Anahita  Rao
Anahita Rao
Jun 4, 20246 Min Read
Understanding Dushtana Houses(6, 8, 12) in Vedic Astrology: Overcoming Suffering in Vedic Astrology -DKSCORE

Overcoming Suffering in Vedic Astrology: Fresh Insights into Dushtana Houses


Dushtana houses in Vedic astrology refer to the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses in a birth chart. The term "Dushtana" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Dush" meaning suffering and "Sthana" meaning place. Thus, these houses are considered the houses of suffering. They represent areas in life where one might encounter challenges, obstacles, and difficulties that are not easily overcome.


The Concept of Suffering in Vedic Philosophy


Understanding the essence of suffering is crucial to grasping the significance of the Dushtana houses. In Vedic philosophy, suffering is categorized into three types: Adhibhautika, Adhidaivika, and Adhyatmika.


Adhibhautika Suffering


This type of suffering is purely material in nature. It arises from the lack of access to physical comforts and necessities, such as a desk, a car, or other material possessions. The absence of these items can cause discomfort and misery.


Adhidaivika Suffering


Adhidaivika suffering is also material in nature but is attributed to divine or natural forces. This includes events like floods, earthquakes, famines, and hurricanes. These are situations beyond human control, often attributed to the universe or a higher power.


Adhyatmika Suffering


Adhyatmika suffering is internal and psychological. It occurs when one has everything materially but still feels unfulfilled. This inner angst often leads to a spiritual quest, seeking deeper meaning and connection.


Relationship with the World


To understand suffering, one must explore the relationship between the individual and the world. This includes relationships with other people, nature, and the universe. Imbalances in these relationships can lead to suffering. Most people accept the first two types of suffering as inevitable and surround themselves with others who share similar experiences. However, overcoming suffering requires a rebellious spirit and a willingness to go beyond the status quo.


The Sixth House: Suffering and Control


The sixth house in Vedic astrology represents daily habits, routines, work life, health, healing, disputes, court cases, litigation, and conflicts. It is also known as the Upachaya house, meaning it gets better with time. While the sixth house can bring significant suffering, it is unique in that one can exercise some control over it. This control, however, often leads to anxiety and stress as one strives for perfection and achievement.


Significations of the Sixth House


The sixth house governs various aspects of life, including daily habits, routines, work life, health, healing, disputes, court cases, litigation, strife, and conflicts. Despite continuous efforts, one may face constant obstacles and problems, leading to frustration and suffering. On the extreme end, the sixth house is associated with addictions and substance abuse, especially if one lacks the strength to deal with problems.


Six Shadripus


The sixth house is also connected to the six Shadripus, or internal evils of the mind: Lust (Kama), Anger (Krodha), Greed (Lobha), Delusion (Moha), Pride (Mada), and Envy (Matsarya). These bind the soul to the cycle of birth and death, operating from a subconscious level. Overcoming these internal evils during the Dasha (planetary period) of the sixth house or its lord can lead to personal growth and evolution.


Remedies for the Sixth House


Common remedies for the sixth house include selfless service, which helps gain perspective by aiding those suffering more than oneself. Letting go of attachments and expectations connected to the sixth house, living in the present, and practicing spiritual disciplines can also alleviate suffering. Developing good habits, routines, and discipline is crucial in overcoming the challenges and obstacles associated with the sixth house.


The Twelfth House: Isolation and Loss


The twelfth house represents bedroom pleasures, hidden things, spirituality, foreign lands, multinational companies, isolation, imprisonment, and losses. It is considered the house of loss, including the loss of self. The Dasha of the twelfth house or its ruler often leads one into isolation, either through choice (meditation, retreats) or circumstances (betrayal, imprisonment).


Significations of the Twelfth House


The twelfth house governs various forms of isolation, including imprisonment, meditation, and retreats. It also represents losses, both material and personal. The Dasha of a malefic planet in the twelfth house can lead to isolation through betrayal, while a benefic planet may lead to voluntary isolation for spiritual growth.


Remedies for the Twelfth House


To mitigate the effects of the twelfth house, one can engage in charitable acts, give away possessions, and practice selfless service. Meditation and spiritual retreats are also beneficial. The key is to give away something, whether it be time, energy, or material possessions, to balance out the losses experienced.


The Eighth House: Transformation and Rebirth


The eighth house is associated with fears, anxieties, obsessions, death, and rebirth. It represents deep-seated fears, particularly the fear of death. The Dasha of the eighth house or its ruler brings about an inner transformation, often through significant changes and upheavals in life.


Significations of the Eighth House


The eighth house governs death and rebirth, transformation, and deep attachments. It can lead to obsessive attractions and intimacy issues. It also represents past life repercussions and deep-seated fears. The Dasha of the eighth house or its ruler often brings about significant changes, requiring one to let go and embrace transformation.


Remedies for the Eighth House


Overcoming the challenges of the eighth house involves surrender and acceptance. Engaging in ethical behavior, abstaining from meat and substances, and seeking spiritual guidance can help mitigate the effects of the eighth house. Having a guru or being part of a spiritual community can provide support and guidance during periods of transformation.




The Dushtana houses in Vedic astrology (6th, 8th, and 12th) represent areas of life where one encounters significant challenges and obstacles. Understanding and addressing the suffering associated with these houses can lead to personal growth and spiritual evolution. By practicing selfless service, letting go of attachments, engaging in spiritual disciplines, and seeking guidance from a guru, one can navigate the difficulties of the Dushtana houses and transform suffering into strength.


For a deeper exploration of the Dushtana houses, you can watch the following video:


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Anahita  Rao

Anahita Rao

Anahita Rao was born in New Delhi, India and has lived and travelled across the globe.Influenced by her father’s deep interest and aptitude in vedic astrol ...Read More

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