On July 27th, the shadow of the Earth will block the moon for the longest time in 120 years.
This total lunar eclipse will last 1 hour, 42 minutes, and 57 seconds. Including all phases of the eclipse from start to finish, the moon will stay in the dark for almost 4 hours.
This is a long eclipse, especially comparing to the shortest on that happened on April 4th, 2015 and lasted just 4 minutes and 48 seconds.
Eclipse Details for India
Total Lunar Eclipse
July 27, 2018
10:44 p.m. IST
10 degrees, Capricorn
Shravana Nakshatra
This year total Lunar Eclipse will fall in Shravana nakshatra and take place between 27th July, and 28th of July, 2018 on the full moon night(on the Eve of Guru Purnima)in the month ofAshadh, Vikram Samvat 2074.
This eclipse will happen in Capricorn sign in combined nakashtra of Uttarashadha and Shravan. This is going to be the longest lunar eclipse of the century and will be visible throughout India for full 4 hours. The Actual duration of the full eclipse is 1 hour, 43 minutes (103 Minutes).This astrological phenomenon will also take place alongside the Blood Moon, as well as the Mars opposition and moon will cut both Mars and Ketu in Capricorn sign.As per the Indian timing, the effect of this eclipse will be there from 2:54 pm till Lunar Moksha i.e. for 27 hours 49 minutes.during the eclipse, the moon will be conjunct retrograde Mars and opposite retrograde Mercury. This will also be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century! (103 minutes).
Chandra Grahan 27th-2018 July 2018: Timing In India and Significance of The Lunar Eclipse
Eclipse timing for Bangalore
Stages of Lunar Eclipse Date Hours Minutes Seconds
Eclipse Sparsh 27–7 23 54 10Eclipse Sammilan 28–7 00 59 57Eclipse Madhya 28–7 01 51 44Eclipse Unmilan 28–7 02 43 32
Eclipse Moksh 28–7 03 49 19
This total lunar eclipse will be visible in Asia, Europe, South America, Africa and Australia.
Due to the unconventional length of this eclipse with the added conjunction of fiery retrograde Mars in Uttrashada, in opposition with Retrograde Mercury in Ashlesha, this eclipse will be particularly significant for every being. In Vedic Astrology, Sharavana Nakshatra is symbolized by three footprints of the lord Vishnu and is associated with the story of how Vamana, an incarnation of the lord Vishnu, who kicked out the demons from the heaven and other two lokas (Tri-Lokas), in order to put back peace and harmony among mankind and the demigods (Devtas) in heaven by taking three strides and covering the whole universe by his foots.This Nakashtra is Associated with the goddess of the learning Devi Sarasvati and the Lord Shiri Vishnu.
What to do in this Guru Purnima and Lunar Eclipse
Reciting Krishna Ashtakam and Vishnu Sahasrnama during this whole Lunar eclipse would be very fruitful and would bring divine energy to the devotee and will protect from every sort of mesiries.
Divine and Individual Impact of Lunar Eclipse
In the Mundane level, 6 months after the eclipse would be very important and need to be watch for significant Geographical, military and political events.
The cosmic energy of nature which is going to be unleashed from this lunar eclipse trigger more dynamic, aggressive and volatile results oceans, or there would be chances of volcanic or earthquake-like activity could trigger around directions of the North-West countries.
lunar eclipse has major impact on the human mind more rather then on the physical body, as mind is connected with the moon phases and it rules the night events and these are significantly celestial event those works at a spiritual, physical as well as on mundane level but more it has an impact on the spiritual level of the human mind.During an eclipse there is an increase in the Rajo and Tamo guna which usually affects negative mind of the humans because of this Spirits, Ghosts and Demons usually take advantage of these elevated Rajo and tamo guna to create a variety of issues in the people astral as well as the subconcious bodie.People those are Regular sadhakas or do spiritual practice daily they are always ensured that they are protected from its subtle (intangible) harmful effects.
