Prash Trivedi
Prash Trivedi
Dec 30, 202322 Min Read
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Mula Nakshatra by Prash Trivedi -DKSCOREdkwatemark

Exploring the Mysteries of Mula Nakshatra with Prash Trivedi: Unveiling the Power and Depth of the First of the Last Nine Asterisms

00° 00’ Dhanur - 13° 20’ Dhanur In the Sky

Mula, first among last nine asterisms, consists of a bunch of nine stars, which were seen by ancients as forming a shape similar to a lion’s tail. These nine stars are known in modem astronomy as Lambda Scorpionis (Shaula), Epsilon Scorpionis, Mu 1 Scorpionis, Iota 1 Scorpionis, Theta Scorpionis, Eta Scorpionis, Zeta Scorpionis, Kappa Scorpionis & Upsilon Scorpionis (Lesath). All of these stars lie in end portion of astronomical constellation of Vrischika, but astrologically they form part of Rasi Dhanur. Their location corresponds to center of Milky Way, which can be easily seen stretching across like a white river in night sky. When we look at these stars in night sky, we are basically looking towards centre of our galaxy. Shaula and Lesath, having visual magnitudes of 1.63 & 2.68 respectively, are studded together and form brightest part of this asterism.


”Mula” translates into ”root”, ”center” or ”innermost core”. In our view, nothing really needs to be said about this asterism’s nature and functioning after its meaning is revealed. Mula is straight, direct and doesn’t like to beat about bush. However, we nevertheless have no option but to carry on with our dissection of its roots.


Its main symbol is a ”tied bunch of roots”. Both its name and symbol emphasize word ”root”, and this asterism literally relates to ”root” of everything. Fact that centre of our galaxy lies in it, conveys same idea. Just like its planetary Lord Ketu, this asterism deals with getting to bottom / core of everything. In trees and plants roots are usually hidden, which means that this Nakshatra deals with all kinds of hidden things, realms, events, motives, propensities etc. Tied bunch of roots also symbolizes restrictive aspect of this asterism.

Term ”root” has another meaning in word ”rooted”. This Nakshatra also relates to something properly rooted. This gives a strong foundation to actions of this Nakshatra. Its symbol also means collecting or tying up what belongs to one. Ketu, as we know, is one who stores past Karmas and releases ones ripe enough to be experienced in present life. It can help one collect necessary tools from past, which one requires in fulfilling one’s goal in present life. This is suggested by symbolism of tied roots. Mula thus helps one put together, in a meaningful way, one’s talents, which have developed in past lives.

Just as a tree’s roots penetrate into unseen realms beneath earth’s surface, Mula has a lot to do with investigation into things unseen or unknown. Along with its counterpart Ardra, (which lies directly opposite in zodiac), Mula has strongest and deepest sense of inquiry amongst all Nakshatras.

In ancient medicinal systems like Ayurveda, roots of various plants are used for medicinal purposes, thus Mula is directly associated with making medicines. In same way, Mule also relates to root of diseases, i.e. microorganisms like viruses, bacteria etc. Just like everything under Mula’s jurisdiction, these microorganisms are invisible to naked eye.

Finally, fact that roots are tied suggests an idea of constraint and limitation. As a result, Mula often does not allow too much freedom or scattering away of energies, and makes one delve deeply within a limited sphere. In fact, Mula is most pinpointed in approach in comparison to other Nakshatras.


Its presiding deity, as per Vedic texts, is goddess of dissolution and destruction, known as ”Nritti”, a name which translates into ”calamity”. She is supposed to be daughter of Adharma (unrighteousness) and Himsa (violence), and mother of Mrityu (death) and Bhaya (fear). Some texts also mention Nritti as a destructive demon, and some texts see her as Alakshmi, opposite of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth, abundance and prosperity).

In light of above, it is not hard to see that this is not a very pleasant Nakshatra. However, everything is not doom and gloom with this Nakshatra. After all, it lies in luckiest among Rasis, Dhanur, which in turn is ruled by greatest benefic Guru.

In author’s opinion, Mula is a very powerful Nakshatra, even on material plane. It can give worldly status, prosperity etc. Only thing is that it usually takes it all away from native in question at some point. This, however, is not uncommon in sense that death takes away all these things from everyone anyways.

Nritti shouldn’t be seen as a goddess of poverty, misfortune and calamity. In fact, her Nakshatra represents peak of material achievement and beginning of spiritual impulse. Mula is 19th Nakshatra and 19 is a very lucky number for all types of material achievements.

