Deepanshu Giri
Deepanshu Giri
Dec 27, 20222 Min Read
Debt of God-Part-2 -DKSCORE

The Power of Fulfilling Promises to God: Understanding Pending Karma in Vedic Astrology

This is part of the story in continuation of the first article- Promise of God. As we all promise sometimes to god- one or other thing and when we forget -we attract problems in our life.

During the course of predictive astrology- I gave out several techniques openly so student can get prepared for the next level as ultimate goal is to teach pending karma in so detail that every student instead of prescribing remedies should be able to tell -Why anyone is suffering? and how easily he can come out of it.

One of the pending karma -i was teaching was -how to see debt in any chart as whenever there is a debt towards god- person will be like a prisoner in this world and nothing much will be achieved.

One of my students- who comes from a family where no one believes in astrology. His father was suffering from loan problem, court case and business was closed from last 2 years. you can imagine in today’s world without any business it is difficult to survive and things were getting bad.

In one of the lectures i explained -how to see promises made in any chart towards god, He saw that in father’s chart and realized his father had promised money to temple 2 years back but never paid.

He immediately told father to pay money to temple to get rid of these financial troubles- Can you imagine what happened in 2 days of paying the money- They got investors for business and business started again.

Imagine such a simple thing but such a big impact on life of the native- Just a promise made me go through such a bad phase-Karmic remedies are like this only and when anyone does it- effects are as magical as in the story above as first the procedure is- to pin point the event and then do the remedy.

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Deepanshu Giri

Deepanshu Giri

He is an engineer having completed his Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Deepanshu Giri is an Underwater Robotics Supervisor who has ser ...Read More

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