Prash Trivedi
Prash Trivedi
Dec 27, 202319 Min Read
Hasta Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi -DKSCORE

Exploring the Artistic and Skilled Hasta Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

10° 00’ Kanya - 23° 20’ Kanya In the Sky

Hasta consists of five prominent, easily visible stars of constellation known as Corvi (Crow), which lies below constellation of Kanya. These five stars, whose grouping was seen by ancient Vedic Seers as resembling top of a hand (five fingertips), are known in modern astronomy as Alpha Corvi (Alchiba), Beta Corvi, Delta Corvi (Algorab), Gamma Corvi (Gienah) & Epsilon Corvi. Beta Corvi is brightest among these stars, with a visual magnitude of 2.66. Constellation representing this asterism Corvi can be located in night sky below constellation Kanya, to right hand side of zodiacal belt. It lies very close to right hand side of Spica, one of brightest stars, and can thus be easily spotted despite its relative faintness.


Hasta’s main translation is ”hand”. As we shall find in course of this section, this seemingly general and inconsequential name conveys a major part of this asterism’s nature, activities and approach.

Its alternative translation is ”laughter”. Root ”Has” in Sanskrit means ”to laugh”. Ancient Seers must have picked this name as a pun on a Nakshatra most closely associated with pun. Its alternative names ”Bhanu” and ”Ark” translate into ”Surya” and ”Surya’s ray” respectively. Association of Hasta with Surya and solar principle will become clear as we discuss its symbols and ruling deity.

Hasta has three main symbols. One symbol is ”a hand with all five fingers spread-eagled”. Through this symbol, ancient Seers are trying to emphasize Hasta’s relation with fate. One can see all lines in palm when a hand is spread out. These lines in palm, as we know, relate to our destiny in present life. Hasta is closely connected to art of palmistry and by extrapolation, Astrology. Hand also simply relates to all activities done with use of hands. This will be expanded upon later. In ancient times, outstretched hand was a symbol of Surya, with fingers representing its rays. Relationship of this Nakshatra with Surya is established through its ruling deity.

Second symbol is ”a clenched fist”, which exemplifies secrecy and determination. Hasta, as we shall discover, is related to all kinds of activities, like trickery, deceit and manipulation involving use of above two qualities. Clenched fist in its negative aspect represents greed, ambition and an inability to let go of things. In its positive aspect, it represents strength, which is derived through unity and harmonious working of parts.

Hasta is Nakshatra most closely associated with cooperation in order to achieve intended goal. This cooperation, however, has very little to do with friendship, as there is a distinct lack of trust in all Hasta bondings. It is no wonder that shaking hands is most commonly used act for bonding in modern times. This immediately reflects modern world’s obsession with cooperation without trust.

Third and more rarely used symbol of Hasta is ”a potter’s wheel”. A potter’s wheel has its obvious association with pottery making and all types of handicrafts in general. On an esoteric level, potter’s wheel symbolizes passage of time. Hasta is often very concerned about proper utilization of time. It is very prone to go to extremes in relation to this issue and turn life into a clock. It is obsessed with time keeping, punctuality, repetition and other such robotic traits, usually associated with Rasi Kanya.


Just like previous two Nakshatras, a solar deity presides over Hasta. This solar deity is named ”Savitar”. His name has two translations - ”impeller” and ”first rays of rising Surya”.

As an ”impeller”, Savitar is seen as a god who gives life. Hasta is therefore known as a Nakshatra which aids childbirth. ”First rays of rising Surya” represent awakening potential of Hasta in all ancient cultures and civilizations. First rays of sunrise were a signal for all people to begin their day’s activities, its function being similar to an alarm clock today. We can thus infer that Hasta has all to do with terms ”activity” and ”alertness”. Hasta is proverbial ”wake up call”, a term which should be read from both a material and spiritual perspective.

Savitar has a jovial, lighthearted type of persona. He is always portrayed with a laughing gesture. He is a playful deity into all kinds of tricks, amusements and games. This makes Hasta interested in all kinds of sports on all planes of existence. On terrestrial earthly plane, Hasta relates to both mind games and physical sports.

