Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Dec 27, 20225 Min Read
A Tale of Mad Town -DKSCORE

The Dark Legend of Mad Town: Unraveling the Mystery of a Poisoned Well and the Hatred Within

Today I am going to tell you a tale of Mad town and this will clear your confusion on why people abuse you, Hate you and even try to kill you.

Once there was a town with two water wells in it, One of them was for people in village and another one was inside the King’s palace and everything was going fine until one fine day a magician came and poisoned the well of common people.

He made announcement that whoever will drink water from this well will turn insane by evening but being the only source of water, people could not resist and everyone had to consume same water, Result of which by evening whole town turned insane.

When king came to know about this, He was happy that at least me and my queens are still safe but soon enough all the lunatics gathered around the palace shouting loud to kill the king and burn the palace.

King was scared from this and ran towards his advisor who analysed the situation and told that in this particular scenario, best thing is you go out from palace back door and drink same water, On this advice king was surprised but he had trust on his advisor, So took the advice as there was no other option left and the moment King drink that water, He also turned insane and started protesting with common people.

King agreed to all demands such as there should be no work, no farming and everything you are asking is true and later on when Magician was founded by advisor of King to treat them all, All of turned back to normal.

King asked advisor that why you asked me drank that water, You saved my life but why you did this?

Advisor said- In the world of Lunatics the awaken man is dangerous as that man reminds them of their madness, You were not normal for them and this is due to their own insecurity they wanted to kill you.

Recently I saw a YouTube channel quoting my words and then using words like Bullshit, half knowledge and its not written anywhere, this is the same channel which uses my name as a tag to promote their videos but to gain cheap popularity and moreover gain attention then he continue to blarb on whatever it is written in every book.

95% of the people know things which their mind believe is true and has been exposed to, beyond our survival needs there are very few people who wake up and search for answers and problem is when you are trying to wake others you are making them feel bad.

Sukrat, Osho, Jesus, Budh all of them were killed for same reason- The world feels threatened in their presence as they are trying to wake you up, Your inner core shouts that this person is destroying all things as belief which I have build over a period of time, To save a dummy belief system they kill anyone who will threat their inner core.

In one book there is one line of Jupiter in 7th has a curse of Kuber -the shlok below says- when Jeev- Jupiter is in Kalatra Bhav- 7th house- there is a debt of Nidhipate- the lord of wealth- Kuber.

In Jyotish when someone thinks that he has read all the classics then only he is capable to make statements such as half knowledge. Jyotish is like a big hotel and nature gives us only gives Key for one room only and everyone thinks that now i own the hotel and no other world exist beyond this as walls of ego, hate and supremacy grow taller everyday and anyone trying to destroy these walls of belief then again history repeats itself.

So when it is written by Maharishi Bhrigu and you are using words like Bullshit- you are not abusing me, you are abusing Maharishi Bhrigu as now in your head you have surpassed that you are greater than any scholar of Jyotish then who is Maharishi Bhrigu.

My advice to all Jyotish learners is Universe is beyond and above books, Even when it is not written anywhere and if universe wants to teach you something, It will happen through dreams, people and various other sources. Do not worry about weather it is written anywhere or not.

When I first said that Lal Kitab and Jaimini Sutram are same this is because I saw a pattern- At the end of Lal Kitab there is a table of Varshphal, This is the same timing system used in Jaimini Sutram as well in sthirkaraka dasa.

People laugh or ridicule something when it is beyond their mental capability, People laughed at Tesla when he spoke about wireless electricity free of cost around the world and it was due to greed of businessman that the plan was sabotaged and now scientist are trying to reengineer that model but still not capable of doing this.

“Ridicule is the price legends pay for Immortality”

Nicola Tesla said that it is through my dreams I try to extract information about other world, He was also downloading from space as he had least resistance towards learning and new ideas, Once he got high voltage shock which made him unconscious and he said, I could see different realms in real time and this made him more curious about other worlds.

Lal Kitab says Jupiter in 8th will be able to donate Lanka- and for that it means Jupiter in 7th should have enough wealth which is what Bhrigu Sutram says.

People will hate you for being good in your work as their own incompetence's shout loud enough inside them, Jyotish is beyond and above what is written in books.

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Deepanshu Giri

Deepanshu Giri

He is an engineer having completed his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Deepanshu Giri is an Underwater Robotics Supervisor who has ser ...Read More

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