Jupiter impacting your natal planets via conjunction or via trine. So, either you have Jupiter moving over your planets which are situated in Taurus or you have Jupiter impacting your planets that are situated in Scorpio by opposition or Virgo and Capricorn via a trine aspect. Remember, Jupiter aspects these signs as well when Jupiter is within 10° from your natal planet, that is when you will really see the impact.
Once Jupiter passes the degree of the planet that is moving over in your chart, the energy starts to wane, but whilst it is approaching that planet in the chart, that is when you will really experience the blessings. For instance, if your Sun is at 10° Taurus or it's at 10° Scorpio, then you'll really feel the exuberance of that Jupiter transit until around 15° of Taurus, and then it will start to wane. It's still impacting, but the energy is not as potent. Of course, if it remains in the same nakshatra, then it's still impactful.
Similarly, if it's a trine aspect to your planets in Capricorn or Virgo within 10°, that's when you'll feel it the most. Let's talk about each planet. Jupiter's transits are important ones, and so when it connects to a natal planet, it's going to activate it. It will expand its essence and grow that area of your life. Jupiter, in some cases, may cause problems because the expansion can be harmful, for instance, if your natal planet is in bad shape, debilitated, badly afflicted in the nodal axis, or with Saturn. Most importantly, if Jupiter is a malefic for you, like it is for Taurus, for example, as the 8th and 11th lord going over that planet may cause some uncomfortable results. However, normally, of course, Jupiter's blessings are felt in a positive way when it touches your natal planets, this can be via conjunction, via aspect, particularly by a trinal aspect, which is very important as is the opposition.
Impact on the Sun
When Jupiter impacts your Sun placement, the Sun, which is the light, our soul, our ego, and whatever we identify with, may be affected. You may be creating a new business, getting an education, studying a new subject, or planning to conceive a child. Your health and vitality can improve now with Jupiter impacting the Sun.
Jupiter moving over your Sun or aspecting your Sun can bring you into the limelight. You could perhaps get a good government job as the Sun represents authority. You can also get opportunities to conceive a child now and certainly improve your relationship with your father. See also what the Sun rules in your chart. For instance, if it is ruling your second house, then your family will be a source of support for you, maybe a source of pride at this moment. Likewise, if the second house rules wealth, then that may increase now depending on what dasha you're going through. Perhaps a new life path or a new life direction can open up now, leading to a new you, a better version of you, certainly a matured, grown-up version of you. Here, Jupiter is increasing the Sun's light. It's an excellent time to do Surya Mantra or Surya Namaskar every day.
Impact on the Moon
What happens when Jupiter impacts your natal Moon? You could move to a new home, you may buy a new car. It could be your home, car, comforts. Jupiter will start to build these foundations in some way. It could be through a move in residence as well. Jupiter will expand your emotions, making you feel more optimistic, more generous. It can be a good transit for your mother also. It can create a reconnect with your family. You may be spending more time with your family or you may be spending more time just at home and be happy with that. There's something about your domestic environment that's making you feel content. It could also increase your food intake when Jupiter moves over your Moon, but at the same time, it will help you make decisions about good foods to eat, the right foods to eat for you. It can increase luxuries because if you have a Taurus Moon, this is the exaltation place of that Moon. Spending more time near water is also very good for you at this time. It's a great time to express yourself, listen to spiritual teachings, listen to a guru. You'll feel nourished, you'll feel nurtured at this time, and of course, those with Scorpio Moon will also benefit from Jupiter's direct aspect.
Impact on Venus
When Jupiter goes over your Venus, your wealth can increase. This can be a Venus situated in Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, or Scorpio. Desire for relationship will increase. You'll be feeling more hopeful about relationships. You may start to meet new people. You'll pay more attention to your wardrobe, maybe buy new clothes, new jewelry, new makeup. You'll improve your appearance in some way. If you have Venus in Taurus, that Jupiter transit can help you accumulate money. It'll bring you luxury, including a house, car, clothes. It can bring good advice your way. You may also increase sugar intake, sweets at this time. It's a good time to save money. It's a good time to invest money, and another source of income can come into your life. Sudden investments can give you a good return at this time, and of course, desire for relationships will increase at this moment.
Impact on Mars
When Jupiter moves over Mars, you'll be feeling more enterprising. You may be taking more risks, perhaps starting a new business. You'll have excessive energy depending on Mars' placement. If it's very well placed, then when this Jupiter connects with your natal Mars, it can help you win disputes, battles, lawsuits, any kind of competition. You can acquire new property at this time, a bigger place. It's a good transit for your brothers, younger brothers, bringing them opportunities. So, this can also be the case if it's a trinal aspect with Mars. Your Mars is situated in Capricorn or Virgo. For women, it's an excellent transit for getting married or meeting your husband when Jupiter connects with your date of Mars. Excellent time to study Vastu Shastra. See also what Mars represents for you. For example, if it's your ninth Lord, you may be traveling more now.
Impact on Mercury
What happens when Jupiter connects to your natal Mercury? You'll want to increase your knowledge at this time, learn new skills. You could be feeling more enthusiastic, more sociable at this time. You'll also feel like learning new skills at this time. Short-distance travel can come up when Jupiter is impacting your natal Mercury. You can think of new ways to increase your income, perhaps create a new stream of income, especially if it's a trine aspect to your Mercury. So, you have Mercury sitting in Virgo, you have Mercury sitting in Capricorn. It may also make you more interested in astrology at this time. You can also think about increasing plants around your house. Business opportunities can come at this time for you. You can receive invites to attend relatives' weddings. If your natal Mercury is in bad shape or afflicted, this can result in skin issues, so be aware of that.
Impact on Rahu
What about when Jupiter is transiting over your Rahu? You have Rahu sitting in Taurus. This can bring some illusions, obviously, so be wary about trusting others very quickly. Take your time, perhaps get a second opinion if you're seeking advice. Very important when Jupiter and Rahu are connecting, but you may get big gains. Right, because Rahu is very well-placed in Taurus, so from a materialistic point of view, this is an excellent transit. You'll be tempted to take shortcuts, though, to make money. Like quick schemes can come up into your life, so be aware of frauds at this time. Watch for scams. Some people will become more greedy also. This transit over Rahu can make you indulgent, and you may be spending more at this time. Jupiter in trine with your Rahu, perhaps you can learn a new language. You may also learn new skills, especially those that can help you make money. You can move abroad, somewhere very foreign to you. This can also give you breaks in your profession. It can increase your status, your image. It can boost your appearance.
Impact on Ketu
Jupiter over your Ketu, people from your past can return at this time. Childbirth may happen for some people. For some, you can acquire a new dog. Certainly, it would be a good time for that. Ketu makes you more spiritual, so maybe you're studying Ayurveda, maybe you're starting to study Jyotish, and maybe you're starting to go deeper into it. Jupiter is in trine with Ketu; you'll want to be more independent. It'll help you let go of past difficult situations. It's a good time for counseling, perhaps. It's a good time for healing past wounds and problems.
Impact on Saturn
What happens when Jupiter impacts your natal Saturn? Well, financial gains can be there. New career opportunities can come up at this time. You'll be rewarded for past actions, past efforts. You'll be able to face your limits. There's maturity change. There's a different life path can be there, especially career path. You'll be able to save money now. Career shifts are a big possibility at this time. Starting a new career, ending an old one, that's also a big possibility. If you're old enough, just think about what happened like 12 years ago when you had the last Jupiter Taurus transit. Did your career change in some way? This move over Saturn will help you make good long-term investments as well. Normally, it can bring a major life shift, at least a new way of approaching your life, your priorities.