Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Dec 27, 20223 Min Read
Can Rahu or Ketu becomes Atmakarka -DKSCORE

Understanding Ketu as Atmakaraka: Significance and Examples in Vedic Astrology

In my last blog since I have cleared the confusion of 7 or 8 char karakas and we established with the help of reference of classics that how 8 char karakas to used and How Rahu can be Atmakaraka but can Ketu also be atmakarka.

As Rahu and Ketu and two parts of same body creating a push and pull effect in chart where Ketu tries to run upwards while Rahu try to go downwards that is why Rahu is represented by a symbol of Parachute as while going down in speed it will help you and opposite is a symbol for Ketu.

Ketu is a planet which will take you to peak of life to make sure you have the deepest understanding of the life and soul that is why Ketu conjunction with Moon keep giving these absent minded thoughts and deep understanding of the nature and universe around you, These people are more sensitive towards the energies in life and keep finding deeper meanings in every single action.

In Jaimini Sutram profession related to ketu is given as watchmaker but it really means is -If you every see watchmakers they deal with small and intricate parts to construct a time peace, there are several small gears and spring in clock and making a clock requires attention to detail and looking at very small part of the design very carefully, similarly work of Ketu is to look every single detail in life and work on it rather than making broad picture.

When Rahu/Ketu attains the highest degree then out of the two whoever is stronger will becomes the Atmakarka planet and now let us see some examples where Ketu has become atmakarka in chart and how their life panned out.

Srila Prabhupada- His atmakarka is shown as Rahu but instead it has to be Ketu as Ketu being conjucted with two more planets and Ketu will have more say over Rahu. Shri KN Rao has taken Capricorn as lagna while some scholars take Saggi as lagna but either way degree of Ketu is going to be the highest and this is what gave him such deep understanding of religion and Bhakti without Ketu being an atmakarka it would have never been possible.

I tried attaching chart of Sri Prabhupada but my system behave weirdly this will happen when you are dealing with such strong energy charts and this is the reason you should never mix energies of different chart.

Srila prabhupad had Juptiter Ketu and Sun placed in 8th house in Leo while Rahu is alone in 2nd house shows Ketu being a clear winner in this case and we all know how life of Srila prabhubad panned out.

Srila Prabhupada

When Rahu or Ketu occupy the highest degree then either of them will become the atmakarka but the condition is who is more stronger among the two.

Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare
Hare Krishna hare Krishna Hare krishna Hare Hare

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Deepanshu Giri

He is an engineer having completed his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Deepanshu Giri is an Underwater Robotics Supervisor who has ser ...Read More

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