Hello folks, its important to discuss a very crucial topic in Vedic astrology, which often gets overlooked because we get so caught up in analyzing whats in the birth chart. Instead of merely understanding why certain things are present in the chart, its equally important to focus on what can be done about them. The essence of astrology is to identify the karmic points in your birth chart, perhaps your purpose and spiritual path. However, one of the essential tools that astrology provides us is how to remedy this karma, making it manageable and helping you achieve your goals.
General Points about Remedies
The first thing to keep in mind with remedies is discipline. You need to be regular and have a sustainable spiritual practice. This could include a pranayama (breathing exercises) practice for a few minutes daily, concentrated meditation techniques, mantra japa (chanting), yoga, or fasting. The energy that the body uses for digestion is redirected to healing when fasting, which also benefits mental health. Mantras are very effective, but their effectiveness can depend on your chart. For example, if you have a perfect fifth house, it may or may not work for you. Nonetheless, doing mantra chanting for your ascendant lord can always be beneficial.
Seva (Service) as a Remedy
Seva, or service, is considered one of the best remedies for any issue. This could be volunteer work or giving donations. However, just giving donations may not make much difference unless coupled with other practices. An internal shift occurs when you are actively involved in a regular practice. This shift is necessary for a stabilizing change. If youre only donating, it might feel good for a few minutes, but it wont lead to a lasting impact. Therefore, its crucial to combine donations with other practices like meditation, pranayama, or yoga.
Gemstones as Remedies
Im not a big advocate of gemstones unless they come from a very reliable source, and even then, you need to know how to energize them properly before wearing them. There are two schools of thought when it comes to gemstones: one suggests using natural malefic stones if they rule good houses, and the other suggests using natural benefics if they rule good houses. Initially, its safer to go with the latter. For instance, if youre a Leo ascendant, dont use red coral even if Mars is your Yoga Karaka planet because its a natural malefic. Instead, use yellow sapphire because Jupiter is a natural benefic and rules your fifth house.
Participation in Remedies
For a remedy to be effective, you must actively participate in the action. Karma is action, and you need action to burn off old karma. If you wear a gemstone, do so in conjunction with other practices like fasting, mantra chanting, or seva. Active involvement will help you combat issues at the mind, body, and soul levels.
Understanding Rahu and Ketu
Lets talk about Rahu and Ketu together. Although they are contrasting energies, they are actually two parts of the same entity. Their positions in the chart can create chaos, confusion, and disorientation. Rahu is associated with grief, paranoia, psychological issues, frustration, and overall dissatisfaction, whereas Ketu is linked to disconnectedness, isolation, and alienation. These nodes are concentrated points of karma in our charts.
Symptoms of Afflicted Nodes
A badly afflicted node can result in greed, obsessive-compulsive behavior, delusion, depression, mania, panic, scandals, fears, and phobias. Divorce is also a manifestation when the nodes are forming close conjunctions with the Moon or Sun. A node can be afflicted due to conjunctions with malefic planets or being badly placed in the chart.
Rahus Difficult Positions
Rahu can be challenging when associated with the fourth, fifth, or seventh house or their rulers. Its symptoms include frustration and dissatisfaction. Remedies for Rahu include fasting on Saturdays and performing Durga Puja and mantras.
Ketus Difficult Positions
Ketu can be difficult when associated with the first, second, eighth, tenth, or eleventh house or their rulers. It can make one overly critical and detached. Remedies for Ketu include fasting on Thursdays and chanting Ganesha mantras.
Benefits of Remedies
Effective remedies can alleviate issues related to Rahu and Ketu. Benefits include lower obsession, more success, better self-discipline, increased calm, improved patience, higher status in society, controlled desires, and more achievable missions. For Ketu, it helps in avoiding scandals and retaining a good name.
Spiritual Discipline as the Best Remedy
The best remedies for the nodes are spiritual disciplines and practices. The nodes take you on a path of experiences, whether positive or negative. Usually, things come into your life suddenly and leave just as quickly. The nodes ripen our karmas swiftly, making their dasha periods intense. With a disciplined spiritual practice, you can welcome these experiences and let them go more easily.
Understanding the Nodes Lessons
The nodes constantly bring experiences to complete our karma. Every experience ultimately leads to the void, to nothingness. As you progress in life, you will leave behind every experience, understanding that it is temporary. This realization usually comes with maturity, which is why the nodes mature in your 40s. However, during nodal dashas, one can get so caught up in the experiences that they fail to see beyond them. This creates excitement, confusion, chaos, sudden changes, and both losses and gains.
Letting Go of Experiences
With a spiritual practice, you learn to let go of experiences daily. You can examine each experience and say, This is nothing. What remains after all experiences is love, particularly self-love, which is everything. If you dont come to this understanding through knowledge, it will come through misery. Either way, you will reach the same point: This is nothing. The choice is yours.