Savitar is supposed to be extremely skilled with his hands. This makes Hasta directly associated with everything done with hands. Reasoning behind naming of Hasta should now be clear to us. Savitar is also considered to be a crafty trickster, taking pleasure in lying, gambling and fraud. These qualities don’t seem like kind which one would associate with a solar deity, but truth is that even Surya has this cunning, crafty side to its nature, which is more often than not overlooked by astrologers. In ancient times, all kings (represented by Surya) were supposed to be well versed in arts of lying, deceit, fraud, gambling and robbery. Readers can refer to author’s previous work (”Surya - The Cosmic Powerhouse”, Sagar Publications, India) for more details on this aspect of Surya’s nature.

Savitar is almost mercurial in his approach, which does not come as a surprise, since all of this Nakshatra falls in Kanya, a Rasi ruled by Budh. Savitar can be seen as a deity who fuses energies of Surya and Budh. His qualities are very similar to those ascribed to Budha-Ditya Yoga (Surya / Budh conjunction in a Rasi or Bhava). Again reader can refer to ”Surya - The Cosmic Powerhouse” for more information on this Yoga.

In a way, nature and functioning of Savitar is akin to a bright sunny day, where everyone is feeling good and are involved in creative activities of all kinds. This is what makes Hasta one of most optimistic and creative Nakshatras.

Nature & Functioning

Common English words like ”hand”, ”handy”, ”haste”, ”hassle”, ”haggle”, ”have”, ”hard”, ”harness”, ”hack”, ”harvest”, seem to have same root as word ”Hasta”. Their meanings relate to Hasta’s functioning at some level or other. Well known greeting ”Hasta maniana” sheds light on Hasta’s jovial and easy going approach and its relationship with all kinds of endings.

Hasta follows Uttaraphalguni, Nakshatra in which a family is established. After establishment of a family, issues like continuity and sustenance crop up. There are little and big things to be done on a regular basis, to keep household going. Hasta relates to all little activities which make civilized living possible. It is no surprise that Hasta natives are handymen of zodiac. They also make excellent householders. Even though they take their work seriously, there is always some internal lightheartedness underneath. They are very good at carrying plain faces and stern exteriors. Even comedians which use this Nakshatra’s energies, bring out humor through deadpan, straight, serious facial expressions.

When Hasta rises on Lagna, it produces highly flexible and supple bodies, capable of handling a variety of manual jobs. They often have some type of acrobatic skill. They have small eyes and roundish faces. They have mischievous smiles and like to squint a lot. They love to laugh and play joker. They have quick, sharp minds, which constantly process whatever they observe. They like to think along practical lines and have a tendency to look down upon romantically bohemian attitudes. Theirs is a world of classification, order and arrangement. Hasta natives have a tendency for overwork, arising from an inability to sit still. They can get obsessive about keeping themselves busy, a trait which makes them invent unnecessary tasks or complicate relatively simple tasks. No other Nakshatra comes close to Hasta when it comes to an eye for detail. They work at things painstakingly and expect others to do same. They can be extremely critical when their high standards are not met. Haste usually gives some sort of tension with progeny, if related to 5th Bhava in any way.

In universal scheme of things, Hasta relates to ”Hasta Sthapaniya Agama Shakti” - power to put one’s object of desire in one’s hands. Its symbolism has attainment of object above and process of attainment below. Symbolism makes it clear beyond words that Hasta promises immediate acquirement of one’s object of desire through one’s skill.

Mode of Functioning

Hasta is a passive Nakshatra. This comes as a surprise, but this can be understood in terms of its planetary Lord Chandr. Chandr has a strong, passive and receptive side to its nature, which is more on display in Hasta rather than Chandr’s other Nakshatra, Rohini. Hasta’s passivity can be seen through following example character:

”Hasta can be a timid, shy pottery maker who just spends all his time making pottery items without any desire for extraordinary gains. He gets paid much less than he deserves by cheating businessmen (another type of Haste character). He never raises a voice against injustice and accepts his fate of poverty and hard work lying down.”


