August Horoscope 2024
Hello folks, here to speak about the month of August. I dont know about the rest of you, but this summer is going very quickly for me. Ive just been very, very busy with home improvements. With all of the energy going on in Scorpio, which is my fourth house, its no surprise. Anyway, lets talk about the month of August.
Understanding Zodiac Signs
Before we dive deeper, lets answer what is a zodiac sign. A zodiac sign is a specific segment of the sky that the sun, moon, and planets travel through. Each sign has unique characteristics and influences on individuals born under them.
Astrology Signs and Their Influence
Astrology signs play a crucial role in shaping an individuals personality, behavior, and destiny. Each of the twelve zodiac signs represents different traits and influences based on the time and position of celestial bodies during ones birth.
Mercury Retrograde Cycle
In August, we have a Mercury retrograde cycle coming up. Mercury retrograde is known for causing disruptions in communication, travel plans, and technology. It’s a period of re-evaluation, and it often brings unresolved issues back to the forefront. This retrograde starts early in the month and affects various aspects of life depending on where Mercury falls in your chart.
Venus in Leo
The first significant event in August is Venus moving into Leo. This happens on July 31st and lasts until August 25th. Venus enjoys this transit with its friend Mercury, who is already in Leo. The Sun will join them in mid-August, shifting a lot of attention to Leo. Venus in Leo is not the most comfortable placement, but at least its out of combustion.
In Cancer, Venus was under the gaze of Rahu, but now its under the gaze of Saturn. Relationship matters may feel more serious now, possibly taking things to another level. Financially, you might feel a bit sobered and cautious with your spending habits. The Venus combustion and its transit through Cancer could have seen you spending a lot, so now its time to be more frugal.
New Moon in Cancer
We have a New Moon in Cancer on August 4th in the Nakshatra of Ashlesha. This is an excellent moon cycle for gaining benefits from dreams and meditation. You may be able to solve lingering problems or come up with conclusions about ongoing dilemmas in your life. This New Moon receives the exact aspect of Rahu, which could bring some underhanded activity or deception to light.
Ashlesha is about getting to the bottom of things and uncovering the truth. People with a strong Ashlesha influence are very good at sensing when something is off. They can detect deception and manipulation, which is why they sometimes get a bad rap for being manipulative themselves. This Nakshatra can also be a catalyst for lies and manipulation, especially with Rahus aspect.
Mercury Retrograde and Its Effects
The next morning, on August 5th, Mercury goes retrograde. This supports the retreating nature and redoing some matters. You might be revisiting issues related to Cancer, such as business problems or old relationship issues. See where Leo falls in your chart to get clues on where the focus will be. With Saturn and Mars aspecting Leo, along with Venus and Mercury in Leo, you might feel pressured to make a decision.
Mercury returns to Cancer on August 22nd and stays there until September 4th. It then resumes its long transit in Leo from September 4th to September 23rd. This period will bring a lot of attention to the areas of life governed by Leo in your chart.
The Sun in Leo
On August 16th, we have the Suns annual transit into its own sign of Leo, lasting until September 16th. The Sun feels powerful and ready to shine in Leo. Mars aspects the Sun here, giving you energy and a boost. This will balance out Saturns sobering aspect, but the Sun will still feel some pressure to make decisions due to the malefic aspects of Mars and Saturn.
Full Moon in Aquarius
On August 19th, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius in the Nakshatra of Dhanishta. This Full Moon gets the aspect of retrograde Saturn, as well as Venus and retrograde Mercury. This period is about reassessing certain matters in your life. See where Cancer and Leo fall in your chart to get some clues. You might also be reflecting on areas connected to Aquarius.
All planets are now in fixed signs, which means the decisions you make now can have a lasting impact. There can be some tension in relationships, possibly arising from money issues. Disagreements and negotiations are likely. Its best to wait until August 28th, when Mercury goes direct, to make any concrete decisions. Youll get more clarity by then, so take your time and dont get pressured by others.
Mercurys Return to Cancer
Mercury retreats back into Cancer on August 22nd. This will give you some clues on how to proceed, but its still advisable to wait until August 28th for more clarity. Rahus aspect on Cancer means things may not be entirely clear until Mercury goes direct and returns to Leo in early September.
Mars in Gemini
Mars continues its transit in Taurus until August 26th. On August 27th, Mars moves into Gemini, where it will stay until October 21st. Mars in Gemini is not the best placement as it can result in gossip and backbiting. However, Gemini is the natural third house, where Mars tends to do better than in Taurus, the natural second house.
With Marss transit in Taurus augmented by Jupiter, you would have been getting good guidance, especially related to money matters. In Gemini, you can act more forcefully, but be careful of exaggerated or forceful communication. This is especially the case until Mercury moves into Leo on September 4th.
Venus in Virgo
On August 24th, Venus moves into its debilitation sign of Virgo and joins Ketu there. With Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, in retrograde in Cancer at this time, you might experience some domestic issues. Disagreements with family could arise, but they should get sorted by the end of the month.
Venus in Virgo can cause some detachment in relationships, especially with Ketus influence. You might feel disenchanted with your love interests and look outside the relationship for fulfillment. Venus leaves Virgo on September 18th, and Mercury moving direct on August 28th will bring clarity in domestic matters and open up communication channels for more harmony.
This month is filled with astrological events that will influence various aspects of life. From Mercury retrograde to Venus in Leo, and the Suns powerful transit in Leo, each event brings its own set of challenges and opportunities. Take your time, reflect, and wait for the right moment to make important decisions. All the best!