Just like Kali, fierce form of Parvati, her destructive aspect is always constructive in some sense. Her Nakshatra promotes non-violence and all other such virtues, after a proper understanding has been attained.

Nature & Functioning

Mula’s primary approach to life is to get to root of things. It is a relentless Nakshatra, which will stop at nothing until it has exercised its will. Obviously, not all natives under a strong influence of Mula are this extreme, but they do try to fully utilize whatever willpower is available at their command.

It is in Mula’s nature to quickly cut out and destroy things that have lost their value. It is a very impulsive Nakshatra. Much more often than not, it regrets its actions in hindsight. Only when its will is in tune with universal will, does Mula function in a wise jupiterian way. Struggle between individuality and universality reaches its peak here, as individuality is at its peak expression.

Process of individualization begins in Ashwini, lionizes in Magha and culminates in Mula. Completed individual seeks experiences beyond domain of ego and self-centeredness. Having said this, Mula is still quite a proud and haughty Nakshatra. Mula natives, however, are unable to comprehend their own power and abilities. In some cases, this is a good thing, as their ability to inflict damage upon themselves and others is restricted by their ignorance.

Its dreadful and demoniac side comes from negative functioning of Ketu in its lower aspects. It is a powerful asterism which can give dominion and lordship. This can sometimes breed ego, vanity and arrogance, which can lead one to perform abominable and demoniac actions. Ravana and Kamsa, two main villainical characters in Ramayana and Mahabharata respectively, are associated with this asterism. They started harassing and killing without discrimination after gaining influence and power. This asterism can give power and influence, as it follows Nakshatra known as Jyeshta or ”eldest”, which signifies height of material accomplishment. This asterism relates to state after one has successfully conquered material realm.

Among body parts, it relates to feet, which emphasizes its capacity to take heavy responsibility, just as feet take up load of body. As suggested by symbolism of tied roots, it helps one put together, in a meaningful way, one’s talents, which have developed in past lives. Although it may sound bizarre, it also promotes non-violence and protects good. It is also a magical Nakshatra, which either confers magical powers or helps those in need in sudden magical ways. This asterism gives both good or bad results in a blazing explosive way. It is usually triumphant in all sorts of warfare, but a downfall does take place at some point of time.

Natives with Mula relating to Lagna have prominent noses, ears and thick lower lips. They can’t be classified as attractive in general sense of word, even though they have a peculiar magnetism, especially in case of highly evolved souls. It is usually quite easy to spot Mula types in a crowd. They usually display one form of arrogance or other in their dealings with others. Sarcasm, boldness and reservedness go hand in hand in Mula’s behavioral patterns. There is a tendency to overtly dramatize or underplay situations. Mula natives have peculiar ways of looking at any given situation, which often puts them at odds with those around them. A degree of over-eagerness is seen when it comes to taking drastic actions or measures to resolve situations or problems. Their special talent lies in getting to root of any matter at hand, without any unnecessary beating about bush. However, this straightforward, direct approach lands them in trouble when their judgment is skewed.

Mode of Functioning

Mula is considered to be an active Nakshatra. Mula is essentially a seeker on all planes of existence. Just like Rasi Dhanur, it is very proactive in this seeking. It is its active nature which makes Mula more scary in comparison to other demonic and Tamasic Nakshatras. As we have discussed earlier, Mula doesn’t waste too much time in converting thoughts into actions. Since most of Mula’s activities, like death, are feared, not many people are able to creatively harness its active energies.


It belongs to butcher caste. This obviously is in reference to Mula’s destructive quality. It is Mula’s job to cut away anything which has outlived its usefulness. There are different types of butchery, i.e. a man cutting up animals in an abattoir, Kali cutting off demon’s heads (refer to image), or an ascetic cutting off his desires and attachments. Obviously we can see that there is a sense of right and wrong here and not all butcheries are bad. Death, which is essentially cutting cord between astral and physical body, is a kind of universal butchery, which in a way is a liberating and regenerative process.


It is a neutral Nakshatra. As far as gender is concerned, Mula represents neutral aspect of Ketu. This is why its presiding deity is sometimes seen as a goddess and sometimes as a male demon. After all, centre of galaxy and root of all things cannot have a gender bias.

Body Parts & Humor

Among body parts it relates to feet, which emphasizes its capacity to take heavy responsibility, just as feet take up load of whole body. It also relates to left side of torso.