During Major Celestial events in celestial sphere between the Sun, Moon and the Earth, there occured a dark barrier between the Sun and the Earth in a subtle level and the powerful sorcerers those are travelling in the Akash, Patal, Bhumi usually interfere with the functioning of the Sun and the moon and hence thus increases the Rajo and Tamo guna on the Earth. This is the Major reason why most of the occult practitioners usually do the practice of Sadhna, Siddhis, Mantra jaaps to multiply their or rejuvenate their powers during the eclipses. For normal people it is difficult see these effects in normal life and only people who are having above then 50% Sixth sense awakened can see the subtle effect of the eclipses. Due to the Sun and Moon being obstructed by the dark energy or darkness or due to the absence of the sunlight, in a subtle level, environment get active for the negative energies to amass dark energy and it is the primary weapon for attack of ghosts during the eclipses to harm human being those are having weak auras or those having increases Rajas or Tamo guna increased ( i.e over sexual or over greedy) during the period of the eclipse.
During eclipses, distress or negative energies usually get increased by multiple of 1000. i.e if someone is affected by the negativity it usually get affected by 1000 time more during eclipse and same is the case when some one practise 108 Mala jaap during eclipse it has impact of 108,000 times repetions of Mantra as compared to the other times. This is the reason, its the time for both to harness the negative and positive energy from the environment either by elevating Satvo Guna by Practising Sadhna or by elevating Rajo or Tamo Guna by doing negative practises or involving in Sexual desires. This is the reason why ghosts harness the people those having excessive Rajo and Tamo guna elevated during the eclipse to amass black energy either by utilising the conditions to do more spiritual practice to gain negative spiritual black energy or by stealing the spiritual energy of seekers of God.
On the individual level, this eclipse will be a good time to re-prioritize ignored the aspect of your life, and it is an excellent time for “Flushing out your all negative traits of life, Anger, frustration and grudge which you are holding for long ” for much better and improved life.However, we are suggesting that a period of 5 ( 2.5 x 2=5 days — two Signs, 5 Phases — till Panchi when the moon will have maximum strength ) days after the eclipse is suggested for refraining from any new important new beginnings.
In Divine and Transcendental level, The More longer a lunar eclipse lasts, the stronger will be its Pranic energy unleash in nature around the globe, that will give impact around complete environment, most probably it will affect the mind setup of all the jeevas, though its spiritual energy in nature is very beneficial for spiritual beings those are in some practicing of Divine Kriyas, Sadhnas, Homam, Mantra jaap and for those who are involved in deep meditation from long and this is time to get awake your those divine powers under the shadow of full moon energy.
This is time to make maximum use of Full moon power when it is under the eclipsed arc. Sadhakas or Sadhu’s can attain maximum siddhis and divine energy when they practise Naam jaap, or do some divine sadhna. This year Lunar eclipse is for quiet much duration so it has a much longer impact on nature. This time it is here to bring some needed change all around the globe from the mental setup of the jeevas, to subconscious level of all being and from supra-conscious level of the Sadhaks and in the mundane world it will give long-lasting impact in the political scenario of the world.
This full blood moon will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the century which happens after the Mercury turns retrograde, joining four other retrograde planets (Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu). Thus, There is a massive amount of masculine cosmic energy swirling around the environment, and the July blood moon having a close conjunction with the planet Mars, which makes this blood moon’s destructive one wrt to world affairs.
Retrograde Mars and Moon will conjugate in Uttarashada nakshatra, and later Moon will move to Sravana nakshatra and joins Ketu during an eclipse, Sun in Opposite will conjunct with Rahu in Pushya nakshatra, while Mercury get retrograde in Aslesha nakshatra in a loose conjunction.
However, During this eclipse, 6 planets i.e Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Rahu, Ketu will heavily influence both Capricorn and Cancer Moon sign and Lagna which can disturb few sleepless nights for those are born in these signs. It has seen that a Lunar eclipse occurs in earth sign i.e Capricorn usually indicates being Bhomi Tattva, indicates land-related disputes, border conflicts between countries, earthquakes, landslides, floods, tsunamis, temporary downfall in real estate business, the threat of volcanoes, terrorists.
