What's Happening in June?
June is actually an excellent month for making big leaps. If you ever wanted to focus on your goals, take some risks, and take steps towards them without any obstruction on the way, then this is the month to do it. In fact, on the first day of the month, Mars starts its movement into its own sign of Aries and it will stay there till July 13th. This movement is excellent for the fire signs.
Mars in Aries
Mars here could bring gains and investments or property as it aspects Cancer and Scorpio. In fact, all planets aspect Scorpio in the beginning of the month. There is a lot of focus on Scorpio until March of next year. This is a good time to make long-term investments and make some momentous change in your life. If you don’t do it willingly, it will happen for you because that’s what Scorpio energy is – the sort of change where you’re completely a new person with a new life, new partner, new job, or new place.
With Mars in Aries, you will have the courage to take that big leap of faith. It's also an excellent time to learn occult subjects with the triple activation of Scorpio going on till March 2025. Profound changes are in store for many people.
Mars Transit Timeline
The Mars transit, which starts June 1st and goes till July 13th, will make it an action-packed few weeks. With Saturn's aspect on Mars in Aries, it can help you take calculated risks as they are both in very dignified positions. You will feel renewed, regenerated, and transformed this month, and can have some life-changing moments.
Venus Combustion
We are experiencing Venus combustion till the third week of June. There is a saturation of planets in Taurus, so see where that Taurus-Scorpio angle is in your chart because there will be a lot of activity there. Some of it will be quite positive, and some can be surprising.
Financial and Health Focus
There will be a lot of emphasis on making money, finding new ways of making money, and investing money. This is a good time to look at what foods are healthy to eat and what are harmful. With Jupiter in Virgo, this supports making assessments on the food that you eat and the habits that you have.
For instance, I am going through Venus POI at this time and I have Venus sitting in Rohini and Taurus. I love sweets; it's definitely a weakness for me. Recently, I thought about going without sugar and researched the effects of a no-sugar diet. I decided to do a small two-week challenge. Two weeks without sugar seems impossible for someone who has sweets every single day, but I am going to give it a go.
Material Gains and Family Time
Many people will also be keen on changing what they eat, how they save money, how they make money, and how they invest money. It's a good month for rearranging your family business and spending time with family. Buying things to beautify your home is also fantastic. It's a month where material gains are featured for people.
New Moon Cycle
The second event of the month is a new moon cycle. We have a new moon in Taurus in the Nakshatra of Rohini on June 6th. See what Taurus represents in your chart to see where you can experience a new beginning. Venus is close by, so a new relationship can feature now. It could be a complete reformation of an old relationship. Venus is exactly combust at this time, with the Sun and Venus within one degree of each other, often called a planetary war.
Relationship Clarity
You can have a moment of clarity about a relationship, especially if your relationship has been going through problems. This can lead to deeper intimacy and authenticity in your relationship. There will be a definitive decision and a more certain path in relationships for many people during this new moon.
With the new moon in Rohini, there are three benefics aspecting this moon cycle, so many people will be pleased with the results. Abundance, growth, and good news can feature at this time. It can be related to family ties growing, with new additions to the family. If you wanted to start a new direction, especially where money is involved, this is a standout day.
Venus Transit into Gemini
On June 12th, Venus finally moves away from the Sun’s gaze and starts its transit into Gemini. Venus will remain in Gemini till July 7th. Venus is well placed in Gemini at this time, making a birth and yog with Mercury in Taurus, though it only lasts till June 14th. Both Mercury and the Sun will follow Venus into Gemini. It's a great time to connect with others, network, and socialize.
Sun in Gemini
The Sun has moved into Gemini and will transit there from June 14th till July 16th. The Venus combustion is wearing off now, starting to fade quite a bit after June 21st. This is another good transit for the Sun, as it gets the aspect of two benefics, similar to its transit in Taurus. With Mercury also in Gemini from June 14th till June 29th, it's a good phase for networking, connecting, socializing, and having fun with friends and peers.
Full Moon Cycle
On June 22nd, we have a full moon cycle in Sagittarius in the Nakshatra of Mula. This moon gets aspected by Venus and Mercury. Again, there’s a focus on relationships, socializing, connecting with others, having fun, and exploring. Both moon cycles get aspected by benefics and don’t receive any malefic influence. The Sun is also in good shape all month.
Mercury Moving into Cancer
The final transit will be Mercury moving into Cancer at the end of the month on June 29th, staying until July 20th. We will discuss more about this next month as it doesn’t happen till the end of June.
June and Beyond
All in all, June is a great month, very enjoyable. July looks to be another great month with moon cycles free of obstructions from any malefic aspects. Both June and July contain good solid moon cycles, so make the most of these two months.