In April, we again have two difficult conjunctions carrying over from March. One is Sun and Rahu and the other is Mars and Saturn. We also have a Mercury-Rahu conjunction which will cut through some obstacles and bring creative solutions. We have an ongoing complex Mercury transit, and this transit of Mercury is very much entwined with the upcoming eclipses.
Mercury goes retrograde on April 1
Mercury is freshly in Aries as the month opens and immediately on April 1 it goes retrograde. Once the eclipse date passes on April 8th, Mercury goes back into Pisces – early on April 9th. Mercury is moving back into Pisces and returns there on Apr 9th and here, it will be forming a conjunction with Rahu again.
For the first week of March, Mercury in Aries retrograde can help you let go of negative emotions, including anger. It can also help you to go back and deal with what you faced around the March lunar eclipse. Something that was left unsaid, or left undone, also an opportunity to polish your communications is there now.
Mercury in debility yet retrograde from April 9th onward can see the plans that you thought fell apart resurface out of nowhere – you can see a lucky break now. Opportunities will come out of nowhere. The subconscious is highly impacted by the debilitated Mercury– see that you are making conclusions on facts rather than imagined fears. This transit will bring out of the box thinking due to Rahu’s presence. Expenses can certainly go up with Mercury in Pisces, from April 9 till May 10.
There is a belief that when mercury is in Pisces, debilitated yet retrograde and in its own nakshatra the debility is cancelled. Rather, I would say that Mercury behaves in a very creative and inventive way. It will come up with ways to solve problems that are clever and unorthodox. Whether the issue coming up is related to communications or to money matters or rel problems, now you can see breakthroughs culminating in your favour.
New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8 in Pisces in the nakshatra of Revati
The eclipse cycles continue to occur in the 6/12 axis – Virgo and Pisces. Themes of health, healing, debts, loans, illnesses, disputes, spiritual pilgrimages, foreign moves, letting go of old chapters, and prophetic dreams will continue.
Depending on where this axis falls in your chart you can experience this. Ketu in Virgo will dissolve the sixth house significations without much effort. For instance, if you are type of person that likes to fight you will lose interest in this now. If you were afraid of moving to a far-away land, you may be curious of doing so now. If you were afraid of trusting yourself and taking chances, you may learn to do so now
The solar eclipse in Pisces in Revati on Apr 8th coincides with the Saturn-Mars conjunction, which starts to lose its grip now. At this time, we have Venus with Rahu in conjunction, getting closer to each other. The two dispositors of this eclipse, both Jupiter and Mercury are in Aries – and Mercury is in gandanta suggesting some surprises with our communications, launching new plans.
Though, dumb luck can play a role now, things will happen quite unexpectedly and for some these will be positive surprises. Within a day of this eclipse things will change quite suddenly and you will have to move fast – this is suggested by Mercury’s movement back into Pisces on April 9th to deal with unfinished business.
Venus transits Pisces from March 31 till April 24
Letting go is a big theme when Pisces is highlighted but this month we also have a lovely Venus transit in Pisces which continues till April 24 when Venus moves into Aries.
This Venus transit will balance out some of the difficult energies due to the complex transits of Mars, Sun, and Mercury. And Mercury goes direct the same day that Venus exits Pisces so this Venus will really bolster Mercury’s transit during its retrograde stay in Pisces.
Mars-Saturn conjunction till April 23
Mars-Saturn conjunction continues till April 23 when Mars joins Rahu, Mercury and Venus in Pisces. Mars and Saturn together can create some frustrating energy, leading to obstacles in your plans but it does give focus and determination, esp given Saturn is so well placed.
You can also feel some inner conflict with this conjunction – see in which house it occurs to understand where you are being impacted.
Rahu-Sun combination can make you feel as though you can do anything – and so here you can be overconfident. It is better to step back and pay attention to details as this conjunction is occurring in Pisces, whilst a debilitated Mercury is there.
On Apr 6th, Saturn moves into Purva Bhadrapada – this transit will be wobbly – back and forth for about 13 months. I have made a separate video on it – what is interesting to note is that due to this shift, during the April eclipse Saturn and Mars will be in different nakshatras – hence different padas in the D9. This implies the conjunction is separating now and thus, its impact is fading.
Video here covers details on this Saturn transit:
Sun transits Aries from April 13 till May 14
On Apr 13, the Sun moves into Aries, its exaltation sign. And by now, Mars has overtaken Saturn, and reaches its own navamsha of Aries making it stronger at this time. Sun’s transit through Aries is with its friend Jupiter and now we can feel the optimism again.
There will be a feeling of being able to achieve anything. We cannot however ignore that the Sun gets Saturn’s gaze, however, with its strong position boosted by Jupiter – if there were any delays or obstacles they will work in our favour now.
Full Moon in Libra in the nakshatra of Swati on April 23
On April 23, we have a full moon in Libra in swati – and this moon cycle gets the aspect of Jupiter and Mars. Mars has just moved into Pisces where it is coming closer to a conjunction with Rahu.
And Venus is just about to move into Aries to join Sun and Jupiter. At the time of the full moon Venus is in gandanta in Pisces and Rahu – controlling planet of Swati (Venus) is in an exact conjunction with a retrograde debilitated Mercury.
There is a lot of relationship energy here, you would be returning to an old connection, there could be a culmination in your relationship. Something sudden and unexpected – some news you may hear that changes how you connect with someone. And it would take the relationship in a completely new direction. It may be a positive surprise, certainly a hopeful one.
Mars brings impulsiveness to this full moon with its eighth aspect – propelling you into action when it comes to your rel/connections. But again its from Pisces, so you may be idealising the situation and people at this wanting to see what you need rather than what is there.
Venus transits Aries from April 24 till May 19
On Apr 24, Venus enters Aries. Now, you can be direct and forthright with what you want from your relationships. Here, Venus goes into combustion from April 28 till end of June so for around two months.
Venus is considered combust when around 10 degrees away from the Sun. It can cause a loss of Venusian pleasures such as food, money, relationships. Because the Sun’s individual impulse gets stronger, we are less inclined to value relationships and therefore, less inclined to compromise. The tendency is to think about our own needs first and foremost.
Rahu and Mercury conjunction in Pisces from April 25 till April 28
We again experience the exact conjunction of Rahu and Mercury in Pisces. With Rahu and Mercury in Pisces its best to make sure that you are reading the fine print. Communications – esp written ones – this should be double checked by advisors where possible. Steer clear of making big commitments, depending on where Pisces falls in your chart. If you must, again get a second opinion through an expert.
The interesting thing about Mercury in Pisces when it is retrograde from April 1 till April 24 is that even oversights in communication and agreements will work in your favour somehow. Or it may be that something or someone disappears form the picture so you have full control over the situation. This could be competition in any area of life.
The breakthroughs that appear now from the external world will make it easy for you to take a firm direction if you cannot decide how to navigate now. So pay attention to omens at this time. Whenever we have Pisces so active, pay attention to dreams and to omens. See what mercury rules in your chart. Here you will see a new chapter wanting to begin, but it may not finally happen till after May 10th.
Overall another eventful month, some unexpected opps can show up in your life now. If you are interested in a reading, please make a selection by visiting the Consultations page.