Individuals those are born with Moon conjunct Ketu or Rahu, they need not to do any water-related journey during this month. If Natives are born with Moon in Uttarashada, Sravana, Krittika, Rohini, Uttara Phalguni or Hasta constellations, or one is going through Sun or Moon Dasa, then expect major changes in life within next 6 months. If native those are born under Capricorn Moon sign or Ascendant or if one is going through Moon Dasa, then it is a time to take care of health and relationships. July-August 2018 will be a testing time (psychologically) for people born in ascendants and moon signs of Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini. Expect good days for people born in ascendants and moon signs of Aries, Pisces, Leo, Scorpio.For others, effects will be neutral.
There will be chances of heavy rains, Floods, cyclones can hit coastal areas of India.
So, be ready to Buckle up for the ride of the mental and physical body, and try to learn how to use this lunar eclipse’s energy to grow into your full self with the spiritual energy of nature.
What Vedic Mundane Principals say
According to Vedic principals, on 27th July 2018, Full moon ( Blood Moon) lunar eclipse will fall in Shravan nakshatra (Divine Star of Lord Vishnu) in Capricorn when the sun will be in exactly opposite in Pushya ( Divine Start of Lord Bramha) nakshatra in cancer sign. During this lunar eclipse, Mercury will be loosely conjoined with Sun within 19 degrees of orbital difference and Moon will cut first Mars in Uttrashada Nakashtra around 9 degrees from 27th, July 10:30 pm to 28th of July 00:15:00 Hr and then later it will cut South Node Ketu around 04:00:00 Am.
According to Koorma Chakara Paddhati, this eclipse will fall in Sign of India and Mostly it will affect the North-Western States of India and will be visible across the globe. For readers Information We have listed countries those can watch this lunar eclipse.
Tokyo, Japan Brussels, Belgium Lisbon, Portugal London, England, United Kingdom Budapest, Hungary Cairo, Egypt Ankara, Turkey Jakarta, Jakarta Special Capital Region, Indonesia Athens, Greece Rome, Italy Yangon, Myanmar Madrid, Spain Sydney, New South Wales, Australia New Delhi, Delhi, India Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Paris, Île-de-France, rance Moscow, Moscow, Russia Beijing, Beijing Municipality, China
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
According to Indian Political chart, this Eclipse will fall in 3rd-9th house axis, North-Western and South-Western states of India and across the globe need to take care. Northwestern states include “ Pakistan, Afghanistan, North of India, Kashmir, Rajasthan, Russia, Germany, Canada”. Above mentioned countries need to be very careful with any sort of political or catastrophic chaos of nature in the form of floods, Earthquake and Rainfall. This Eclipse is falling in Fire circle nakshatra and the symptom will be observed within a week.Mars will be with Moon, Rahu and sun will be 7th from Moon and South Node will be closely conjugated with Mars in uttrashada.Usually, it has been seen that whenever Moon and Mercury fall in opposition during eclipse we have observed a dramatic shift in weather situation i,e sudden rainfall, cyclonic activities and rainstorms etc to those countries falling under eclipsed areas. This Eclipse will be falling in the category of major eclipse but it is falling within a gap of 15 days from last the partial solar eclipse occurred on 13th of July 2018.
The mundane point of view it has greater meaning since from Vedic periods. Whenever two major eclipses have been observed or falling within the span of 15 or 30 days usually Mass tragedies, unusual and sudden mundane activities have been observed within a month, 6 months or could be either day before or after it where the eclipse will be visible.
This can be true in current Lunar eclipse, as soon after this eclipse we are going to see retrogression of 3 Major planets (Mars, Saturn, and Mercury) in the month of July-August 2018.