It belongs to Vaishya (merchant / business) caste. This comes as no surprise, because Hasta is predominantly associated with production, buying and selling of goods. It can be said that Hasta has most business-like approach to life in comparison with all other Nakshatras. In present day and age, where business and commerce rules everything else, Hasta has a dominant role. However, since corruption, deceit and greed form back bone of most business in today’s world, only negative side of Hasta is on display. All of big, multinational corporations and ruling business elite are nothing but petty thieves and swindlers.


It is a male Nakshatra. This classification is directly derived from its ruling deity. We have already seen that this is a predominantly solar Nakshatra and thus has to have a male essence.

Body Parts & Humor

Hands are body parts related to this Nakshatra.

It is a primarily ”Vata” (airy) Nakshatra. This is clear from fact that all of this Nakshatra lies in a predominantly Vata Rasi, Kanya. One can also infer that Hasta derives its quick, light, agile and humorous disposition from its airy humor.


It is related primarily to East, South, North and North-West.


First Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13°20’ Kanya) falls in Mesha Navamsa and is ruled by Mangal. This Pada gives abundant energy and makes one an expert at underhanded activities. Mathematical, military and surgical skills are enhanced here. A well placed Mangal or Surya are strongest in this Pada.

Second Pada of this asterism (13° 20’ - 16° 40’ Kanya) falls in Vrisabha Navamsa ruled by Sukr. Emphasis here is on down to earth practicality. Grahas here seek material arrangement and perfection as their Dharma.

Honesty and morality are more developed here in comparison to other Padas. This Pada supports artistic activities. A well placed Budh, Sukr and Sani give good results here.

Third Pada of this asterism (16° 40’ - 20° 00’ Kanya) falls in Mithuna Navamsa ruled by Budh. This is Pada of merchant, trader and business person. Emphasis here is on career. This is most dexterous and clever amongst Hasta’s Padas. Well placed Budh here gives extraordinary perception and intelligence.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (20° 00’ - 23° 20’ Kanya) falls in Karkataka Navamsa ruled by Chandr. Focus here is on family life and communal co-existence. This Pada promises material security, but at same time promotes suspicion towards anything foreign. Best and worst of Hasta manifests through this Pada. Only a well placed Guru gives strong results here, especially in regards to having good progeny.


Artisans; manual laborers; all professions requiring dexterity of hand; mechanics; jewelry makers; origami experts; acrobats, gymnasts and circus performers; fairytale writers; those involved in invention and production of daily utility items; inventors in general; publishing & printing industry; stage magicians; swindlers; pickpockets; stock brokers; packaging industry; paper industry; manicurists; all people working in share and stock markets; casino dealers; toy makers; carpenters; professional gamblers; bookies; small shop owners, market sellers, small scale trade persons and businessmen in all fields; clerks; bankers; accountants; typists; cleaners; housekeepers; servants; masseurs; doctors; physiotherapists; chemical & toiletry industry; textile industry; tarot card readers; palmists; psychics; astrologers; auctioneers; pottery & ceramic industry; interior decorators; gardeners; farmers & agriculturalists; all professions connected with food production, processing and distribution industry; barbers, hairdressers & stylists; sculptors; masons; those connected with amusement parks; sales persons in all fields; professional comedians; satirical novelists; radio & television commentators; speech therapists; newsreaders; martial artists; forgers; thieves; robbers dealing with opening safes; all street smart professions in general.


Agricultural fields; grazing pastures; home gardens; art & craft studios; marketplace; stock exchange (Wall Street etc.); casinos; betting shops; amusement parks; fairgrounds; factories; in general, places connected with above professions.

Guna & Tatva

It is supposed to be a Rajasic Nakshatra. Hasta’s immense immersion in worldly activities makes it a predominantly Rajasic Nakshatra. As we have mentioned repeatedly, it is a Nakshatra very active on a material plane.

