
Date of birth and time Jun 8, 1948 , 13:17:00

  • Zodiac Sign Gemini
    Moon Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Taurus
    Sun Sign
  • Zodiac Sign Leo
  • Rodden Rating: AA



Health : Medical procedure 23 October 1975 (sex change) chart Placidus Equal_H.

Ai Generated Biography Transgender43196F Biography

American business owner of a computer consulting firm that provides temp services and training with more than 35 contractors who use her service. Renee (pseudonym) opened her business in January 1985 and within six months was moving into a highly successful venue. Renee was raised as Richard. Though she is tall and somewhat husky, she is neat, trim, sparkling and attractive. She knew from the time she was four or five that she was a girl who unfortunately had been put in a male body. She enjoyed her girl friends and wanted to play in female roles. She was never homosexual, but made a try at being male, going through a macho period as a teen-age guy. Her parents were strictly religious, so her gender orientation was not a subject that could be discussed and during their lifetime, she kept her secret from them. She had a sister, two years younger, who died in 1978. At 18, Renee went to college for three years, then began working in secretarial jobs. Interested in music, art, writing, she was a piano accompanist in 1972 and wrote three scores that were accepted for ballet performances in the next two years. In 1970, Richard started a series of hormone shots as the first step toward gender conversion, along with psychological counseling in 1973. As a woman, she married a straight man in 1971 and he was aware and supportive of her changing role during the ten years of their marriage. On 23 October 1975, she had transsexual surgery. Fired from a supervisor job in December 1983, she worked for seven months as a temporary clerical while refining her word-processing skills, preparing for her next step as a business owner. Read less

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