American astrologer and a healer who incorporates astrology, nutrition, herbology, and other healing techniques in her client consultations. Starck is known for her work in medical astrology and her work with womens medicine ways and rituals. A world-wide teacher and lecturer, her work emphasizes psychological and spiritual health, and she is well-versed in Astro-Cartography. She has designed and given a correspondence course in Medical Astrology since 1997 with students from all over the world. The author of a column on Earth Medicine for The Mountain Astrologer, she has also produced 10 books by 2005 including "Medical Astrology and Healing for the 21st Century" (2003). Her first book was "Astrology--Key to Holistic Health" (1982). At least two of her books, "Earth Mother Astrology" (1990) and "The Dark Goddess--Dancing With the Shadow" (1993) were translated into foreign languages. Perhaps her best known work in the United States is "Healing With Astrology" (1997) . In 2004, she published a book of poetry, "Turning Wheel." Read less
Full Name: Starck Marcia
Date of Birth: December 24, 1939
Place of Birth: Paterson, United States
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