It belongs to fire element. This classification definitely relates to its association with Surya. Its fire energy manifests itself as innovation, quick thinking and an energetic approach to things.


It is considered a Deva (godly) Nakshatra. Hasta’s ruling deity Savitar is seen as a primarily benevolent deity.

Hasta’s Divine quality can be judged from fact that it never harbors any strong negative or cruel tendencies.

Orientation & Disposition

It is a level Nakshatra. This has to do with business aspect of Hasta. Most level Nakshatras are supposed to be good for business of all kinds. They are also good for patching things up, an activity which Hasta greatly enjoys.

As mentioned previously, it is a light and swift Nakshatra. This classification can be easily derived from its humorous, lighthearted nature. We have also seen that Hasta is associated with quickness in thought and action.

Lunar Month & Tithi

It relates to first 9 days of lunar month of Chaitra, which usually falls in late March.

Hasta is also related to Dvadashi (12th Tithi) of waxing and waning phases of Chandr’s monthly cycle.

Auspicious Activities

Good for most activities done under Surya; arts & crafts; activities that stimulate laughter; all types of hobbies, especially things like pottery and jewelry making; planting seeds & gardening in general; domestic work; studying sciences & astrology; learning languages; all activities requiring hand skills and repetition; magic tricks; playing games; all business activities requiring tact & shrewdness; good for marriage; buying & selling, especially items like grains, textiles etc.; good for getting a good bargain; dealing with children; thievery; holistic treatments of diseases; travel & change of residence.

Inauspicious Activities

Planning long-term goals and objectives; sexual activity; does not support relaxation or inactivity; unfavorable for all activities requiring executive ability and maturity; not good for most nighttime activities.


Main planetary influences affecting this Nakshatra are Chandr and Budh. Chandr is main ruling Graha of Hasta. Chandr imparts emotions, care and sensitivity to this Nakshatra. It is this lunar influence which makes Hasta a doyen of home and family life. When working through its lower functioning, all negative aspects of lunar energy, like ultra conservatism, bigotry, fickleness, excessive attachment and inability to let go, takes centre stage. However unlike Karkataka, lunar nature here is under supervision of Budh, Graha of discrimination. Budh’s influence makes Hasta jovial and lighthearted, thus saving it from type of depression people with prominent Karkataka placements go through. Hasta’s discriminatory power also allows it to navigate its way through waters of life more efficiently, as compared to its Nakshatra’s counterpart in Karkataka, Ashlesha.

Ashlesha and Hasta are only two Nakshatras where energies of Chandr and Budh combine, only difference being that Chandr is king in Ashlesha, while Budh has final say in Hasta. This means that intellect rules over mind in Hasta, which is obviously way Universe prefers it. Chandr can perceive, but not derive conclusions, which is Budh’s doing. It is Budh which guides Chandr while it is Chandr which nurtures Budh. Hasta is all about this interplay between Chandr and Budh.

Vowels & Alphabets

First Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Kanya) corresponds to ”Pu” as in Putin or Pure.

Second Pada of this asterism (13° 20’ - 16° 40’ Kanya) corresponds to ”Sha” as in Shah or Sharon.

Third Pada of this asterism (16° 40’ - 20° 00’ Kanya) corresponds to ”Nu” as in Nun.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (20° 00’ - 23° 20’ Kanya) corresponds to ”Tu” as in Turtle.

In Sanskrit alphabet, Hasta corresponds to ”Jha” and ”Nya”, consequently its Mantras are ”Om Jham” and ”Om Nyam”.

Sexual Type & Compatibility

Its sexual animal is a buffalo. Despite its dexterity and skill with hands and fingers, its sexual tendencies are usually not very refined. A lot of sexual exploitation takes place for making money under energies of this Nakshatra. It is, however, not prone to extreme sexual perversions like other cruel or fierce Nakshatras. When it is working through its ascetic level, Haste can be most non-sexual amongst all Nakshatras. Its sexual energies are most compatible with those of Swati.