Soon after this eclipse, We could observe dramatic shifts in weather scenario, i,e increase in earthquake activities, Minor warning for tsunami’s, sudden tragedies because of political issues in North western states of India or lying close to India, chances of increase in Anti-national activities in border and there would be chances vehicle-based accidents.It is not a dead sure principal that events are likely to occur but we have been observing since past mundane events soon after the eclipse and retrogression phases of planets with eclipses, it usually brings sudden unnatural events. It’s simply because of change in apparent motion of the planets wrt to Earth closeness with elemental conflicts of signs and planets those are falling in square and trine relation to each other.Soon after this Eclipse Mars will be very closer to the earth in exact opp to the sun and can be visible via the naked eyes and it can be possibly for triggering some sort of fiery or Bhomi-Tattva activity ( i.e Earthquake, Volcano etc) .
In August 2018 Mars and Saturn will be in retrograde motion will be having a relation of 2/12 signs to each other and 7/8 relation with the Sun. North Node will be with the Sun and South node will be with the Mars in Earthy Signs in mutual relation with the nodes shows possibility of the earthy activity.
According to Brihat Samhita;
According to the Brihat Samhita, How we can observe the Lunar Eclipse. A demon Head though cut off for his having devoid nectar is still not deprived of life and it is said that, as a result of the divine nectar and potency of the nectar that head became a planet as opinion of the many of sages what Scriptures says that his disc is similar to the sun and the moon but he is not visible in the celestial sphere or heaven except on the Parva days (New and Full moon days) on account of his darkness owing to a boon conferred by the Lord Brahma and he is visible only at the time of eclipses and not on other days.
Based on the Puranic Stories, Simhika, the mother of the Rahu begged of Sage Kashyapa at an unseasonal hour for progeny.Enraged at this request he gave her a son who was dreadful like Yama.This Son came to be called Rahu, as soon as he was born, he fought and sustained a defeat at the hands of the son of Devi Aditi. Because of this humiliation he performed severe penance for 10,000 divine years on the summit of Himalayas. He asked God Brahma to confer on him the status of planet, immortality , victory over the devas and power to devour the two Luminaries ( Sun and Moon).At this the lord Spoke smilingly and said thus :
“You will find it extremely hard to digest these two, still be it so “.
So, saying the lord vanished.
Later Rahu Rushed at them during the Amrit Manthan Process and he try to get the immortal nectar by his crookedness.Then God Vishnu hurled his discus, chopped his head off and said;
“ Let the Creators words however not go to waste. In your respective periods you may devour the two luminaries and thereby indicate good and bad things for the world “
Thus it is concluded that the Lunar eclipse is occurred by the boon given by the Lord Brahma and during lunar and solar eclipse rare astronomical phenomenon occur in nature where Sun, Moon and earth has to play a major role for triggering the eclipse where the dark part is only the two coinciding point of the Moon exactly occur at 180 degree opp to each other, that point is we called as Rahu and Ketu and in divine language he is the son of the demon Vipracit, and Simhika.
According to Bhagwad Puraan, In the dynasty of Diti appeared the great saintly devotee Prahlada and also Bali, Prahlada’s grandson. Hiraṇyakaśipu and Hiraṇyakṣa were the first sons of Diti. Hiraṇyakaśipu and his wife, whose name was Kayadhu, had four sons-Saṁhlada, Anuhlada, Hlada and Prahlada. They also had one daughter, whose name was Siṁhika. In association with the demon Vipracit, Siṁhika bore a son named Rāhu, whose head was severed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Impact of this Lunar Eclipse in Mundane World
- According to Brihat Samhita, When Mercury cuts the Moon and then departs therefrom, there will be trouble for the country of Magadha (Currently as Bihar).
- The city of Mathura(UP) and People living on the banks of the river Vena (The Venna River rises in Mahabaleshwar, and is a tributary of the Krishna River in Satara district of western Maharashtra, India. It rises near Mahableshwar, a famous hill station in the Western Ghats.).
- In other places, there will be peace and plenty.
