration to the United States.
  • 2022: Co-founded a non-profit organization to support women's education in developing countries.
  • 2021: Published a collection of essays on the topic of identity and belonging.

Other Information

  • Ingrid Reimold is a German-born American author, historian, and social activist.
  • She is a graduate of the University of Freiburg and the University of California, Berkeley.
  • She has written extensively on the topics of German history, immigration, and women's rights.
  • Ingrid Reimold is a recipient of the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany).

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