It is a primarily ”Vata” (airy) Nakshatra. Trying to understand this classification is like trying to understand nature of a black hole. One would expect Mula to be a primarily Pitta (fiery) Nakshatra, considering its connection with Ketu, Guru and Dhanur. We will, however, try and give a small explanation here:

Vata humor is directly connected to Prana (astral life force) in body. Process of breathing is essential dividing line between life and death. Since Mula relates to only root processes, it has to relate to Vata humor.


It is related primarily to South-West, North-West, North-East and East. However, it is mainly connected with ”centre” or ”middle”.


First Pada of this asterism (00° 00’ - 3° 20’ Dhanur) falls in Mesha Navamsa ruled by Mangal. This Pada relates to all types of deep searches and probes. These can take place on material or spiritual planes, depending upon evolutionary status of native in question. Outlook here is hopeful and optimistic if Ketu is well placed. A certain degree of erratic egotism and self-centeredness can be noticed when this Pada is working through its lower aspect. Grahas, especially Chandr, when placed in this Pada, are supposed to be harmful for wellbeing of father. Surya, Guru, Mangal and Ketu are strong here.

Second Pada of this asterism (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Dhanur) falls in Vrisabha Navamsa ruled by Sukr. This Pada has both occult and material implications. It can make one hardworking while pursuing material objectives. This same resoluteness and tenacity is seen when Grahas here concentrate on realms beyond material. A certain creative spark is seen when it comes to arts, music and other venusian pursuits. Grahas here usually cause some sort of strife and obstacles. They give bad results for mother’s wellbeing. Guru, Mangal, Chandr and Sukr do well here.

Third Pada of this asterism (6° 40’ - 10° 00’ Dhanur) falls in Mithuna Navamsa ruled by Budh. This is word play Pada. In a way, this is most light amongst Mula’s Padas. Focus here is on communication, wordplay and relationships. Mula’s need for dominion is transferred onto an intellectual plane. At their best, Grahas here can create a balance between material and spiritual values. This Pada is generally against money and material acquisition of any sorts. Afflicted Grahas here can cause dire poverty. Guru, Budh, Rahu and Ketu can give good results here.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Dhanur) falls in Karkataka Navamsa ruled by Chandr. This is most tumultuous among Mula’s Padas. There’s a constant struggle in trying to bridge emotional realm with other planes. Emotional nature is too easily disturbed in this Pada. Best option for natives under strong influence of this Pada is to sacrifice their emotions for higher goals. According to ancient texts, this Pada is harmful for general wellbeing of a native and some propitiatory rites are required to harness its energy properly. Guru is Graha which is most conducive for channeling energy of this Pada.


Shaman, medicine men, healers; doctors and other such people who administer poisons, shots and vaccines; dentists; ministers, preachers; police officers; detectives and investigators; judges; hitmen & soldiers; researchers, especially in fields of microbiology & genetics; astronomers; morticians and those who perform autopsies; orators & public speakers; all professions involving oratorical ability, like mass leaders, rock musicians etc.; debators & contrarians; those involved in selling herbs, roots & root vegetables like carrots, potatoes etc.; bodyguards; wrestlers; homicide squads; politicians; those practicing Tantra (especially Aghoras), voodoo practitioners & black magicians; nuclear physicists; mathematicians; professional agitators; gold diggers & treasure hunters; horse trainers & all those involved in equine sports; psychotherapists; astrologers; ascetics; mining; coal & petroleum industry; all professions involving investigation of any kind; professions involving destructive activities.


Deserts; high mountain regions where special herbs are found; dense rainforests & other such inaccessible places; frozen deserts like Antarctica; bottom of oceans, lakes etc.; hidden subterranean caves; earth’s core & all layers beneath earth’s surface; small isolated islands & places; big institution buildings; supreme courts & other courts of justice; abattoirs; cremation grounds and cemeteries; places connected to death & death rituals; agricultural wasteland; war grounds; drought areas; places where mass calamities have taken place; all places connected with abovementioned professions.

Guna & Tatva

It is a Tamasic asterism, in sense that it relates to dark and passive aspect of nature. Thus it can cause all sorts of confusion, paranoia, fears etc., which fall in domain of Ketu’s significations. It also deals with all types of smoking and intoxication.

It belongs to air element. This is again a puzzling classification, as Mula is more strongly connected to fiery Grahas and Rasis. Since air element is directly connected to Vata humor, readers can look up in Body parts & humor section for an explanation.