According to this shaloka, During this Lunar Eclipse it will be obstructed by the planet mars and it will also obstruct the orbit of the Moon which would cause trouble for 6 month to :
- kings (Kings here refereed to as the Political Person who rules the country, currently we can call as Prime Minister, President and Chief Minister of the state of the country, i.e Delhi) who have mobilized their army for war along with their vehicles (such as chariots, elephants and Horses ( according to the olden times, according to the modern technologies war machines includes tanks, Land Army and war machinery etc ).
- The People of Traigartas : According to the modern times, Trigarta kingdom was an ancient kingdom lying close to the Northern India region of the Indian subcontinent with its capital at Prasthala (modern Jalandhar) and fort in Kangra; Trigarta was a kingdom mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. Mahabharata mentions two different Trigarta kingdoms,
- One in the west close to the Sivi Kingdom ( It is also mentioned in the epic that Jayadratha was the king of Sindhu, Sauvira and Shivi kingdoms. Probably Sauvira and Shivi were two kingdom close to the Sindhu kingdom and Jayadratha conquered them, which would place Shivi somewhere in Western Rajasthan, Areas near Pakistan, Afganisthan though alternatively it could also be Sibi, Balochistan which is to the west of Sauvira and Sindhu and adjacent to both. Jayadratha was an ally of Duryodhana and husband of Duryodhana’s, sister Dussala.and the other north to the Kuru Kingdom.
- Modern Kangra is one of the ancient town in North Trigarta, extending westward to the Punjab area. Multan (Pakistan) was the capital of Trigarta with its original name that is Mulasthan. The territory of Trigarta Kingdom is around the three rivers of Satluj, Beas, and Ravi.
- People and Kings of the Trigarta region i.e Modern Kangra (Himachal Pradesh), Jalandhar (Punjab), Area near Pakistan i.e Multan Sibi, Baochistan, and Western Rajasthan , Malavas(Currently Punjab lying close to ravi and chenab rivers, then the Malavas migrated southwards to present-day Rajasthan, and ultimately to Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat etc) ., Kaulindas ( Those of Kulinda ; The Kingdom of Kuninda (or Kulinda in ancient literature) was an ancient Central Himalayan kingdom documented from around the 2nd century BCE to the 3rd century, located in the modern state of Uttarakhand and southern areas of Himachal in northern India.), Tribal chiefs (people living near forests or tribes areas or leaders of those groups), The Sibis (Ancient people attested to have been living in central Punjab since remote antiquity) , Kings of Ayodhya (ancient city located near Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is identified with the legendary city of Ayodhya, and as such, is believed to be the birthplace of Rama and setting of the epic Ramayana.
The present-day city is identified as the location of Saketa) - The people of Kuru country ( the modern-day states of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand and the western part of Uttar Pradesh (the region of Doab, till Prayag), Kings of Virata (The city of Biratnagar (Nepal) is named after this kingdom. At present day, the ruins of this kingdom has been found at East of Biratnagar called Buddhanagar.) and Sukti (Chedi was an ancient Indian kingdom which fell roughly in the Bundelkhand division of Madhya Pradesh regions to the south of river Yamuna along the river Ken. Its capital city was called Suktimati in Sanskrit and Sotthivati-nagara in Pali.) countries and other important Ksatriya chiefs will be get impact by this Eclipse.
- Mars is obstructing the path of the moon orbit during this Eclipse, as Mars also Presides over war and is the commander of the heavenly forces, his contacts with the moon presages harm to war Mongers countries and places.
- So this conjunction could leads to war like situation or conflicting situation with the countries those are lying close to North western states of India (falling under Capricorn and Shravan Nakashtra)
This has been Concluded for the post results after lunar eclipse as in next month, around 11th, August 2018 we will be expecting another Partial Solar eclipse after 15 days of this eclipse which will be going to visible in ; Northern and eastern Europe, Northern parts of North America, and some northern and western locations in Asia, making it the most watched solar eclipse of 2018.So we can expect such results after 11th of August and can be experienced within 1 month of the period.
