Segal Erich

Date of birth and time Jun 16, 1937 , 13:30:00

  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Rodden Rating: AA

Remembering Since 2010



Social : End a program of study 1958 (Graduated from Harvard)

Work : Prize 7 March 1963 at 12:00 noon in Washington, DC (Won a long-distance marathon) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Social : End a program of study 1964 (Earned his Ph.D.)

Work : New Career 1964 (Professor at Yale)

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1968 (Screenplay released)

Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1970 (Popular novel Love Story)

Work : Prize 1970 (Golden Globe Award)

Work : Retired 1987 (Retired from Yale)

Family : Change residence 1987 (Moved to Oxford, England)

Death:Death by Heart Attack 17 January 2010 (Age 72 in London) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Segal Erich Biography

American writer and educator. He graduated from Harvard in 1958 as the first person in Harvard history to be selected as both Latin Salutatory Orator and Class Poet. When he earned his Ph.D. in 1964, he was already on the faculty of Yale (1964-1972), teaching the classics and comparative literature. Segal continued to teach as a visiting professor at Princeton, the University of Munich and Dartmouth. In 1987 he retired as Adjunct Professor of Classics at Yale and became a Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford. In addition to his most important academic book, "Roman Laughter: The Comedy of Plautus," (Harvard University Press, 2nd ed. rev Oxford) Professor Segal has published widely on Greek Tragedy, Latin Poetry and ancient athletics. He has delivered papers before the American Philological Association, The American Comparative Literature Association, as well as the German Italian and British Classical Societies. Over the past quarter-century, Segals verse translations of the Roman playwright Plautus have won considerable acclaim. His collection of "Plautus: Four Comedies" is noted in The Oxford Worlds Classics series. Not only an academic, Segal has surprisingly developed his more plebian talents in writing popular literature, such as a screenplay for the Beatles’ "The Yellow Submarine," 1968, followed by other screenplays and adaptations. His novel "Love Story" was probably his most famous book made into film, with its sequel "Olivers Story," 1977. In 1970, when Segal’s first novel, "Love Story" was published, it became an overnight sensation; eventually selling more than 21 million copes in 33 languages. For the screenplay, Segal received the 1970 Golden Globe Award as well as one of the film’s seven Oscar nomination and not incidentally, changed Segal’s life overnight For some years, Segal spent his summers in Hollywood and his winters at Yale. Other novels include "The Class," "Doctors," "Acts of Faith" and "Prizes." A well-known but uninspired athlete, he is a long-distance runner who has completed over forty full-length marathons, winning once on 3/17/1963 in Washington, DC. Segal is married and has two daughters. Since 1987 he has resided near Oxford, England. Segal suffered a fatal heart attack at his London home on January 17, 2010. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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Segal Erich Public Profile

Segal Erich Public Profile


Erich Segal was born on June 16, 1937, in Brooklyn, United States. He was an American author, screenwriter, and educator.


As of the latest updates, there are no new developments or news related to Erich Segal. He passed away on January 17, 2010.

Social Media

Erich Segal was not active on social media platforms as his prominence was during a time before the rise of modern social media.

Recent Projects

Erich Segal is best known for his novel "Love Story" published in 1970, which was later adapted into a successful film. He also wrote "Oliver's Story," "Man, Woman and Child," and several other works. However, since he has passed away, there are no recent projects from him.

Other Information

Erich Segal was also a professor and a scholar of Greek and Latin literature. He taught at various prestigious institutions including Yale University, Harvard University, and Princeton University.

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