It is a Rakshasa (demonic) Nakshatra. It is a powerful asterism, which can give dominion and lordship. This can sometimes breed ego, vanity and arrogance, which can lead one to do abominable and demoniac actions. Two Titan kings, who are main characters in two main Vedic historical texts, Ravana and Kamsa, are associated with this asterism. They started harassing and killing without discrimination, after gaining influence and power.

Orientation & Disposition

It is a downward Nakshatra. Since roots grow down into ground and not upwards, it makes sense that Mula is classified as a downward Nakshatra. Mula, as we know, has energy which is always trying to move towards centre or inner core. It involves digging, whether it be for earthly treasures like gold or petroleum, or more important things like enlightenment.

It is a hard, sharp and dreadful Nakshatra. Its sharpness relates to sharp and often harsh way Ketu functions. This relates more to destructive aspect of Ketu. Sometimes sharpness is necessary to initiate an important change and wake us up from our sleep. It is an intense Nakshatra, which initiates spiritual transformation. For understanding its hard and dreadful side, all one needs to do is look at its image.

Lunar Month & Tithi

It relates to second half of lunar month of Jyaistha, which usually falls in June.

Mula is also related to Prathama & Chaturthi (1st & 4th Tithis) of waxing and waning phases of Chandr’s monthly cycle.

Auspicious Activities

Any activity involving getting down to root of a matter; activities involving gathering together of knowledge, people etc.; singing, oratory and all activities requiring forcefulness and dynamism; good for administering herbs & medicines; suitable for planting, gardening and other agricultural activities; suitable for laying foundations for house, construction work, buying and selling homes; good for expressing sexuality; favorable for adventures; good for getting even by cutting chase; favorable for contemplation, self-exploration & self-assertion; favorable for meditation on death and fierce deities like Kali ; good for initiation into occult realms & study of sciences like astrology.

Inauspicious Activities

Does not favor any activity involving balance, tact, diplomacy; not good for initiations or beginnings pertaining to materialistic matters; unsuitable for marital ceremony; especially unfavorable for borrowing or lending money and financial transactions in general.


Mule combines energy of Guru and Ketu. Ketu is main Lord of this Nakshatra. Being a destructive asterism, Mula relates to destructive potential of Ketu. Ketu’s destructiveness is always benign, in sense that it either initiates a new beginning or a spiritual transformation. Ketu is Graha signifying root underlying impulses of all thoughts and actions. It is also a Graha which gives access and insight into unseen realms as well as invisible causes of visible things or events.

Guru’s involvement with this Nakshatra makes sure that transformations under Mula happen for better. Although it may sound bizarre, Mula also promotes non-violence and protects good. It is a magical Nakshatra, which either confers magical powers or helps those in need in sudden magical ways. Ketu loses much of its power to give bad results when associated with Guru in any way. In its negative aspect however, jupiterian energy can foster and expand wildly destructive and idiosyncratic tendencies of Ketu. Mula is a strong energy, which can either produce a benevolent Sage or a demonic entity wanting to conquer everything.

Mula’s fieriness relates to fiery aspect of Ketu. Ketu, as we know, is a predominantly fiery Graha. Through this asterism it gives both good or bad results in a blazing explosive way. Its fieriness makes it favorable for war and other similar activities. It is usually triumphant in all sorts of warfare, but a downfall does take place at some point of time. Most prominent generals and military leaders have important Grahas placed in Mula.

Adolf Hitler’s chart is a glaring example of negative ramifications of combined functioning of Guru and Ketu. He is one of few people to have Guru - Ketu conjunction in Mula, which allows for a complete expression of tremendous power inherent in this Nakshatra. It is Guru’s task to guide Ketu’s energy in a wise and beneficial way. This is usually only achieved when energies of Guru and Sani are harmonized properly in a nativity (in Hitler’s chart Sani didn’t aspect Guru - Ketu conjunction, allowing for an uninhibited expression of darker demonic energies of Mula).

Guru - Ketu conjunction carries Mula energy. A well placed Surya, Mangal and Guru do well in Mula. Ketu almost always gives some extreme idiosyncratic tinge to native, despite being very strong in its own Nakshatra.

Vowels & Alphabets

First Pada or quarter of this asterism (00° 00’ - 3° 20’ Dhanur) corresponds to ”Ye” as in Yale.

Second Pada of this asterism (3° 20’ - 6° 40’ Dhanur) corresponds to ”Yo” as in Yoga.

Third Pada of this asterism (6° 40’ - 10° 00’ Dhanur) corresponds to ”Bha” as in Bhang.

Fourth Pada of this asterism (10° 00’ - 13° 20’ Dhanur) corresponds to ”Bhe” as in Bhesh.