According to this shaloka,
Colour of the Eclipse has been observed and if the colour of the moon is of Ash colour, Rough, Reddish ( Bloodred), Devoid of rays and Dark appearance and looks broken or shaky, people will have danger from hunger, tumult, pestilence, disease and thieves in store (There will be hike in price hikes of Food products around North-Western States or countries) .This Lunar eclipse has been considered as the blood-moon that shows above mentioned effects could be expected in coming months after the lunar eclipse.As, Lunar Eclipse disc will appear like Reddish people can suffer as a result of famine in some of the areas where disc will be visible prominently (Shaloka 53–59, Brihat Samhita, Rahuchar).
According to this shaloka, As Sign Cancer is also participate in this eclipse, the People of Abheeras (Modern day Abhira territory lies within Northern areas of Gujarat and Southern Rajasthan), Sabaras ( Tribe scattered in South Kanara Districts), Pallavas (Pahlavas are referenced in various Puranic texts like Vayu Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Markendeya Purana, Matsya Purana, Vamana Purana etc. Kirfel’s list of Uttarapatha countries of the Bhuvanakosha locates the Pahlavas along with the Tusharas, Chinas, Angalaukikas, Barbaras, Kambojas, Daradas, Bahlikas and other countries of the Udichya division of ancient India.) , Those are in the profession of Wrestling or fitness etc, Mathsyas (It roughly corresponded to the former state of Jaipur in Rajasthan, and included the whole of Hindaun, Alwar with portions of Bharatpur), Kurus ( Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand and the western part of Uttar Pradesh), Sakas (The Saka people were an Iranian people who spoke a language belonging to the Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages) and Panchalas (The Panchala kingdom(Mahabharata) extends from the Himalayas in the north; to the Charmanwati river; with the Kuru, Surasena and Matsya kingdoms to the west; and the Naimisha Forest to the east. ) will suffer due to destruction’s of food grains.
According to this shaloka Eclipse is occurring in the sign Capricorn which will affect the people those are in fishing profession, or the fishes those are living in sea or rivers, Ministers and their families will suffer, men of low class ( people of those are of service class or in service industry would get affect) and also those who are skilled in charms ( occult, black magic, healing’s or doctors those are working with herbs those are working as old and inform and the person who holds the profession of weapons or who lives by weapon ( i.e Army, police and security guards) also suffers.
According to this Shaloka,
In This Eclipse, Mercury would aspect the Eclipsed moon, so products like Ghee, Honey and oils would become Scarce and dear and kings would come to grief (Downfall of King revenue) , as Mars is also joining the lunar eclipse he would cause outbreak of wars like situation, rish from fire and there would be trouble from robbers, means there would be chances of war like situation or probability of Military actions from the people those are in the weapon industry or working as army-men.
People of Avanthi ( Madhyapradesh; The historical Avanti Kingdom of ancient India is described in the Mahabharata epic. Avanti was divided into north and south by river Vetravati.Initially, Mahissati(Sanskrit; Mahishamati) was the capital of Southern Avanti, and Ujjaini (Sanskrit Ujjayini) was of northern Avanti, but at the times of Mahavira and Buddha, Ujjaini was the capital of integrated Avanti. The country of Avanti roughly corresponded to modern Malwa, Nimar and adjoining parts of the Madhya Pradesh), People living near banks of Cauvery i,e Tamilnaidu and Karnataka, and People and Kings (Ministers) those are living near banks of Narmada i,e Madhya pradesh, will suffer from Arrogance and misery (with great physical or mental distress or discomfort due to arrogance ruling).
