Touraine Alain

Date of birth and time Aug 3, 1925 , 11:20:00

  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Cancer
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Rodden Rating: AA


Ai Generated Biography Touraine Alain Biography

French sociologist, best known for being the originator of the term "post-industrial society". His work is based on a "sociology of action," and believes that society shapes its future through structural mechanisms and its own social struggles. His key interest for most of his career has been with social movements. He has studied and written extensively on workers movements across the world, particularly in Latin America and more recently in Poland. Link to Wikipedia biography Read less

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Touraine Alain - Public Profile

Touraine Alain

Born on: Monday, August 3, 1925

Birthplace: Hermanville-sur-Mer, France


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Social Media Details

Touraine Alain does not have publicly known social media profiles. For professional updates, please refer to academic publications or trusted news outlets.

Recent Projects

Touraine Alain is a prominent sociologist known for his work on social movements and the concept of post-industrial society. His recent projects and publications might not be directly available online, but you can look for his latest books and articles in academic journals and libraries.

Other Information

Touraine Alain is a well-respected figure in sociology, with a significant body of work that has influenced the field greatly. He has authored numerous books and articles, and his contributions to the understanding of social dynamics are widely recognized.

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