Today is a very exciting episode because we're also going to start going into the oppositions. So, I welcome my guest, Prashan Trivedi. It's good to be here, Julie. Usually, in Western astrology, the Seventh House is associated with your marriage partner. It could also be business partnerships, people that you deal with directly on a daily basis. It's also where they put contracts into this, so business partner contracts, all of that. I would love if you can illuminate us with the root of the Seventh House.
The Root of the Seventh House
Let's go back again, like we always do, from the last house. The Sixth House was about discipline, your routine, your schedule, and all of that was Sixth House work. Once you've done that work, once you've done that discipline, what happens next? You meet people, other beings, because you are not alone in this multiverse. You are a being, and there are a lot of other beings. It'll always happen that you will have to meet other beings, you'll have to interact with other beings.
Whenever you deal with any being at all, that is Seventh House, not just the things mentioned before. Any interaction with any being which comes in front because anything you'll interact with, they'll come in front of you. That will be Seventh House. So, any interaction with any being is Seventh House. The personal self-discipline in it, all the six houses up till now, have been leading to this.
First House, you establish your sense of self, your own work. Second House, eating, whatever your efforts, your mental things, your intelligence. And then finally comes your discipline, self-discipline in daily activities, routines. Then only you are ready now to meet others. All the first six houses are a preparation for this to happen.
The Purpose of Meetings and Interactions
When we have a meeting with someone, or anyone we come across, what's the whole point of this exercise? Meeting someone or dealing with someone is that it should be beneficial to both parties. In other words, it should be an evolving experience for both parties involved. So, any interaction, Seventh House, should be positive, positive for both parties, not just one party.
If there's a problem with the foundation, like if the first six houses you have not done the work properly, and the Sixth House especially, the discipline, then you cannot have a positive interaction. There can be something going wrong all the time. Either you aren't disciplined, or the other being is anticipating, or something like that, which will create a problem in that interaction.
If both beings are disciplined, both beings are wanting to evolve, then the interaction goes in a positive way. So Seventh House interaction becomes a positive thing. But a lot of times in this day and age, people jump into the Seventh House without getting all the six houses in order first. Then it becomes an opposition, the First-Seventh opposition, like when it becomes harmful for the First House.
Seventh is opposing the First, but if you're approaching it with discipline, then it becomes favorable for the First. When you deal with a being, you have to know first about yourself, where you stand, and where that being stands. For figuring that out, what will you need? Intelligence, Fifth House. You will have to be clear about the whole thing. Then, as per that, you can interact with that being.
Contracts and Legal Agreements in the Seventh House
Whenever you're dealing with any beings, there are terms and conditions automatically. Depending on your discernment, which I told you about intelligence, discernment, and that is it. That's the basis for any dealing, right? All dealings have a basis. So that basis, in these times, becomes contracts and papers and stuff because that's the kind of world we live in today.
In another time, it'll just be the basis of dealings. People aren't really of their word now as before. They said their word, and that was it. So in another time, that was just the basis of the dealings. Now those things have to be written and that thing, and proved, and published, and all kinds of things. So that is just the time we are living in right now.
Dealing with Beings in the Seventh House
Any being you meet, any person you meet, like you go to a shop, right now, you're meeting somebody, you're dealing with a person to buy something, anything is Seventh House. The Seventh House is not just about marriage or these things which people say right now. In fact, every interaction you have with another being, being comes in front of you, is Seventh House.
Whenever you're dealing with someone else, then Seventh House starts. That's automatic. But First House can be positive when you're alone. You can be doing work to evolve yourself. And when you are in Seventh House, you can be learning and doing work toward yourself in the Seventh House too. So there is no contradiction between the two. First and Seventh become the same.
The Seventh House has to be complimentary to the First House. It has to aid the First House. But for that to happen, you will have to do all the first to sixth house discipline right and apply the intelligence and the discipline, Fifth House and the Sixth House, into the Seventh House. Then only it will work out. You can keep it positive, all dealings with all other beings.