As, Mercury is conjoined in this lunar eclipse with Sun and Rahu, it will afflict the country lying between Ganges (River rises in the western Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, and flows south and east through the Gangetic Plain of North India, Places such as Varanasi, Uttrakhand, west bengal etc) .and Jumna (People living near Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, passing by Uttarakhand and later Delhi, and meeting its tributaries on the way, including Tons, its largest tributary in Uttarakhand, Chambal) , on the banks of Saryu (Sarayu is a river that flows through the Indian states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.) , those living on the east coast and on the banks of the sona (The Son parallels the Kaimur hills, flowing east-northeast through Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar states to join the Ganges just west of Patna. Geologically, the lower valley of the Son is an extension of the Narmada Valley, and the Kaimur Range an extension of the Vindhya Range. Dehri on sone and Sonbhadra are the major cities situated on Son River.), womenfolk (Women’s living around these banks) , kings (ministers) and warriors (Army men or solders) , Princes (People having royal status) and the learned (People those are knowledgeable and intelligent ) would come to grief .
According to this shaloka we have seen that Soon after the eclipse there could be possibility of the dry weather with less rainfall which can result low water level in wells, tanks and rivers can also dry up and possibly it will bring hot, dry and warm weather in areas close to the Kashmir ( Jammu and Kashmir), Pakistan, Kabul, Kandhar, Afghanistan, China, Madhyapradesh). People those are in the profession of fruits, Herbs and shrubs i.e Gandhara Kingdom (Gandhāra (Sanskrit: गन्धार) was a kingdom mentioned in the Indian epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. Gandhara was lying close to the modern zone of Pakistan, afganisthan and kabul . Puskalavati, Takshasila (Taxila) and Purushapura (Peshawar) were cities in this Gandhara kingdom.), Kashmir ( Jammu and Kashmir region, upper hilly region of Kashmir) , Pulindas Kingdom, (Sanskrit: पुलिंद) were an ancient tribe of India, likely resident in the environs of the Vindhya Range of Central India, The Rock Edicts of Ashoka (269 BCE — 231 BCE) mention the Pulindas, their capital Pulinda-nagara, and their neighboring tribes, based on which their capital is sometimes located in present-day Jabalpur District of Madhya Pradesh state.According to the Basak belongs to the the hill tribes of the Vindhya and Satpura ranges, more specifically the Bhils, or could be belongs to the area of Bundelkhand. Though they are clearly associated with the Vindhyan region, believed to have had multiple tribal branches that ranged up to the Himalayan region and Assam) and China Kingdom will suffer greatly due to Irregular rainfall and dry, warm weather. Temperature will be high and there will be situation like no rainfall after eclipse.
Observation need to be check after Post eclipse in above mentioned Places and countries
- If after the termination of an eclipse there should be a dust storm in the place within seven days, it will cause famine.
- If there would be heavy mist, there would be outbreak of diseases.
- If there be an earthquake, there could be death of a leading king.
- If there be fall of a meteor, there could be destruction of a minister.
- If there appear clouds of many colours, there could be an extreme panic.
- If there would be thunder, there would be chances of miscarriages.
- If there be lightning, there will be trouble to kings and tusked animal.
- If there occurs Misty circle around the sun or the moon, there will be outbreak of diseases.
- If there will be false fires in the quarters, there will be risk to the kings and danger from fire.
- If there will be fierce dry winds there will be trouble from robbers.
- If there will be clap of portentous thunder or rainbow or danda, there will be danger of famine and attack by an enemy army.
- If there will be Planetary warfare happening in the sign of capricon, there will be chances of war among kings and if Ketu ( Comet) is seen, there will be chances of war like situation.
- If there will be normal rains without any unnatural Features within 7 days there will be prosperity and plenty of food, grains and crops and whatever evil was indicated by the eclipse, all that would be completely ward off.
Let’s see what is written in the destiny of the world. we can only pray and hope for the best of world peace and integrity. Stars works on universal principals.we are nothing against the working principals of nature and neither we can change anything in material world.its the time and nature who decides and balances it for establishing harmony in the world. Eclipses are rare astronomical events because all three; the Earth, the moon, and the sun must align. During a lunar eclipse, the sun and the moon are on the opposite sides of the Earth. With this split, there is a clear energy in the air of the future and the past — what you need to change versus what you need to let go.
Source and Reference:
Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat
Originally published atwww.vedicsiddhanta.in.