American business executive.
Full Name: Selecman CharlesE
Date of Birth: Monday, September 17, 1928
Place of Birth: Dallas, United States
As of the latest available information, there is no recent news about Selecman CharlesE. Given the birth date of 1928, it is possible that this individual may no longer be active in public life or may have passed away.
There are no social media profiles available for Selecman CharlesE. This may be due to the age and generational gap, as many individuals born in the 1920s may not have adopted modern social media platforms.
There are no recent projects associated with Selecman CharlesE. This may be due to the age factor, as individuals of advanced age may not typically engage in new public projects.
There is limited public information available about Selecman CharlesE. Further details may require specific historical or genealogical research.
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