For sexual and marital compatibility with other Nakshatras please refer to tables at end of this document.


Hasta is handyman of Universe and even esoteric things are nothing but exoteric when one truly understands dictum ”as above, so below”.

Hasta takes care of all little things which keep 14 worlds running. ”Divide between devil and god is a matter of detail” sums up Hasta’s approach on a macrocosmic level. Its painstaking efforts are however often overlooked on a personal as well as collective level, but such things don’t bother it, just like it doesn’t bother Surya if its light is taken for granted.

Though this fact has not been brought up in any written text until now, Hasta has a connection with Rahu, Graha of Maya, magic and trickery. Hasta is partly secret behind deviously mischievous all-knowing smile on face of Vishnu. Hasta is one of few Nakshatras which has ability to see whole of creation as a play, and find enjoyment, merriment and laughter playing it right way.

Legend of Virgin Mary, which obviously finds its parallels in all ancient cultures and civilizations, is all about energies which come under Hasta’s domain. Hasta is representative of inner sun, which has ability to hold, produce and foster Divine savior (mainly incarnations of Vishnu). Term ”inner sun” is used because Kanya is Rasi of matter and material world holds and hides spiritual realm. Hasta therefore is androgynous force which shapes material world according to spiritual laws.

Being 13th Nakshatra, 13 is number which Hasta relates to. It is common knowledge that 13 is a peculiar number associated with occult, endings, death, regeneration etc. Concept of order and renewal, inherent in Hasta, can be understood best through its peculiar quality, which relates to connections of events separated by time. For example, many things which happen to us in childhood, are for a specific reason, which we only come to know about much later in life in our adulthood. For evolved souls, most events which happen in their childhood are silently building up a foundation and preparing for their purpose and destiny. It is usually very hard to understand significance of these little, seemingly meaningless, disconnected events until much later. It is within this phenomenon that secret functioning of number 13 and Hasta lies. The Book of Solomon states emphatically - ”one who understands number 13 shall have power and dominion”.


This Nakshatra is related to Sage ”Pulahu”, one of seven celestial Sages looking after affairs of our galaxy. Name of this Sage translates into ”connector of space”. We can imagine that connecting space must be quite a detailed oriented job. It is also interesting to note that it is time which is connector of space. Hasta, as we have seen, is directly connected with passage of time, through its ”potter wheel” symbolism.


One can strengthen this Nakshatra’s good qualities by worshipping Surya as a creative force, at sunrise. All remedial measures normally associated with Surya can be applied to this Nakshatra (see author’s previous work - ”Surya, The Cosmic Powerhouse”, Sagar Publications, India).

Worship of Vishnu or any of Vishnu’s incarnations is a way of getting in touch with higher energies of this Nakshatra. Repetition of root Mantras of this Nakshatra - ”Om Jham” and ”Om Nyam” 108 times when Chandr transits this Nakshatra and in its corresponding lunar month, is sure to reduce suffering and bring enlightenment into a person’s life.

Persons who are benefiting from positive energy of this Nakshatra can also increase good effects through above mentioned ways. It is helpful for them to wear all lighter shades, especially green. White is also good. Avoid bright shades. They should use its directions, lunar month and days when Chandr transits Hasta, to undertake all important actions.


Vivekananda, famous Indian saint, who made waves in West by introducing Vedanta philosophy, has his Chandr placed in Hasta in 10th Bhava. This placement definitely made him crafty with his speech. He combined wit, humor and sarcasm to enthrall audiences across America and Europe. Back in India, he preached a very Hasta doctrine of working hard on a material level.


According to Varahamihira, ”Chandr in Hasta makes one energetic, daring, merciless, a drunkard and a thief”. It is true that some of these qualities don’t apply to our exalted example, but one can find they hold ground in a lot of nativities.

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Prash Trivedi

Prash Trivedi

Prash Trivedi, renowned as a leading authority in the realm of Jyotish, has a lineage steeped in wisdom, with ancestors who were notable Sanskrit scholars, ...Read More

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