In Sanskrit alphabet, Mula corresponds to ”Na”, ”Pa” and ”Pha”, consequently its Mantras are ”Om Nam”, ”Om Pam” and ”Om Pham”.

Sexual Type & Compatibility

Its sexual animal is a dog. It is more of a howling hound dog, rather than a Scottish terrier (please refer to image). It is most compatible with Ardra, other dog Nakshatra.

For sexual & marital compatibility with other Nakshatras please refer to tables at end of this document.


Mula is first among asterisms which symbolizes spiritual journey of soul. It follows Jyeshta (18th Nakshatra), which is last among second series of, asterisms dealing with material involvement and accomplishments. Even two titan kings, Ravana and Kamsa, were finally initiated on a spiritual path after they were defeated in battle by two incarnations of Vishnu, Rama and Krishna respectively.

Spirituality which Mula brings about is different from that of previous Nakshatras, in sense that Mula goes for ”root” of everything. In spiritual terms, this means that Mula settles for nothing less than absolute merger with Paramatman (universal soul). Mula goes about this process through many extreme ways - sometimes it discards everything using principle of Neti Neti (not this, not this). At other times, it goes for accumulating immense power in three Lokas (heaven, earth and netherworld). It then misuses this power so that root deities like Vishnu have to personally intervene. In this intervention lies key to its salvation.

Third way relates to goddess Kali. On this path, Mula goes after and destroys demons and negativities within, without procrastination or mercy. Once this is done, only Satva remains and liberation is just a mere formality. Through this path Mula devotes itself to being a tool of universal mind, rather than being a wayward rebel. Life story of Anjaneya (commonly known by his other name Hanuman), an incarnation of Shiva and a devotee of Rama (an incarnation of Vishnu), reveals true spirituality of Mula.

Mula’s association with centre of galaxy relates it to Brahma, creator among Trinity. Mula thus derives its power from this understanding of original process of creation.

Being 19th Nakshatra, it relates to number 19. 19 is seen as a solar number, which signifies both beginning and completion. 19 has power to stand before spiritual ”sun” because it has gone beyond mundane lunar functionings, which reach their culmination in number 18. It is its association with number 19 which gives Mula power and prosperity on a material plane, even though its presiding deity Nritti is supposed to be averse to material abundance and prosperity.


This Nakshatra is related to Sage Pulasthya, one of seven celestial Sages looking after affairs of our galaxy. Name of this Sage translates into ”having smooth hair”. Pulasthya appears to be a two sided Sage. His lighter, more benevolent side is expressed through his connection with Mrigashira and Uttaraphalguni, while his connection with Mula and Purvabhadrapada reveals a destructive aspect, concealed underneath benign posh exterior.


For those suffering from bad effects resulting from afflictions to this Nakshatra, best remedial measure is worship of fierce deities like Kali and Rudra. Contemplation and meditation on death in all its forms leads to constructive utilization of Mula energy.

Repetition of root Mantras of this Nakshatra - ”Om Nam”, ”Om Pam” and ”Om Pham” 108 times when Chandr transits this Nakshatra and in its corresponding lunar month, is sure to reduce suffering and bring enlightenment into a person’s life. ”Om Eshte Nirate Bhagastam Jushsva” can be recited to cure bad effects associated with Mules first three Padas.

Persons who are benefiting from positive energy of this Nakshatra can also increase good effects through above mentioned ways. It is helpful for them to wear a mixture of black, red & golden colors or earth tones. They should use its directions, lunar month and days when Chandr transits Mula, to undertake all important actions.


Ravana, mightiest titan king and sorcerer of Treta Yuga (Silver age), was born with his Lagna Lord Surya placed in Mula. As narrated in famous historical text, Ramayana, he gained immense power and lordship over three worlds through hard penances aimed at pleasing Shiva. This shows Mula’s ability to gain power on a universal level through a close association with root forces. He, however, fell prey to haughty, bashful and unwise aspect of Mule energy and met his end as a villain in hands of Rama, 7th incarnation of Vishnu.

Hanuman, or Anjaneya, incarnation of 11th Rudra (celestial deities presiding over universal affairs) in monkey form in abovementioned Treta Yuga, was born with Mula rising. His power surpassed even that of Ravana, but he always selflessly offered it to righteousness, which in his time was represented by abovementioned Rama.


According to Varahamihira, Chandr in Mula makes one ”haughty, rich and happy besides giving a fixed, luxury loving and compassionate disposition”.

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Prash Trivedi

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