### Verheggen JeanPierre
**Personal Information:**
- Born: Sat Jun 06 1942 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
- Birth Place: Gembloux, Belgium
**Contact Information:**
- LinkedIn: https://be.linkedin.com/in/jpverheggen
- Twitter: N/A
**Recent Projects:**
- **2022-Present:** Advisory Board Member, Center for Industrial Biotechnology and Biocatalysis (CIB2), KU Leuven
- **2019-2022:** President, European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB)
- **2016-2018:** President, Global Biotechnology Congress (GBC)
**Other Notable Accomplishments:**
- Professor Emeritus, University of Leuven, Belgium
- Founder and former Director, VIB (Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie)
- Member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine
- Recipient of the prestigious EMBO Gold Medal (2009) and the Prix de la Fondation Scientifique (1998)
**Social Media Presence:**
- **LinkedIn:** @jpverheggen
- **Twitter:** N/A
**Additional Information:**
Verheggen JeanPierre is a highly accomplished Belgian scientist with over 50 years of experience in biotechnology research and academia. His research has focused on enzyme engineering, protein design, and fermentation processes.
As a renowned leader in the field, Verheggen has served on numerous scientific advisory boards and committees. He has also been actively involved in promoting the development of biotechnology in Europe and globally.
Throughout his career, Verheggen has received numerous honors and awards in recognition of his outstanding contributions to science and biotechnology. He is widely respected for his innovative research, leadership, and commitment to advancing this rapidly evolving field.